Showing posts with label B&W plaid shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B&W plaid shirt. Show all posts

Friday, 11 December 2015

Leather skirt

Geanta chanel

I took these photos when we could still enjoy some "decent" temperatures. The outfit is not a very polished one, it is rather relaxed with a youngish air. When it comes to leather miniskirts, tight miniskirts or just miniskirts it is very important how we choose the other items that makes the outfit so we won't fall into the other extreme.
Because I chose a leather miniskirt which is also tight and I pair it with high sandals I balanced the outfit with a checkered shirt who doesn't follow the body line also rejoicing the "usefulness" of most buttons. Makeup and hairstyle is not prominent is quite natural, too natural I would say. I'll also wear the skirt with a t-shirt or an oversized  sweater or a cardigan.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"All you need is 
                              - The limited

Am facut fotografiile astea cand inca ne mai puteam bucura de niste temperaturi "decente". Tinuta nu este una foarte studiata, este mai curand relaxata avand un aer tineresc. In general cand vine vorba de fuste scurte din piele, fuste scurte mulate sau fuste scurte si atat este foarte important cum alegem celelalte piese care compun tinuta pentru ca putem cadea foarte usor in extrema cealalta. 
Pentru ca am ales o fusta scurta din piele care mai este si mulata impreuna cu o pereche de sandale foarte inalte am contra balansat cu o camasa in carouri care nu urmareste linia corpului bucurandu-ma totodata de "utilitatea" majoritatii nasturilor. Machiajul nu este unul proeminent iar coafura este cat se poate de naturala, prea naturala as spune eu. As mai purta fusta fie cu un tricou lejer, fie cu un pulover supradimensional, fie cu un cardigan.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Chanel bag

Monday, 16 November 2015

Parka mood

Geaca kaki

I love my new parka jacket, I have another one for spring - autumn season only, but the new one top. Besides being very thick is also having that kind of cut I've been looking for some time. And because the fur is removable the other one is for sale :) if you want to see it again click here and here.
I am so excited about my acquisition that I already prepared two 
outfit with this centerpiece. As you already know I like to invest in some key pieces that later on I can challenge in mind to create different outfits around it.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Ador noua mea geaca parka, mai am una de primavara toamna, insa asta este top. Pe langa faptul ca este foarte groasa are si acel tip de croiala pe care l-am tot cautat de ceva timp. Si pentru ca blana este detasabila cealalta este la vanzare :) daca doriti sa o revedeti intrati aici si aici.
Sunt atat de incantata de investitie incat am pregatit deja doua tinute cu aceasta piesa centrala. Cum deja v-am obisnuit imi place sa investesc in anumite piese cheie care ulterior sa-mi puna mintea la contributie in a crea diferite tinute in jurul lor.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

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