Showing posts with label Necklace Bershka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Necklace Bershka. Show all posts

Monday, 11 April 2016

How to wear the leather vest

The other weekend I went out for a picture session on the biggest most windy day as I literally freeze .. not to tell you about Iuliana, who forgot to charge the camera battery so we had to move fast forward. My luck is that although we haven't had to many shots (compared to other times) being she is so talented I had a good range of choice.

I guess I could tell a story about each item from my closet. I'm the kind of person who does not endure to sell, give away or throw the clothes. I'm emotionally attach of each and every clothing piece I love to adjust or even redesign them completely. This vest, which can be interpreted as a dress although I have it for about 7-8 years I can say that is like new. If I remember well it is the second time I wear it.
First I chose a different approached, I wear it as a dress with fishnet tights. Yes! You read it right, with fishnet tights.. and boots. This time I decided to wear it also within rock style but giving the role of a vest. So here it is over knees torn pants strappy and high sandals and two statement necklaces, one on top of the other.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Am iesit la facut poze weekendul celalalt pe cea mai mare vantoasa, cat am putut ingheta nu vreti sa stiti si sa nu mai zic ca Iuliana a uitat sa puna aparatul la incarcat si a trebui sa ne miscam pe repede inainte. Norocul meu este ca desi nu am facut foarte multe fotografii (comparativ cu alte dati), ea fiind talentata am avut de unde alege.
Cred ca as putea spune cate o poveste despre fiecare piesa vestimentara din dulapul meu. Eu sunt genul de persoana care nu se indura sa vanda, sa dea sau sa arunce din haine. Ma atasez emotional cam de toate, in plus imi place sa le ajustez sau chiar sa le modific complet. Vesta asta, care poate fi interpretata ca si rochie desi o am de aproximativ 7-8 ani pot spune ca este ca si noua. Daca imi aduc aminte bine este cam a doua oara cand o port.
Prima data am ales o cu totul alta abordate, am purtat-o ca si rochie, cu dresuri plasa. Da! Ati citit bine, cu dresuri plasa.. si cu bocanci. De data asta m-am gandit sa o port tot rock insa, cu rol de vesta peste pantaloni rupti in genunchi, cu sandale inalte cu multe barete si 2 coliere statement suprapuse. Restul e cancan!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Basic look

Does it ever happen to you to wake up in the morning and not know what to put on? It happens quite often to me, if I do not plan my outfits in advance I end up by wearing whatever. Today's outfit it's a simple one, monochrome, suitable for office especially for those days when you have a lack of inspiration or when you have a busy day and need the have the comfort and the ability of move around. The classical note was given by the office black trousers and the sobriety of the black color; the massive necklace and the animal print sneakers are the central point, elements who give personality to the seemingly commune outfit.
From Romania with love!

Voua vi se intampla sa va treziti dimineata si sa nu stiti ce sa puneti pe voi? Mie una mi se intampla destul de des, daca nu imi gandesc tinutele in avans sfarsesc prin a pune orice pe mine. Tinuta de azi este una simpla, monocroma potrivita pentru birou in acele zile cand va lipseste inspiratia sau cand aveti o zi aglomerata si aveti nevoie de confortul si disponibilitatea miscarii de colo colo. Am pastrat nota clasica prin pantalonii la dunga si sobrietatea negrului; colierul masiv si tenisii animal print fiind accentele principale care dau personalitate tinutei aparent banale.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Last weekend I attended the largest festival of Art and flight called Hangariada from Iasi, this being the only festival in the country of mix art and aviation. During the three days the participants were able to enjoy parachute jumps, gliding and aviation acrobatics. Also there were theater performances, concerts, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography and handmade creations. Among the artists who performed on the stage were also  one of my fav band the Subcarpati, they made my Saturday evening truly delightful.
I chose a rock outfit mixing a pair of faux leather shorts, boots, an asymmetrical black t-shirt, a bold necklace and a hat. My hairstyle was a new for me, although I often had wavy hair I never had it that curly. It was worth the effort as it lasted for three days, thus for three  long days I got tones of compliments ;)
Hug you all with love!

Weekendul trecut am luat parte la cel mai mare festival de Arta si Zbor Hangariada de la Iasi, acesta fiind de altfel singurul festival din tara care imbina arta cu aviatia. Pe parcursul celor 3 zile participantii s-au putut bucura de salturi cu parasuta, planorism si acrobatii aviatice. Deasemenea au avut loc spectacole de teatru, concerte, expozitii de picture, sculptura, fotografie si creatii handmade. Printre artistii care au performat s-a aflat si trupa Subcarpati pe care o ador si care au facut deliciul serii de sambata.
Am ales o tinuta rock formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni scurti din piele ecologica, bocanci, un tricou negru asimetric, un colier bold si o palarie. Inedita a fost coafura mea, desi de foarte multe ori am avut parul ondulat/ bucle niciodata nu l-am avut atat de cret. Si cu atat mai mult a meritat efortul cu cat a rezistat 3 zile, 3 zile in care am primit complimente cu carul ;)
Va imbratisez cu drag!

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