Showing posts with label Trousers ZARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trousers ZARA. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Sport & Fresh

Sport fashion

Some years ago I would not have thought in no way I'll ever wear sports pants with heels. It looks the perceptions can be changed even more when it comes to fashion preferences. In this outfit I paired the sport pants, a plain t-shirt, gladiator heels sandals, a sequins vest with gives more personality to the outfit and a sequins hat that in general is being hated by the people around even so I love it :). The envelope I got it for my birthday from a good friend of mine, it was love at first sight which is why you will see in other posts as well .
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Acum ceva ani in urma nu m-as fi gandit ca voi purta vreo data pantaloni sport cu tocuri. Uite insa ca perceptiile se mai schimba cu atat mai mult cand e vorba de preferintele vestimentare. In aceasta tinuta am imbinat pantalonii sport cu un t-shirt simplu, o pereche de sandale gladiator cu toc, o vesta cu paiete pentru a da un plus de personalitate tinutei si o caciula tot din paiete pe care in general lumea o uraste dar pe care eu o ador :). Plicul l-am primit de ziua mea de la o buna prietena, a fost dragoste la prima vedere/ purtare asa incat il veti vedea si in alte postari.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Iasi teatru

Monday, 16 March 2015

Go for lace

I made these pictures a while ago and because I posted some others outfits today is it turn. I remember this outfit I wore it the first time couple of years ago. When I found the trousers in the closet I remembered those times so I thought to bring them back to life for you. The detail I adore is given by the lace stockings whose association with tweed fabrics made a sexy / chic combination, I always liked the overlapping of different fabrics. As you might have noticed I like to associate the leather with cotton, knitwear, precious/soft materials or fur. I make the same choices when it comes to denim too or tweed.
As you can see in the pictures I had "spectators" during the shooting this street cute dog "in person" who did not want in no way to allow us some privacy :) We struggled very hard to capture few shoots in which it not appear. Literally it did not want to move away from us when we tried to change the place he followed us. Hence I decided to reward it's perseverance and to make it famous :). 
For today I chose the new Delia's song that I've listened for the first time and as a coincidence it match my mood.
Hug you all with love <3

Aveam fotografiile astea facute de ceva vreme si cum tot am postat altceva azi le-a venit si randul lor. Tinuta asta imi aduc aminte ca am purtat-o prima data acum ceva ani. Cand am regasit pantalonii in dulap mi-am amintit de acea perioada asa ca m-am gandit sa o readuc la viata pentru voi. Detaliul pe care eu il ador este dat de ciorapii de dantela a caror asociere cu stofa sunt o combinatie de sexi/chic, mereu mi-au placut suprapunerile de materiale diferite. Cred ca ati observant deja ca imi place sa asociez pielea cu bumbac, tricotaje, materiale pretioase sau chiar blana. La fel fac alegerile si cu denimul, si cu stofele etc.
Dupa cum puteti vedea in imagini am avut "spectatori" in timpul shooting-ului in persoana acestui caine dragalas care nu a vrut sub nici un chip sa ne ofere putina intimitate :) Ne-am chinuit foarte tare sa surprindem cateva catre in care domnia sa sa nu apara, la propriu nu a vrut sa se miste de langa noi ba din contra cand noi ne miscam el venea dupa noi. Asa incat mi-am zis sa-i rasplatesc perseverenta si sa-l fac celebru :).
Pentru azi am ales noua melodie a Deliei pe care eu una am ascultat-o in premiera si care ca o coincidenta se potriveste cu starea mea de spirit.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 28 July 2014

Wide desert

These photos I had them on hold for about two weeks, so now it's their turn to honor my blog. In this outfit I have paired the shoes with the top's reflections and the top with the earrings glare, if I can say it this way. It's an outfit that I wear it at office being quite comfortable. The top is my own creation, the trousers are from Zara part of the Basic line and the shoes are from Anna Cori.
Hug you all with love!

Aceste fotografii le aveam in asteptare de vreo doua saptamani asa ca abia acum le-a venit randul sa-mi onoreze blogul. In aceasta tinuta mi-am asortat pantofii la reflexiile top-ului, si topul la reflexiile cerceilor daca se poate spune si asa. Este o tinuta pe care am purtato la birou fiind destul de comoda. Topul este creatie proprie, pantalonii sunt de la ZARA din linia Basic, iar pantofii sunt Anna Cori.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Work hard ... party hard

Today I will introduce you, once again, work outfit in my characteristic style. So, when it comes to office trousers I prefer the loose ones instead of the tight model, thus I choose a pair of ZARA navy trousers having a tapered cut, combined with a silk black shirt, spiced up with a Colin Stuart red pair of shoes which I purchased from Victoria's Secrets website. At all this I added an animal print belt having gold details and golden accessories also, and .... Voila!
Hug you all <3

Astazi va prezint din nou o tinuta de servici in stilul meu caracteristic. Cand vine vorba de pantaloni la dunga imi plac cei lejeri in detrimentul celor stramti, asa incat am ales o astfel de pereche de pantaloni bleumarini de la ZARA avand o croiala conica, in combinatie cu o camasa din matase neagra, pe care le-am condimentat cu o pereche de pantofi rosii Colin Stuart, pe care i-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secrets. La toate astea am adaugat o curea animal print cu detalii aurii si accesorii tot aurii si ... Voila!
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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