Showing posts with label Sunglasses Roberto Cavalli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunglasses Roberto Cavalli. Show all posts

Monday, 3 August 2015

Oriental touch

Turban verde

I wanted a turban since forever which is why this year I bought two but just now I managed to make a post with one of them which you can find it here, I promise though it won't be the last. If  is to ask me I see the turban fitting in so many outfits type, from dresses to casual attires even in beach outfits. This time I chose an outfit with glam tint pairing this asymmetric blouse with golden reflections (which is my design) that goes great with the green velvet turban. I opted for bold accessories and this "jewel" of clutch which I adore it even the only think that fits in is a lipstick :). All these scenes reminds me of Sex and The City 2, the exoticism of Abu Dhabi and the explosion of color from all those loose and glamorous outfits that those 4 ladies wore them. I leave you now to delight your hearing with Alicia Keys and Jay-Z
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Basic look

Does it ever happen to you to wake up in the morning and not know what to put on? It happens quite often to me, if I do not plan my outfits in advance I end up by wearing whatever. Today's outfit it's a simple one, monochrome, suitable for office especially for those days when you have a lack of inspiration or when you have a busy day and need the have the comfort and the ability of move around. The classical note was given by the office black trousers and the sobriety of the black color; the massive necklace and the animal print sneakers are the central point, elements who give personality to the seemingly commune outfit.
From Romania with love!

Voua vi se intampla sa va treziti dimineata si sa nu stiti ce sa puneti pe voi? Mie una mi se intampla destul de des, daca nu imi gandesc tinutele in avans sfarsesc prin a pune orice pe mine. Tinuta de azi este una simpla, monocroma potrivita pentru birou in acele zile cand va lipseste inspiratia sau cand aveti o zi aglomerata si aveti nevoie de confortul si disponibilitatea miscarii de colo colo. Am pastrat nota clasica prin pantalonii la dunga si sobrietatea negrului; colierul masiv si tenisii animal print fiind accentele principale care dau personalitate tinutei aparent banale.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Walking away

It's so hot outside that I don't really feel like putting anything on me that why I tend to wear casual attire and fluid fabrics. I'm aware that all these recommendation it might sound as a cliche but in the summer I'm literally melting that's why I'm a big fan of Spring.
And because the chosen  location is novel one I thought to introduce you some curiosities that match the "scenery". So did you know that the first train lines were made of wood then came the stone and then appeared the steel? Also, for the propulsive force were used horses, later on being introduced the mechanized transport with locomotives. The modern transport first appeared in England in 1820, from where it spread throughout the world.
Hug you all!

Este atat de cald afara incat nu prea imi vine sa pun nimic pe mine motiv pentru care tind sa port tinute lejere, din materiale fluide si cat mai moi la atingere. Stiu ca suna a cliseu toate aceste recomandari insa eu sunt fanul primaverii asa incat vara ma topesc la propriu.
Si pentru ca locatia aleasa este una inedita m-am gandit sa va prezint cateva curiozitati  in ton cu "decorul" astfel: stiati ca primele linii de tren au fost facute din lemn apoi au aparut cele din piatra si ulterior au aparut cele din otel? Deasemnea ca forta de propulsie au fost folositi caii, fiind intrudus mai apoi transportul mecanizat cu locomotive. Transportul modern a aparut mai intai in Anglia in anul 1820, de unde s-a extins in intreaga lume.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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