I wanted a turban since forever which is why this year I bought two but just now I managed to make a post with one of them which you can find it here, I promise though it won't be the last. If is to ask me I see the turban fitting in so many outfits type, from dresses to casual attires even in beach outfits. This time I chose an outfit with glam tint pairing this asymmetric blouse with golden reflections (which is my design) that goes great with the green velvet turban. I opted for bold accessories and this "jewel" of clutch which I adore it even the only think that fits in is a lipstick :). All these scenes reminds me of Sex and The City 2, the exoticism of Abu Dhabi and the explosion of color from all those loose and glamorous outfits that those 4 ladies wore them. I leave you now to delight your hearingwith Alicia Keys and Jay-Z. Stay fashion!
I love the lace items which is why with every year passing more and more such pieces make their way into my dressing. The black lace top I recently and randomlypurchased from a store in Iasi, in which you would not expect to find something nice. Often, we are so accustomed to frequent malls that we just forget the beauty of walking through the narrow streets packed with all kinds of boutiques and outlets where we can find unique or at least some uncommon items than the "uniforms" from malls. Not to tell about prices, most often overpriced that big stores are practicing. As a (near) future project of mine is buying a sewing machine to express my creativity and passion for all what means clothing design.
Another statement item is the necklace, a model that I was looking to find it for a while I bought it from a stall, a family business of a very cute couple united by the love for each others along with the love for beauty and handmade jewelry. For those interested in some fine pieces, you can enter here. Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
"There's only one thing
in the world that turns me on.
And I love her in lace."
- Jodi Ellen Malpas
Ador piesele din dantela motiv pentru care de la an la an
tot mai multe astfel de piese isi fac loc in dressing-ul meu. Topul negru din
dantela l-am achizitionat de curand si intamplator de la un magazin din Iasi, in
care nu te-ai fi asteptat sa gasesti ceva dragut. De multe, ori suntem atat de
obisnuiti sa frecventam doar mall-urile incat pierdem din vedere frumusetea
plimbarilor pe stradutele inguste intestate cu tot felul de bouticuri si outlet-uri
unde putem gasi piese unice sau cel putin mai deosebite decat “uniformele” din
mall –uri. Ca sa nu mai spun despre preturile, de cele mai multe ori
nejustificat de piperate pe care le practica marile magazine. Ca un proiect al
meu de viitor (apropiat) este achizitionarea unei masini de cusut cu ajutorul
careia sa-mi manifest creativitatea si pasiunea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna creatie vestimentara - asta asa ca o paranteza (smiley face).
O alta piesa statement a tinutei este colierul, un model pe
care il ador si pe care il cautam de ceva vreme l-am cumparat de la un stand,
afacere de familie a unui cuplu foarte dragut uniti atat de dragostea unuia
fata de celalat cat si de dragostea pentru frumos si bijuterii lucrate manual.
Pentru cele interesate puteti intra aici. Pana data viitoare fiti fashion!
Last weekend I attended the largest festival of Art and flight called Hangariada from Iasi, this being the only festival in the country of mix art and aviation. During the three days the participants were able to enjoy parachute jumps, gliding and aviation acrobatics. Also there were theater performances, concerts, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography and handmade creations. Among the artists who performed on the stage were also one of my fav band the Subcarpati, they made my Saturday evening truly delightful.
I chose a rock outfit mixing a pair of faux leather shorts, boots, an asymmetrical black t-shirt, a bold necklace and a hat. My hairstyle was a new for me, although I often had wavy hair I never had it that curly. It was worth the effort as it lasted for three days, thus for three long days I got tones of compliments ;)
Hug you all with love!
Weekendul trecut am luat parte la cel mai mare festival de
Arta si Zbor Hangariada de la Iasi, acesta fiind de altfel singurul festival
din tara care imbina arta cu aviatia. Pe parcursul celor 3 zile participantii
s-au putut bucura de salturi cu parasuta, planorism si acrobatii aviatice. Deasemenea
au avut loc spectacole de teatru, concerte, expozitii de picture, sculptura,
fotografie si creatii handmade. Printre artistii care au performat s-a aflat si
trupa Subcarpati pe care o ador si care au facut deliciul serii de sambata.
Am ales o tinuta rock formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni
scurti din piele ecologica, bocanci, un tricou negru asimetric, un colier bold
si o palarie. Inedita a fost coafura mea, desi de foarte multe ori am avut parul
ondulat/ bucle niciodata nu l-am avut atat de cret. Si cu atat mai mult a
meritat efortul cu cat a rezistat 3 zile, 3 zile in care am primit complimente
cu carul ;)