Showing posts with label Black floppy hat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black floppy hat. Show all posts

Friday, 15 January 2016

Silk & fur

Palarie boruri mari

I strongly believe in things done on a Friday over those done on a Monday. So this year I started working today, on a Friday. So, here's my first post in which I present a simple but well studied outfit inspired from 70's.  About my passion for hats I've been talking, every time I find a model that I like I buy it on both versions for summer and winter. Cold season is by definition flavorless, I strongly recommend investments in hats, they give an extra touch to any outfit and give the impression that you really tried though the effort is minimal. If you have the courage to try bright colors then Go for it! Another key item is the fur vest, you can never say you have enough. It can be worn over a shirt, over a sweater, over a leather jacket even over a dresses.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"If you want
 to get ahead
                                                 - Unknown 

Cred cu tarie in lucrurile facute vinerea in detrimentul celor de luni. Asa ca anul asta m-am apucat de treaba azi, vineri. Cu pasi timizi dar siguri revin cu aceasta prima postare in care va prezint o tinuta simpla si studiata in acelasi timp de inspiratie anii ‘70. Despre pasiunea mea pentru palarii am tot vorbit, de fiecare data cand imi place cate un model imi cumpar atat versiunea pentru vara cat si versiunea pentru iarna. Anotimpul rece fiind prin definitie unul anost recomand investitiile in palarii, acestea confera savoare oricarei tinute si chiar pare ca va-ti straduit desi in realitate efortul este minimal. Si daca mai aveti si curajul de a incerca culori puternice Go for it! O alta piesa de rezistenta este vesta de blana, despre care pot spune ca niciodata nu avem suficiente. Aceasta poate fi purtata peste camasa, peste pulover, peste geaca de piele chiar si peste rochii.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Palarie neagra

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Statement fashion

Palarie cu boruri largi

I love the lace items which is why with every year passing more and more such pieces make their way into my dressing.  The black lace top I recently and randomly purchased from a store in Iasi, in which you would not expect to find something nice. Often, we are so accustomed to frequent malls that we just forget the beauty of walking through the narrow streets packed with all kinds of boutiques and outlets where we can find unique or at least some uncommon items than the "uniforms" from malls. Not to tell about prices, most often overpriced that big stores are practicing. As a  (near) future project of mine is buying a sewing machine to express my creativity and passion for all what means clothing design.
Another statement item is the necklace, a model that I was looking to find it for a while I bought it from a stall, a family business of a very cute couple united by the love for each others along with the love for beauty and handmade jewelry. For those interested in some fine pieces, you can enter here
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"There's only one thing 
in the world that turns me on.
And I love her in lace."
                                - Jodi Ellen Malpas

Ador piesele din dantela motiv pentru care de la an la an tot mai multe astfel de piese isi fac loc in dressing-ul meu. Topul negru din dantela l-am achizitionat de curand si intamplator de la un magazin din Iasi, in care nu te-ai fi asteptat sa gasesti ceva dragut. De multe, ori suntem atat de obisnuiti sa frecventam doar mall-urile incat pierdem din vedere frumusetea plimbarilor pe stradutele inguste intestate cu tot felul de bouticuri si outlet-uri unde putem gasi piese unice sau cel putin mai deosebite decat “uniformele” din mall –uri. Ca sa nu mai spun despre preturile, de cele mai multe ori nejustificat de piperate pe care le practica marile magazine. Ca un proiect al meu de viitor (apropiat) este achizitionarea unei masini de cusut cu ajutorul careia sa-mi manifest creativitatea si pasiunea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna  creatie vestimentara - asta asa ca o paranteza (smiley face).
O alta piesa statement a tinutei este colierul, un model pe care il ador si pe care il cautam de ceva vreme l-am cumparat de la un stand, afacere de familie a unui cuplu foarte dragut uniti atat de dragostea unuia fata de celalat cat si de dragostea pentru frumos si bijuterii lucrate manual. Pentru cele interesate puteti intra aici
Pana data viitoare fiti fashion!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Let the summer begin!

An accessory that I adore is the hat in all its forms. I consider the hat being a masterpiece of an outfit, that completes very well the outfit and gives personality and a sophisticated air. 
In the past, hats were an indicator of the social status although there are clues that at first, hats appeared at the freed slaves from Greece and Rome. Later on it been adopted by the high class societyInitially was an accessory  exclusively for men's wear but, after, in the late 16th - century, hats were introduced in the feminine wardrobe as well.
The tradition of wearing hats to horse racing events began at the Royal Ascot in Britain, which maintains a strict dress code even in our days.
Bear in mind that the hat be worn with attitude and self confidence.
Hug you all <3

Un accesoriu pe care il ador este, palaria in toate formele ei. Consider ca este o piesa de rezistenta care completeaza foarte bine o tinuta conferindu-i personalitate si un aer sofisticat. In trecut palaria era un indicator al statutului social desi exista indicii cum ca prima si prima data palariile au aparut la sclavii liberi din Grecia si Roma. Mai tarziu a fost adoptata de clasa sociala inalta. Initial fiind un accesoriu destinat barbatilor insa ulterior, dupa a doua jumatate a secolul al 16- lea, palariile au fost introduse si in garderoba feminina. 
Traditia de a purta palarii la cursele de cai a inceput de la Ascot Regal din Marea Britanie, care mentine si azi un cod vestimentar strict.
De retinut este faptul ca palaria trebuie purtata cu atitudine si incredere in sine.
Va imbratisez <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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