Showing posts with label Coat Tara Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coat Tara Fashion. Show all posts

Friday, 25 March 2016


Tunsoare bob
As I promised I did a remake of the outfit worn at the meeting with the fashion bloggers from Iasi. I start from the idea of ​​keep it simple in the same time I could not get over the fact that I was going to meet with some beautiful girls hence out of respect and appreciation for them I had to put some effort. So I chose a simple and yet a studied outfit.
In men attention! If you go on a date with a nice young lady you show pay a little respect for her and make an effort regarding your look.
I love the shirts especially those classic and lately I fell in love with the ones made of silk. I recently bought one in the colour of the year, serenity. I love this shade, is not aggressive with the eye complements perfectly the red and the grey and not only.

When I first posted on Facebook the photos with the girls I got lot of text messages and calls with greetings for my new haircut, in reality I have not trimmed a cm from my hair. It was just a hairstyle, I bounded my hair into a low bun letting my fringe free.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Asa cum am promis am revenit cu tinuta purtata la intalnirea cu bloggerii ieseni de fashion. Am mers pe ideea de keep it simple, in acelasi timp nu puteam trece peste faptul ca ma intalneam cu niste fete frumoase prin urmare din respect si apreciere pentru ele nu ma puteam prezenta oricum. Deci am ales simplu dar studiat.
Aviz barbatilor! Daca mergeti la o intalnire cu o domnisoara draguta aratati putina consideratie si depuneti putin efort in cee ace priveste look-ul dumneavoastra.
Imi plac foarte mult camasile si mai ales cele clasice, iar in ultima perioada am facut o pasiune pentru cele fluide, din matase. Tocmai mi-am cumparat una in culoarea anului 2016, serenity. Ador aceasta nuanta, nu este agresiva ochiului, vine perfect in completarea rosului si a griului si nu doar.
Cand am postat pe facebook fotografiile cu fetele am primit o gramada de mesaje si telefoane de felicitari pentru noua tunsoare, in realitate nu m-am tuns nici un cm. A fost doar o coafura, mi-am prins parul intr-un coc lejer la spate lasandu-mi bretonul liber.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA
Geanta rosie

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Beige coat

Palton bej

We are enjoying as much as we can the autumn and the sunny days until the ruthless winter comes. I is still find it hard to let go my sandals and stiletto shoes in fact I believe they can be valued even more pairing it with a poncho, cardigan or coat. The beige coat from the picture you could see it on different occasions as is one of my favorites, is very versatile and I love it's bias cut.
The cold season is still at the beginning, and if you couldn't find yet your ideal coat is the solution, guaranteed it will cover all style tastes.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"The wolf changes his coat,
but not his disposition"
                                                                                                                                    - Proverb

Ne bucuram cat mai putem de toamna si de zilele insorite pana nu vine nemiloasa iarna. Inca imi este greu sa ma despart de sandale si pantofi, ba chiar consider ca pot fi puse si mai mult in evidenta in asociere cu un poncho, cardigan sau palton. Paltonul din imagine l-ati putut vedea si cu alte ocazii, fiind unul dintre preferatele mele, este foarte versatil si ii ador croiala pe bie.
Sezonul rece este inca la inceput, iar daca inca nu v-ati gasit paltonul ideal recomand cu incredere , garantat veti gasi pe toate gusturile.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 15 December 2014

Nude is the new black

The nude color has become increasingly popular in the past few years and managed to establish itself as the new black thus completing the classic colors palette. The coat I purchased via Tara Fashion website and  the dress was tailored by my seamstress being the first dress from a long string that she sewed for me. The looped fabric is perfect for the cold season. As for the boots, they became a regular in my posts highlighting the idea that each piece can be worn in different combinations so we can fully enjoy them, plus we keep up with the latest trends without spending a small fortune on clothes and accessories.
And because Smiley is one of my favorite artists I will leave you to enjoy his latest song. By the way what do you  wish Santa will bring you this Christmas as for Smiley we just find out?
Hug you all with love!

Culoarea nude a devenit din ce in ce mai apreciata si mai purtata in ultimii ani reusind sa se impuna ca noul negru intregind astfel paleta culorilor clasice. Paltonul l-am achizitionat de pe site-ul Tara Fashion iar rochita este cusuta de croitoreasa mea fiind de fapt prima rochie dintr-un lung sir pe care mi-a facut-o. Este dintr-o stofa buclata perfecta pentru anotimpul in care ne aflam. Cat despre cizme, ele au devenit o prezenta obisnuita in postarile mele subliniind idea conform careia fiecare piesa poate fi purtata in diferite combinatii astfel ne putem bucura pe deplin de ele si in plus ne mentinem in trend fara a cheltui mici averi pe haine si accesorii.
Si pentru ca Smiley este unul dintre artistii mei preferati va las sa va delectati cu cea mai recenta piesa a sa. Apropo voi ce va doriti sa va aduca mosu ca in ceea ce-l priveste pe Smiley am aflat?
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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