Showing posts with label Belt Meli Melo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belt Meli Melo. Show all posts

Friday, 27 November 2015

Bohemian French style


Hello my dears! Today's outfit lead my thoughts to the Parisian bohemian streets, to the freelancer painters from the side of the Seine River, the butter croissant with a latte at one of the terraces of Saint Germain Boulevard accompanied by the subtle accordion arrangements.
The jacket is one of the best investments I ever made, the classic plaids with patches on the elbows, purchased some years ago from Zara. The dress is from Molly Bracken, a French brand, made of a fine lace I recently found it in an outlet. Although it has a medium length and an asymmetric cut with a little imagination I adjusted it to fit the length of the jacket. The bonnet is the leitmotif, adding an extra effect plus an extra bohemian note to the outfit.
Until next time stay in fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Paris is always 
a good idea"
                                     - Audrey Hepburn 

Buna dragele mele! Tinuta de azi ma duce cu gandul la boemul stradutelor pariziene, la pictorii clandestini de pe malul Senei, la croissantul cu unt acompaniat de o cafea latte la una dintre terasele de pe bulevartul Saint Germain in acorduri subtile de acordeon.
Sacoul este una dintre cele mai bune investitii pe care le-am facut, clasicele caroruri cu petice in coate, achizitionat acum ceva ani de la Zara. Rochia de la Molly Bracken, o marca frantuzeasca, confectionata dintr-o dantela foarte fina  am gasit-o recent intr-un outlet. Desi are o lungime medie si o croiala asimetrica cu putina imaginatie am ajustat-o pentru a se potrivi lungimii sacoului. Boneta este laitmotivul tinutei dand un plus de efect si o nota in plus de boem.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Rochie dantela

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Fashion tribute to sunny days

Imprimeu floral

I tried as hard as I could to keep the autumn with us for as long as possible but the cold days are rushing into our days.  Hence, I made a last attempt in this regard, today I wear this beautiful silk floral skirt as a tribute to the sun and the green nature. And what could work better than a pair of ankle strap sandals and a denim shirt that "cuts away" the summerish air.
From Iasi with love!
'till next time stay in fashion!

"After women,
flowers are the most 
divine creation"
                              - Christian Dior

Am incercat din rasputeri sa trag de toamna cat mai mult insa zilele racoroase se succed cu repeziciune.  Am facut o ultima incercare in acest sens, purtand azi aceasta minunata fusta de matase inflorata ca un omagiu adus soarelui si naturii inverzite. Si cu ce putea sa mearga mai bine decat cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si o camasa din denim care sa mai "taie" din aerul de vara.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Oversize bag

Thursday, 22 October 2015


Geaca de piele

After a long absence I returned with fresh forces together with the first post from this fall. 
I never ever thought that I would like to wear sneakers, office trousers and leather jacket all together, for me this was rather an outfit for a Sunday walk at the countryside back in the days. Based on the quote never say never I come to love such a mix, stylized a bit it looks cool, fresh and urban. It is practical, comfortable and perfect for a day to day wear, for evening putting on a pair of stilettos and a statement necklace turns into a perfect cocktail look.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Iasi with love!

Dupa o lunga perioada de absenta am revenit cu forte proaspete si odata cu ele si prima postare din aceasta toamna. 
Nu m-am gandit vreodata ca imi va placea sa port pantaloni la dunga cu adidasi si geaca de piele, fiind mai curand o tinuta de duminica de iesit “pi șentru” in mediul rural post decembrist. Pe principiul ca niciodata sa nu spui niciodata uite ca am ajuns sa ador o astfel de combinatie, stilizata putin arata cool, fresh si urban. Este practica, confortabila si de efect perfecta pentru zi ci zi iar, pentru seara cu o pereche de stiletto si un colier statement se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru un cocktail.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Pantaloni gri

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sex and the city strikes again

Samantha Jones look

"Hello my name is Fabulous"
                                         - Samantha Jones

From "get the look" series, after Look à la Carrie Bradshaw now it's Samantha Jones turn. Being I love so much the 4 ladies outfits in Sex and the City 2 I feel like reproducing them all but, I might stop here.
In these photos I wear a lycra jumpsuit which is quite "sensitive" in terms that the smallest drop of water is turning into a stain not to mention about how long it takes to iron it, but it looks stunning on tanned skin. The jacket I got it from ZARA about three years ago more or less, is cotton made and is perfect for summer days. I always liked to complete this jacket with this safari belt though sometimes I let it  simply "free" as here.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Rebel attitude

Hello my dears I wish you a fashionable week as possible!
Because the last time I talked about the Hangariada  Festival I will also include this outfit within Festival  Look trend. I had in mind, for a while already to do a post with this dress in a rock style as I already wore it in many others ways like club style for example, with high  heels sandals, glamour accessories and hairstyle. Today's tags are ruffles, studs, curly hair, red, boots and not necessarily in this order. Now let's take them one by one: ruffles can be whatever you want them to be, they can be childish, romantic, glam, boohoo or rock even with the matching accessories. Red is one of the colors with the strongest visual impact is also called the color of passion. Whether you chose to wear a day dress or an evening one, short, or long, asymmetrical or with a classic cut this color will always be eyes catching  giving a sexy and self-confident air. The studs, boots and curly hair are rock elements to the bone, and paired with pieces of other styles category can get an outfit worthy of all praise.
From Romania with love!

Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Pentru ca data trecuta am vorbit despre Hangariada tot in trendul de Festival Look as include si aceasta tinuta. Aveam de ceva vreme in minte sa fac o postare cu aceasta rochie insa pe stilul rock pentru ca in celelate stiluri am tot purtat-o prin cluburi, gen cu sandale cu toc accesorii si hairstyle glamur. Tag- urile de astazi sunt volane , tinte, par cret, bocanci si rosu nu neaparat in ordinea asta. Acum sa le luam pe rand: volanele poti fi cum vreti voi, pot fi copilaroase, romantice, glam, boohoo sau chiar rock cu accesoriile potrivite. Rosu este una dintre culorile cu impactul vizual cel mai puternic fiind supranumita culoarea pasiunii. Fie ca purtam rochii de zi sau de deara, scurte, lungi, asimetrice sau cu o crioala clasica aceasta culoare va atrage mereu privirile oferind un aer sexi si increzator celei ce o poarta. Tintele, bocancii si parul cret sunt elemente rock pana in maduva oaselor, iar combinate cu piese din alte categori de stiluri putem obtine o tinuta demna de toata lauda.
Pana la urmatoarea postare va imbratisez cu drag!

Friday, 1 May 2015

When glamour meets rock

This skirt is so old I do not even remember since I have it, but every year I rediscover it and reinvent it. It is so versatile, the pleats which are so in fashion this year gives a vintage air and makes it very ladylike , the metallic inserts add preciousness and the high waist gives femininity and elegance. It can be worn in multiply combinations classic, glam, rock or Boohoo style. In my typical style I have chosen the rock -chic style in which I feel the most comfortable and which represents me so bad. I marked the waist with a belt having metal elements which comes around twice (if I struggled a bit I think goes 3 times :) ) a plain white t-short; just between you and me we I have developed an obsession for white t- shirts I never feel like I have enough so I don't miss any opportunity to buy more and more of these. A XL  bag for day time in which I have thousand of things, my bags weighed a ton, I'm carrying all sorts of things in the idea that "maybe I might need" and often I do not use anything of them. Lots of bracelets and the biker jacket which is a must have in general and a signature when comes to rock-chic outfits.
Till the next time I let you relax with this track that I rediscovered by chance.  
Hug you all with love!

Aceasta fusta este atat de veche de nici eu nu mai stiu de cand o am, insa in fiecare an o redescopar si o reinventez. Este atat de versatila, pliseurile care se poarta atat de tare anul asta dau un aer vintage si foarte ladylike, insertiile metalice adauga pretiozitate, iar talia inalta confera feminitate si eleganta. Ea poate fi purtat in combinatii atat clasice, glam, rock sau boohoo. In stilul meu caracteristic am ales o tot stilul rock/ chic in care ma simt cel mai bine si care ma reprezinta atat de tare. Am marcat talia cu o curea cu elemente metalice care ma cuprinde de 2 ori (daca ma chinui un pic cred ca merge si de 3 ori :) ) un t-short simplu alb;  intre noi fie vorba am dezvoltat o adevarata obsesie pentru tricouri albe simt ca niciodata nu am suficiente astfel ca nu ratez nici o ocazie de a-mi cumpara altele si altele. O geanta XL de zi in care am o suta si o mie de lucruri, gentile mele cantaresc o tona, car tot felul de lucruri in ideea in care "poate o sa-mi trebuiasca" si de cele mai multe ori nu folosesc mai nimic din ele. Multe bratari si geaca de biker care este un must have in general si o semnatura in tinutele rock-chic.
Pana data viitoare va las sa va relaxati cu aceasta piesa pe care am redescoperit-o intamplator.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Trade your jacket for a scarf

But first... let's have a selfie!
Initially I had another outfit ready for today but since the weather has cooled down again, I decided on this one. Although I don't seem to be dressed very thick I was not cold because the scarf is very thick and elbow-length gloves they also did their job.
The tartan scarf I used as a cape / cardigan, fixing it with a thin waist belt with golden accents for an added glam. The elbow-length gloves besides the thermal comfort they bring a chic and extremely feminine air. The boots are a mix of multiple styles: cowboy due buckles, army due to thick soles with phonographic and double zippers; and sexy due by mid-knee length and high heels.

I hope you like the outfit until next time I embrace you all!

Dar mai intai... sa mai facem un selfie!
Initial aveam alta tinuta pregatita pentru astazi insa avand in vedere ca vremea s-a racit putin, din nou, m-am decis asupra acestei tinute. Desi nu par imbracata prea gros nu mi-a fost frig deoarece fularul este foarte gros iar manusile trei-sferturi si-au facut si ele datoria.
Fulartul tartan l-am folosit pe post de capa/ cardigan fixandu-l in talie cu o curea subtire cu accente aurii pentru un plus de glam. Manusile treisferturi pe langa confortul termic aduc o nota chic si extreme de feminina. Cizmele sunt un mix intre mai multe stiluri: cowboy datorita cataramelor, army datorita talpei groase cu rizuri si a fermoarelor duble;  si sexi datorita lungimii pana la jumatatea genunchiului si a tocurilor inalte.

Sper ca va place tinuta pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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