Showing posts with label Bag Louis Vuitton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bag Louis Vuitton. Show all posts

Monday, 20 July 2015

Color block

Geanta Louis Vuitton

I'm crazy for color.
Color embraces you.
It wakes you up 
and keeps you present
                              - Tracy Reese

This weekend I finally shoot some new pictures which can't wait to post them, though the heat outside was crazy we had lots of fun. I decided to start the week in a  full of color mood. I admit colored outfits are not my thing although I appreciate them when I see it on someone else. The shirt from the picture is my work, it was initially a dress but I turned it into a shirt hoping that I will wear it more often, even so I confess that doesn't go out from the darkness of the dressing.
With a classic cut somehow I balances the "situation" created by leather shorts which by their nature are a sexy touch; though is having long sleeves being made of silk it keeps cool.
And because this summer was about my best friend wedding I will leave you now to enjoy this song that held the first dance of the couple and that I love it so much, for about a month goes on repeat.
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Superlative femininity

Superlative femininity that's how I would define today's garment. The lace itself is a symbol of femininity and sensuality, also cut mean elegance and finesse, and the peach- pink color looks yummy. The dress was bought about 5 years ago, if I remember well, from the VintageBazar website, hence it has a history behind about I can only tell you from the moment it become mine. Initially it had totally different cut, length, and on top of it it also had sleeves; long sleeves and puffed with lots of creases on the shoulders hmm ... Thanks to my imagination I've made it from long medium length, from large (because it was at least two sizes larger) it became suitable for my body and the sleeves were dismissed for good from the picture. The lining which was shoddy and sewn like it was made to save some fabric was replaced by a satin of a matching color that seeks perfect the dress line, it is basically a second dress. 
I wore this dress on different occasions, in general on festive events with different accessories to render extra preciousness opting for gold accents; but today, I gave it a day reinterpretation opting for mat brown details, the eternal oversize bag an item who become indispensable for nowadays active woman.
From Romania with love!

Feminitate la superlativ as define tinuta de azi. Dantela insasi este un simbol al feminitatii si al senzualitatii, croiala rochiei de asemenea denota eleganta si finete, iar culoare roz- piersica iti vine sa o mananci. Rochia a fost achizitionata acum 5 ani, daca imi aduc aminte bine de pe VintageBazar, deci are o istorie in spate despre care o sa va povestesc doar de la momentul intrarii in posesia mea. Initial avea o cu totul alta croiala, lungime, captuseala in plus avea si maneci; maneci lungi si bufante cu pense pe umeri hmm… Insa eu cu imaginatia mea am facut-o din lunga medie, din larga (pt ca era cu cel putin 2 numere mai mare) a devenit potrivita pentru corpul meu, iar manecile au disparut cu totul din peisaj. Captuseala de proasta calitate si cusuta parca din economie de material a fost inlocuita cu un satin la culoare care urmareste perfect linia rochiei, fiind practic o a doua rochie. 
Am mai purtat aceasta rochie si cu alte ocazii, in general la evenimente mai festive cu accesorii care sa-i confere un plus de pretiozitate optand pentru accente aurii, insa azi i-am dat o reinterpretare de zi optand pentru detalii maro mat si eterna geanta mare indispensabila femeii active din zilele noastre.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 9 February 2015


I ADORE the fur items!!!!!!!! Whether it a vest, a cape, a coat, a collar, a hat or gloves. Today I chose to wear this beautiful fur coat that I have it for some years and I bought it from Only for you store from Bucharest at a price of 50% off Yey. I very much love the massive and fluffy collar which gives a posh and stylish air. This time I opted for an elegant combination but for a further post I intend to show you a sporty approach. So stay tune
The fur coat and the vintage earrings came in contrast with the casual sweater balancing the outfit and go out of the too "miladyarea. I try to avoid as much as possible exaggerated studied outfits and the "aged" style I'm always opting for youthful combinations even a bit "neglected" outfits, sometime.
I embrace you with love!

ADOR piesele de blana!!!!!!!! Indiferent ca este vorba de vesta, capa, haina, guler, caciula sau manusi. Azi am ales sa port aceasta minunata haina de blana pe care o am de ceva ani si pe care am achizitionat-o de la Only for you din Bucuresti la un pret de 50% off yey. Imi place foarte tare gulerul masiv si pufos care confera un aer posh si stylish. De aceasta data am optat pentru o combinatie mai eleganta insa pe viitor intentionez sa va arat si o abordare mai sport. Asa ca stati pe aproape! 
Haina de blana si cerceii au venit in contrast cu pluoverul casual echilibrand astfel tinuta si iesind din zona de “cucoana”. Incerc sa evit pe cat posibil tinutele exagerat de studiate si aerul batrancios optand mereu pentru combinatii tineresti poate usor chiar neglijente.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

White flake

New year, new posts and so begins a new chapter in our lives. New challenges, obstacles, joys, sorrows, failures and achievements await us. I hope that you have made the  resolutions list for 2015 as mine is ready. I hope it will be the first from a long series of years I will be able to mark off each point of the 30 listed. I hope it will be a year of big changes and the  happiness will be the leitmotif of us all's existence.
The photos from today's post were made three weeks ago, before being "hit" by this terrible cold, I hope it will get a bit warmer in order to restore my photo "stock". Although I'm addicted to high heels and analysed outfits. Lately I prefer comfortable outfits as is today's post in which  I present you a relaxed outfit perfect for the busy days. The flat boots ease our movement especially when we have to "check" several places throughout the day, the knitted sweater has a comfy effect in winter and the oversize bag is perfect for carrying all sorts of things with us, the chic note is given by the animal print scarf which complements the outfit.
Until next time I embrace you with love!

La an nou postari noi si uite asa incepe un nou capitol din viata noastra. Noi provocari, obstacole, bucurii, tristeti, esecuri si realizari ne asteapta. Sper ca v-ati facut lista resolutiilor pentru 2015, a mea este gata si sper sa fie primul din lungul sir de ani in care voi reusi sa bifez fiecare punct dintre cele peste 30 listate. Sper sa fie un an al marilor schimbari pe toate planurile un an in care fericirea sa fie laitmotivul existentei noastre a tuturor.
Fotografiile din postarea de azi sunt facute acum 3 saptamani inainte sa fim “loviti” de acest ger naprasnic, sper totusi sa se mai incalzeasca un pic pentru a-mi reface “stocul” de fotografii. Desi sunt dependenta de pantofii cu toc si tinutele studiate, in ultima perioada prefer tinutele comode asa incat si in postarea de azi va prezint o tinuta relaxanta perfecta pentru zilele aglomerate. Cizmele cu talpa joasa ne fac deplasarea mai usoara mai ales cand trebuie sa "bifam" mai multe locuri pe parcursul unei zile, puloverul tricotat are effect termic in sezonul rece, iar geanta oversize care este perfecta pentru zi cand mereu caram tot felul de lucruri cu noi, nota chic este data de esarfa animal print care completeaza si definitiveaza tinuta.
Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Lady in brown

The chosen title was by chance. But due to a simply search I discovered a wonderful legend behind "Lady in Brown", without any connection to my reality, and because the location of the photos meets the story I decided to share it with you.
The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall was a ghost which reportedly haunts Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. She became one of the most famous haunting in Great Britain when photographers from Country Life magazine  claimed to have captured its image. Brown Lady  is so named because of the brown brocade dress it is claimed she wears. 

According to legend, Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole. She was the second wife of Charles Townshend, who was known for his violent temper. The story goes that when Townshend discovered that his wife committed adultery with Lord Wharton, he punished her by locking her in a room of the family home, Raynham Hall. She remained at Raynham Hall until her death caused by smallpox.
And after this journey in the novel world, we are back to nowadays and more precise to the outfit I worn today. The animal print dress is another "masterpiece" of mine and when it comes to animal print I like to keep it simple (as I mentioned in another post in which I presented in more detail a few "rules" of wearing it, and you can read that here  ) this time also I chose to go on the same palette of colors without risking too much. The result appreciate it yourself!
Hug you all with love!

Alegerea titlului a fost o pura intamplare. Insa la o simpla cautare am descoperit minunata legenda din spatele "Doamnei in maro", fara nicio legatura cu realitatea mea, si pentru ca si locatia din fotografii vine in intampinarea povestii am decis sa v-o impartasesc si voua. 
"Doamna in Maro" din Raynham Hall este o fantoma, care se spune ca a bantuit Raynham Hall din Norfolk, Anglia. A devenit una dintre cele mai renumite bantuitoare din Marea Britanie atunci cand fotografii revistei Country Life pretindeau ca au capturat imaginea ei. "Doamna Brown" este numita astfel din cauza rochiei din brocart maro pe care se pretindea ca o purta.
Potrivit legendei, "Doamna Brown din Raynham Hall" este fantoma lui Lady Dorothy Walpole. Ea a fost a doua sotie a lui Charles Townshend, care era renumit pentru temperamentul sau violent. Povestea spune ca, atunci cand Townshend a descoperit ca sotia lui a comis adulter cu Lord Wharton, el a pedepsit-o prin incuierea ei in una din camerele casei familiei, Raynham Hall. Ea a ramas la Raynham Hall pana la moartea ei cauzata de variola.
Si dupa acest periplu in lumea povestilor revenim in zilele noastre si mai exact la tinuta purtata de mine azi. Rochia animal print este o alta "capodopera" de a mea si pentru ca atunci cand vine vorba de animal print I like to keep it simple (dupa cum am mai mentionat intr-o alta postare in care am prezentat mai pe larg cateva "reguli" de purtare si pe care puteti sa o cititi aici ) si de aceasta data am ales sa merg pe aceeasi paleta de nuante fara a risca prea mult. Rezultatul va invit sa-l apreciati singuri!
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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