Showing posts with label Sandals ZARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandals ZARA. Show all posts

Monday, 11 April 2016

How to wear the leather vest

The other weekend I went out for a picture session on the biggest most windy day as I literally freeze .. not to tell you about Iuliana, who forgot to charge the camera battery so we had to move fast forward. My luck is that although we haven't had to many shots (compared to other times) being she is so talented I had a good range of choice.

I guess I could tell a story about each item from my closet. I'm the kind of person who does not endure to sell, give away or throw the clothes. I'm emotionally attach of each and every clothing piece I love to adjust or even redesign them completely. This vest, which can be interpreted as a dress although I have it for about 7-8 years I can say that is like new. If I remember well it is the second time I wear it.
First I chose a different approached, I wear it as a dress with fishnet tights. Yes! You read it right, with fishnet tights.. and boots. This time I decided to wear it also within rock style but giving the role of a vest. So here it is over knees torn pants strappy and high sandals and two statement necklaces, one on top of the other.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Am iesit la facut poze weekendul celalalt pe cea mai mare vantoasa, cat am putut ingheta nu vreti sa stiti si sa nu mai zic ca Iuliana a uitat sa puna aparatul la incarcat si a trebui sa ne miscam pe repede inainte. Norocul meu este ca desi nu am facut foarte multe fotografii (comparativ cu alte dati), ea fiind talentata am avut de unde alege.
Cred ca as putea spune cate o poveste despre fiecare piesa vestimentara din dulapul meu. Eu sunt genul de persoana care nu se indura sa vanda, sa dea sau sa arunce din haine. Ma atasez emotional cam de toate, in plus imi place sa le ajustez sau chiar sa le modific complet. Vesta asta, care poate fi interpretata ca si rochie desi o am de aproximativ 7-8 ani pot spune ca este ca si noua. Daca imi aduc aminte bine este cam a doua oara cand o port.
Prima data am ales o cu totul alta abordate, am purtat-o ca si rochie, cu dresuri plasa. Da! Ati citit bine, cu dresuri plasa.. si cu bocanci. De data asta m-am gandit sa o port tot rock insa, cu rol de vesta peste pantaloni rupti in genunchi, cu sandale inalte cu multe barete si 2 coliere statement suprapuse. Restul e cancan!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Iasi Airport via Kooperativa 2.0

Si cum saptamana buna se cunoaste de luni, tot in forta am inceput si noi, bloggerii din Iasi. Reuniti sub cupola Kooperativa 2.0 de catre Andreea Ignat, am debutat cu un prim tur de forta la aeroportul din Iasi. 
Despre ce inseamna Kooperativa 2.0  si cine este Andreea Ignat puteti citi aici si aici, cu atat mai mult daca printre voi se afla si bloggeri ieseni care inca nu stiu despre ce este vorba. Va pot spune doar ca este despre oameni fani care fac lucruri faine si despre care veti mai auzi cu siguranta! 
Nu stiu cati dintre voi va mai amintiti cum arata aeroportul din Iasi acum ceva ani in urma? Eu una imi aduc aminte clar, arata precum o halta dintr-un sat uitat de lume si sa nu mai zic de serviciile de baza de care beneficiau clientii, care erau dintre cele mai primitive. Tehnologia nu ajunsese pe dealul de la Ciric, la descarcarea bagajelor era un heirup colectiv, participau cu mic cu mare cam toti angajatii aeroportului indiferent de functia ocupata, banda nu exista, valizele erau inmanate personal calatorului de catre “un responsabil” cu citirea etichetelor de pe geamantane s.a.m.d. 
Ce am gasit acum la fata locului a fost o adevarata reverie. Proiectul de modernizare si extindere inceput in 2013 s-a finalizat cu succes in 2015. Azi ne putem mandri cu un aeroport demn de o tara europeana - cu pista noua si cu structura flexibila, care este prima de acest gen din Romania. Proiectul, spre surprinderea multora, a fost dus la bun sfarsit cu un an mai devreme, desi stim cu totii cum merg treburile la noi si cum raman proiectele suspendate fie din lipsa de interes, fie din neglijenta sau eterna lipsa de fonduri. Avem un nou terminal de pasageri, chiar de doua ori mai mare decat cel vechi, terminat in doar 6 luni, cale de rulare noua - finalizata in doar 5 zile si nu in ultimul rand parcare noua, atat de importanta in zilele noastre si atat de limitata in mediul urban. 

Friday, 11 December 2015

Leather skirt

Geanta chanel

I took these photos when we could still enjoy some "decent" temperatures. The outfit is not a very polished one, it is rather relaxed with a youngish air. When it comes to leather miniskirts, tight miniskirts or just miniskirts it is very important how we choose the other items that makes the outfit so we won't fall into the other extreme.
Because I chose a leather miniskirt which is also tight and I pair it with high sandals I balanced the outfit with a checkered shirt who doesn't follow the body line also rejoicing the "usefulness" of most buttons. Makeup and hairstyle is not prominent is quite natural, too natural I would say. I'll also wear the skirt with a t-shirt or an oversized  sweater or a cardigan.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"All you need is 
                              - The limited

Am facut fotografiile astea cand inca ne mai puteam bucura de niste temperaturi "decente". Tinuta nu este una foarte studiata, este mai curand relaxata avand un aer tineresc. In general cand vine vorba de fuste scurte din piele, fuste scurte mulate sau fuste scurte si atat este foarte important cum alegem celelalte piese care compun tinuta pentru ca putem cadea foarte usor in extrema cealalta. 
Pentru ca am ales o fusta scurta din piele care mai este si mulata impreuna cu o pereche de sandale foarte inalte am contra balansat cu o camasa in carouri care nu urmareste linia corpului bucurandu-ma totodata de "utilitatea" majoritatii nasturilor. Machiajul nu este unul proeminent iar coafura este cat se poate de naturala, prea naturala as spune eu. As mai purta fusta fie cu un tricou lejer, fie cu un pulover supradimensional, fie cu un cardigan.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Chanel bag

Friday, 27 November 2015

Bohemian French style


Hello my dears! Today's outfit lead my thoughts to the Parisian bohemian streets, to the freelancer painters from the side of the Seine River, the butter croissant with a latte at one of the terraces of Saint Germain Boulevard accompanied by the subtle accordion arrangements.
The jacket is one of the best investments I ever made, the classic plaids with patches on the elbows, purchased some years ago from Zara. The dress is from Molly Bracken, a French brand, made of a fine lace I recently found it in an outlet. Although it has a medium length and an asymmetric cut with a little imagination I adjusted it to fit the length of the jacket. The bonnet is the leitmotif, adding an extra effect plus an extra bohemian note to the outfit.
Until next time stay in fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Paris is always 
a good idea"
                                     - Audrey Hepburn 

Buna dragele mele! Tinuta de azi ma duce cu gandul la boemul stradutelor pariziene, la pictorii clandestini de pe malul Senei, la croissantul cu unt acompaniat de o cafea latte la una dintre terasele de pe bulevartul Saint Germain in acorduri subtile de acordeon.
Sacoul este una dintre cele mai bune investitii pe care le-am facut, clasicele caroruri cu petice in coate, achizitionat acum ceva ani de la Zara. Rochia de la Molly Bracken, o marca frantuzeasca, confectionata dintr-o dantela foarte fina  am gasit-o recent intr-un outlet. Desi are o lungime medie si o croiala asimetrica cu putina imaginatie am ajustat-o pentru a se potrivi lungimii sacoului. Boneta este laitmotivul tinutei dand un plus de efect si o nota in plus de boem.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Rochie dantela

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Fashion tribute to sunny days

Imprimeu floral

I tried as hard as I could to keep the autumn with us for as long as possible but the cold days are rushing into our days.  Hence, I made a last attempt in this regard, today I wear this beautiful silk floral skirt as a tribute to the sun and the green nature. And what could work better than a pair of ankle strap sandals and a denim shirt that "cuts away" the summerish air.
From Iasi with love!
'till next time stay in fashion!

"After women,
flowers are the most 
divine creation"
                              - Christian Dior

Am incercat din rasputeri sa trag de toamna cat mai mult insa zilele racoroase se succed cu repeziciune.  Am facut o ultima incercare in acest sens, purtand azi aceasta minunata fusta de matase inflorata ca un omagiu adus soarelui si naturii inverzite. Si cu ce putea sa mearga mai bine decat cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si o camasa din denim care sa mai "taie" din aerul de vara.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Oversize bag

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Beige coat

Palton bej

We are enjoying as much as we can the autumn and the sunny days until the ruthless winter comes. I is still find it hard to let go my sandals and stiletto shoes in fact I believe they can be valued even more pairing it with a poncho, cardigan or coat. The beige coat from the picture you could see it on different occasions as is one of my favorites, is very versatile and I love it's bias cut.
The cold season is still at the beginning, and if you couldn't find yet your ideal coat is the solution, guaranteed it will cover all style tastes.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"The wolf changes his coat,
but not his disposition"
                                                                                                                                    - Proverb

Ne bucuram cat mai putem de toamna si de zilele insorite pana nu vine nemiloasa iarna. Inca imi este greu sa ma despart de sandale si pantofi, ba chiar consider ca pot fi puse si mai mult in evidenta in asociere cu un poncho, cardigan sau palton. Paltonul din imagine l-ati putut vedea si cu alte ocazii, fiind unul dintre preferatele mele, este foarte versatil si ii ador croiala pe bie.
Sezonul rece este inca la inceput, iar daca inca nu v-ati gasit paltonul ideal recomand cu incredere , garantat veti gasi pe toate gusturile.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sex and the city strikes again

Samantha Jones look

"Hello my name is Fabulous"
                                         - Samantha Jones

From "get the look" series, after Look à la Carrie Bradshaw now it's Samantha Jones turn. Being I love so much the 4 ladies outfits in Sex and the City 2 I feel like reproducing them all but, I might stop here.
In these photos I wear a lycra jumpsuit which is quite "sensitive" in terms that the smallest drop of water is turning into a stain not to mention about how long it takes to iron it, but it looks stunning on tanned skin. The jacket I got it from ZARA about three years ago more or less, is cotton made and is perfect for summer days. I always liked to complete this jacket with this safari belt though sometimes I let it  simply "free" as here.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Sport & Fresh

Sport fashion

Some years ago I would not have thought in no way I'll ever wear sports pants with heels. It looks the perceptions can be changed even more when it comes to fashion preferences. In this outfit I paired the sport pants, a plain t-shirt, gladiator heels sandals, a sequins vest with gives more personality to the outfit and a sequins hat that in general is being hated by the people around even so I love it :). The envelope I got it for my birthday from a good friend of mine, it was love at first sight which is why you will see in other posts as well .
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Acum ceva ani in urma nu m-as fi gandit ca voi purta vreo data pantaloni sport cu tocuri. Uite insa ca perceptiile se mai schimba cu atat mai mult cand e vorba de preferintele vestimentare. In aceasta tinuta am imbinat pantalonii sport cu un t-shirt simplu, o pereche de sandale gladiator cu toc, o vesta cu paiete pentru a da un plus de personalitate tinutei si o caciula tot din paiete pe care in general lumea o uraste dar pe care eu o ador :). Plicul l-am primit de ziua mea de la o buna prietena, a fost dragoste la prima vedere/ purtare asa incat il veti vedea si in alte postari.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Iasi teatru

Monday, 31 August 2015

Look à la Carrie Bradshaw

Maria is on fashion
Because their style will never die thanks to one of the most talented and surprising stylist, Patricia Field. As I promised few posts ago today I prepared an outfit "Get The Look"  kind, inspired by the one and only Carrie Bradshaw interpreted by Sarah Jessica Parker.
The idea pop up in my mind as soon as I came across this forgotten dress in the back of the dressing, I must admit at the time when the dress was made the inspiration came from Gwyneth Paltrow and not from Carrie Bradshaw. Because lately my turbans are getting multiplied all together fit perfectly with these wonderful sandals which I get them for my birthday and I literally feel I want to sleep wearing them so much I adore them!
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"I like my money right
where I can see it ...
hanging in my closet."
                                                - Carrie Bradshaw
Pentru ca stilul lor nu va muri niciodata si asta datorita unuia dintre cei mai talentati si surprinzatori stilisti, Patricia Field. 
Asa acum am promis cateva postari in urma azi am pregatit o tinuta gen "Get the look" inspiratia fiind nimeni alta decat Carrie Bradshaw interpretata de Sarah Jessica Parker.
Ideea mi-a venit imediat ce am dat peste aceasta rochie uitata de ceva vreme in dulap, trebuie sa recunosc totusi ca la vremea cand a fost facuta inspiratia a venit de la Gwyneth Paltrow si nu de la Carrie Bradshaw. Si cum in ultima perioada turbanele mele fac pui totul s-a potrivit de minune cu aceste minunate sandale pe care le-am primit de ziua mea si cu care imi vine sa dorm la propriu. Atat de mult le ador!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Carrie Bradshaw look
"Shopping is my cardio."
                                                 - Carrie Bradshaw

Monday, 17 August 2015

Summer festivals

Festival outfit

Because we are in the middle of festivals season(Summer Well, Summer  Fest, Untold, Kudos Fest) I'm coming with another festival look proposal. In order to have freedom of movement when it comes to festival looks I personally prefer backpacks or messenger bag with fringes. Although I opted for a pair of heeled sandals when it comes to festivals or concerts on the grass I would recommend boots, sneakers or flat gladiator sandals.

Today's outfit is composed of a pair of sort jeans that it becomes my addiction; I wore in all sorts of combinations from glam area to beach attire with flip flops, striped t-shirt, twigs  bag and Fedora hat. A wide top and a cowboy hat so much needed in the hot days that we will soon really missed them.
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Cock your hat 
angles are your attitudes."
                                                 - Frank Sinatra

Pentru ca suntem in plin sezon de festivaluri (Summer Well, Summer  Fest, Untold, Kudos Fest) vin cu inca o propunere de festival look. Pentru a avea libertate de miscare cand vine vorba de festival look eu personal prefer rucsacurile sau gentile tip postas cu franjuri. Desi eu am optat pentru o pereche de sandale cu toc in cazul festivalurilor sau concertelor pe iarba as recomanda mai curand ghete, bocanci, tenesi sau sandale gladiator cu talpa joasa.

Tinuta de azi este compusa dintr-o pereche de sorts de care am devenit dependenta si pe care ii tot port in tot felul de combinatii de la zona de glam pana la zona de tinute de plaja cu slapi, t-shirt cu dungi, geanta de nuiele si o palarie Fedora. Un top lejer si palaria cowboy atat de necesara in zilele toride de care curand ne va fi tare dor.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The jumpsuit

Hello my dears, I wanted to post since a few days ago but with so much going on (only positive things :) ) I haven't got the time. Today I present you this marvel of jumpsuit from Poema . It's that kind of item you look for it for months or even years till you find the perfect cut. Well I found it! I love jumpsuits for the same reason I love the dresses, it save you the effort of thinking to compose an outfit; is simply a single item that you can wear it simple, or paired with a jacket or just some bold accessories and the outfit is ready. Daytime goes with a pair of flat sandals or ballerinas, and for the evening a pair of heels turns the outfit from a comfy one  into  sexy and stylish one.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"I can't 
in flats"
                                                            - Victoria Beckham
Buna dragele mele, tot ma tin sa postez de cateva zile insa atatea lucruri (positive :)) mi s-au intamplat in ultima perioada incat pur si simplu nu am mai reusit. Azi va prezint aceasta minunatie de salopeta de la Poema. Este acel gen de piesa pe care o astepti luni poate chiar ani pana gasesti croiala perfecta. Ei bine eu am gasit-o! Ador salopetele din acelasi motiv pentru care ador si rochiile, te scutesc de efortul de a gandi sa compui o tinuta, este pur si simplu o piesa de-a ‘ntregul care merge purtat atat simplu, sau cu o jacheta sau doar cu niste accesorii bold si gata tinuta. Pe timp de zi merge cu o pereche de sandale cu talpa joasa sau cu balerini iar seara o pereche de tocuri transforma tinuta dintr-una confrtabila in una sexi si stylish.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti mereu la moda!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Oriental touch

Turban verde

I wanted a turban since forever which is why this year I bought two but just now I managed to make a post with one of them which you can find it here, I promise though it won't be the last. If  is to ask me I see the turban fitting in so many outfits type, from dresses to casual attires even in beach outfits. This time I chose an outfit with glam tint pairing this asymmetric blouse with golden reflections (which is my design) that goes great with the green velvet turban. I opted for bold accessories and this "jewel" of clutch which I adore it even the only think that fits in is a lipstick :). All these scenes reminds me of Sex and The City 2, the exoticism of Abu Dhabi and the explosion of color from all those loose and glamorous outfits that those 4 ladies wore them. I leave you now to delight your hearing with Alicia Keys and Jay-Z
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Statement fashion

Palarie cu boruri largi

I love the lace items which is why with every year passing more and more such pieces make their way into my dressing.  The black lace top I recently and randomly purchased from a store in Iasi, in which you would not expect to find something nice. Often, we are so accustomed to frequent malls that we just forget the beauty of walking through the narrow streets packed with all kinds of boutiques and outlets where we can find unique or at least some uncommon items than the "uniforms" from malls. Not to tell about prices, most often overpriced that big stores are practicing. As a  (near) future project of mine is buying a sewing machine to express my creativity and passion for all what means clothing design.
Another statement item is the necklace, a model that I was looking to find it for a while I bought it from a stall, a family business of a very cute couple united by the love for each others along with the love for beauty and handmade jewelry. For those interested in some fine pieces, you can enter here
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"There's only one thing 
in the world that turns me on.
And I love her in lace."
                                - Jodi Ellen Malpas

Ador piesele din dantela motiv pentru care de la an la an tot mai multe astfel de piese isi fac loc in dressing-ul meu. Topul negru din dantela l-am achizitionat de curand si intamplator de la un magazin din Iasi, in care nu te-ai fi asteptat sa gasesti ceva dragut. De multe, ori suntem atat de obisnuiti sa frecventam doar mall-urile incat pierdem din vedere frumusetea plimbarilor pe stradutele inguste intestate cu tot felul de bouticuri si outlet-uri unde putem gasi piese unice sau cel putin mai deosebite decat “uniformele” din mall –uri. Ca sa nu mai spun despre preturile, de cele mai multe ori nejustificat de piperate pe care le practica marile magazine. Ca un proiect al meu de viitor (apropiat) este achizitionarea unei masini de cusut cu ajutorul careia sa-mi manifest creativitatea si pasiunea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna  creatie vestimentara - asta asa ca o paranteza (smiley face).
O alta piesa statement a tinutei este colierul, un model pe care il ador si pe care il cautam de ceva vreme l-am cumparat de la un stand, afacere de familie a unui cuplu foarte dragut uniti atat de dragostea unuia fata de celalat cat si de dragostea pentru frumos si bijuterii lucrate manual. Pentru cele interesate puteti intra aici
Pana data viitoare fiti fashion!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Color block

Geanta Louis Vuitton

I'm crazy for color.
Color embraces you.
It wakes you up 
and keeps you present
                              - Tracy Reese

This weekend I finally shoot some new pictures which can't wait to post them, though the heat outside was crazy we had lots of fun. I decided to start the week in a  full of color mood. I admit colored outfits are not my thing although I appreciate them when I see it on someone else. The shirt from the picture is my work, it was initially a dress but I turned it into a shirt hoping that I will wear it more often, even so I confess that doesn't go out from the darkness of the dressing.
With a classic cut somehow I balances the "situation" created by leather shorts which by their nature are a sexy touch; though is having long sleeves being made of silk it keeps cool.
And because this summer was about my best friend wedding I will leave you now to enjoy this song that held the first dance of the couple and that I love it so much, for about a month goes on repeat.
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Genius 01

Today is Friday and I can’t be happier that another work week has ended. I can say that I had a great week and it been a very active one too, besides the fact that I was stuck with a “splendid” flood from which resulted an impetuous need of a general clean up, I also restarted the sports activities because between me and you, since I returned from my holiday I went through a period of culinary chaos; this is me trying to express myself in an elegant manner in fact I have others terms in my mind in order to describe what I actually feel regarding my diet.  Another reason for which I'm really excited that the weekend is coming is that I have started the swimming lessons so I can’t wait for the next summer to come to put my new skills into practice
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Hug you all with love!

Azi este vineri si nu pot decat sa ma bucur pentru ca inca o saptamana de lucru s-a incheiat. Pot spune ca am avut o saptamana plina si foarte activa, pe langa faptul ca m-am pricopsit cu o inundatie de toata frumusetea fapt ce a determinat nevoia spontana a unei curatenii generale, am reluat si activitatile sportive pentru ca de cand m-am intors din vacanta am trecut printr-o perioada de haos culinar; asta ca sa incerc sa ma exprim intr-o maniera eleganta pentru ca in realitate altii sunt termenii care-mi vin in minte. Un alt motiv pentru care sunt foarte incantata ca vine weekendul este pentru ca am inceput lectiile de inot astfel ca abia astept vara viitoare pentru a pune in practica noile mele abilitati.
Tinuta de astazi este un fel de sporty-chic, am combinat o fusta creion cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si un american baseball t-shirt, aducand o pata de culoare cu ajutorul uni colier statement. In continuare va las sa va delectati cu una din melodiile lui Trey Songz pentru care am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune in ultima vreme.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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