Showing posts with label Bag Gucci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bag Gucci. Show all posts

Monday, 21 December 2015

Knee socks

If you find it difficult to stay away from summer dresses is no problem there are various ways to wear them in winter as well pair it with a wool jacket, or a fur vest or as the choice I made it choosing an over-sized sweater. With a little creativity and imagination you can build out an outfit that will not go unnoticed. And as the cold generally starts from foot knee socks are the perfect option I "warmly" recommend them literally and figuratively.
Because my photographer can't stay without taking few shoots of the landscape , seeing the result I also can't help myself without posting few for you especially that we do have reasons to be proud of.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Daca nu reusiti sa va despartiti de rochitele vaporoase de vara nu este nici o problema sunt n variante de a le purta si iarna fie cu un sacou de lana, fie cu o vesta de blana sau precum alegerea de fata cu un pulover supradimensional. Cu putina creativitate si imaginatie o sa va iasa o tinuta care nu va trece neobservata. Si cum frigul in general ne ia de la picioare sosetele lungi sunt optiunea perfecta, le recomand cu caldura si la propriu si la figurat.
Pentru ca fotograful (a) meu (a) insista mereu sa ia si ceteva cadre cu peisajele din zona, cand vad rezultatul nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu postez vreo doua si pentru voi cu atat mai mult ca avem si cu ce ne mandri. 
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Friday, 27 November 2015

Bohemian French style


Hello my dears! Today's outfit lead my thoughts to the Parisian bohemian streets, to the freelancer painters from the side of the Seine River, the butter croissant with a latte at one of the terraces of Saint Germain Boulevard accompanied by the subtle accordion arrangements.
The jacket is one of the best investments I ever made, the classic plaids with patches on the elbows, purchased some years ago from Zara. The dress is from Molly Bracken, a French brand, made of a fine lace I recently found it in an outlet. Although it has a medium length and an asymmetric cut with a little imagination I adjusted it to fit the length of the jacket. The bonnet is the leitmotif, adding an extra effect plus an extra bohemian note to the outfit.
Until next time stay in fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Paris is always 
a good idea"
                                     - Audrey Hepburn 

Buna dragele mele! Tinuta de azi ma duce cu gandul la boemul stradutelor pariziene, la pictorii clandestini de pe malul Senei, la croissantul cu unt acompaniat de o cafea latte la una dintre terasele de pe bulevartul Saint Germain in acorduri subtile de acordeon.
Sacoul este una dintre cele mai bune investitii pe care le-am facut, clasicele caroruri cu petice in coate, achizitionat acum ceva ani de la Zara. Rochia de la Molly Bracken, o marca frantuzeasca, confectionata dintr-o dantela foarte fina  am gasit-o recent intr-un outlet. Desi are o lungime medie si o croiala asimetrica cu putina imaginatie am ajustat-o pentru a se potrivi lungimii sacoului. Boneta este laitmotivul tinutei dand un plus de efect si o nota in plus de boem.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Rochie dantela

Monday, 16 November 2015

Parka mood

Geaca kaki

I love my new parka jacket, I have another one for spring - autumn season only, but the new one top. Besides being very thick is also having that kind of cut I've been looking for some time. And because the fur is removable the other one is for sale :) if you want to see it again click here and here.
I am so excited about my acquisition that I already prepared two 
outfit with this centerpiece. As you already know I like to invest in some key pieces that later on I can challenge in mind to create different outfits around it.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Ador noua mea geaca parka, mai am una de primavara toamna, insa asta este top. Pe langa faptul ca este foarte groasa are si acel tip de croiala pe care l-am tot cautat de ceva timp. Si pentru ca blana este detasabila cealalta este la vanzare :) daca doriti sa o revedeti intrati aici si aici.
Sunt atat de incantata de investitie incat am pregatit deja doua tinute cu aceasta piesa centrala. Cum deja v-am obisnuit imi place sa investesc in anumite piese cheie care ulterior sa-mi puna mintea la contributie in a crea diferite tinute in jurul lor.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Trade your jacket for a scarf

But first... let's have a selfie!
Initially I had another outfit ready for today but since the weather has cooled down again, I decided on this one. Although I don't seem to be dressed very thick I was not cold because the scarf is very thick and elbow-length gloves they also did their job.
The tartan scarf I used as a cape / cardigan, fixing it with a thin waist belt with golden accents for an added glam. The elbow-length gloves besides the thermal comfort they bring a chic and extremely feminine air. The boots are a mix of multiple styles: cowboy due buckles, army due to thick soles with phonographic and double zippers; and sexy due by mid-knee length and high heels.

I hope you like the outfit until next time I embrace you all!

Dar mai intai... sa mai facem un selfie!
Initial aveam alta tinuta pregatita pentru astazi insa avand in vedere ca vremea s-a racit putin, din nou, m-am decis asupra acestei tinute. Desi nu par imbracata prea gros nu mi-a fost frig deoarece fularul este foarte gros iar manusile trei-sferturi si-au facut si ele datoria.
Fulartul tartan l-am folosit pe post de capa/ cardigan fixandu-l in talie cu o curea subtire cu accente aurii pentru un plus de glam. Manusile treisferturi pe langa confortul termic aduc o nota chic si extreme de feminina. Cizmele sunt un mix intre mai multe stiluri: cowboy datorita cataramelor, army datorita talpei groase cu rizuri si a fermoarelor duble;  si sexi datorita lungimii pana la jumatatea genunchiului si a tocurilor inalte.

Sper ca va place tinuta pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Jones... Indiana Jones

At the photo shooting for today's post I had "fans" as you can see on the background. Although I've asked them to stay on the side the curiosity grind them, so they hardly could stay away but I can say they were funny guys and even more, as us women we like to know that we are admired (even from behind a fence) :). 
This outfit is a distinct comparing to what I'm usually wearing,  is quite close to boohoo- chic style. The hat is a new acquisition and I love it so much that I could sleep with it :)  the skirt I wore it last summer too in a different combination that you can review it here: Dancing dots, the autumnal green cardigan I bought it from an Outlet from Paris and is from Antik Batik, a brand that focuses on items with ethnic inspired design. My favorite piece of the whole outfit and the one for which I care very much is the vintage belt. I ordered it a few years ago from a Romanian website of vintage products called  Vintage BazarI recommend you this website, you will find outstanding products and mostly qualitative. The belt is snake leather, is a very beautiful piece and qualitative but also very sensitive.
Hug you all with love!

La shooting-ul foto pentru postarea de azi am avut spectatori dupa cum se si poate vedea pe fundal. Desi i-am tot rugat sa se dea mai la o parte curiozitatea ii macina atat de tare incat cu greu s-au putut abtine, insa pot spune ca au fost amuzanti baietii si cu atat mai mult cu cat noua femeilor ne place sa stim ca suntem admirate (chiar si de dupa un gard) :).
Tinuta este una aparte comparand cu ceea ce port de obicei, ducand un pic spre stilul boohoo- chic. Palaria este o noua achizitie si o ador imi vine sa si dorm cu ea :), fusta am mai purtat-o si vara trecuta in alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici: Dancing dots, ploverul de un verde tomnatic l-am achizitionat de la un Outlet din Paris si este de la Antik Batik, un brand care pune accent pe design-ul pieselor vestimentare de inspiratie etnica. Piesa mea preferata din toata tinuta si la care tin foarte mult este cureaua vintage pe care am comandat-o acum cativa ani in urma de pe site-ul romanesc de produse vintage Vintage Bazar pe care vi-l recomand si unde veti gasi produse deosebite si in marea lor majoritate calitative. Este din piele de sarpe, este o piesa deosebit de frumoasa si calitativa insa si deosebit de sensibila.
Va imbratisez cu dragoste!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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