Today is Friday and I can’t be happier that another
work week has ended. I can say that I had a great week and it
been a very active one too, besides the fact that I was stuck with a “splendid”
flood from which resulted an impetuous need of a general clean
up, I also restarted the sports activities because
between me and you, since I returned from my holiday I went
through a period of culinary chaos; this is me trying to
express myself in an elegant manner in fact I have others terms in my mind
in order to describe what I actually feel regarding my diet. Another reason
for which I'm really excited that the weekend is coming is
that I have started the swimming lessons so I can’t
wait for the next summer to come to put my new skills into
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Hug you all with love!
Azi este vineri si nu pot decat sa ma bucur pentru ca inca o
saptamana de lucru s-a incheiat. Pot spune ca am avut o saptamana plina si foarte activa,
pe langa faptul ca m-am pricopsit cu o inundatie de toata frumusetea fapt ce a
determinat nevoia spontana a unei curatenii generale, am reluat si activitatile
sportive pentru ca de cand m-am intors din vacanta am trecut printr-o perioada
de haos culinar; asta ca sa incerc sa ma exprim intr-o maniera eleganta pentru
ca in realitate altii sunt termenii care-mi vin in minte. Un alt motiv pentru
care sunt foarte incantata ca vine weekendul este pentru ca am inceput lectiile
de inot astfel ca abia astept vara viitoare pentru a pune in practica noile
mele abilitati.
Tinuta de astazi este un fel de sporty-chic, am combinat o
fusta creion cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si un american
baseball t-shirt, aducand o pata de culoare cu ajutorul uni colier statement.
In continuare va las sa va delectati cu una din melodiile lui Trey Songz pentru
care am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune in ultima vreme.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
amazing outfit !! imi plac mult sandalele <3 kisses ,good job ;)
Ce tinuta draguta! Imi place mult cum iti vine! Si parul.. ce frumos e :D P.S vreau si eu la palas :)) pupici
LOVE the necklace and how you mix & match different pieces!
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