Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sex and the city strikes again

Samantha Jones look

"Hello my name is Fabulous"
                                         - Samantha Jones

From "get the look" series, after Look à la Carrie Bradshaw now it's Samantha Jones turn. Being I love so much the 4 ladies outfits in Sex and the City 2 I feel like reproducing them all but, I might stop here.
In these photos I wear a lycra jumpsuit which is quite "sensitive" in terms that the smallest drop of water is turning into a stain not to mention about how long it takes to iron it, but it looks stunning on tanned skin. The jacket I got it from ZARA about three years ago more or less, is cotton made and is perfect for summer days. I always liked to complete this jacket with this safari belt though sometimes I let it  simply "free" as here.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Sex and the city

Din seria “get the look” dupa Lookà la Carrie Bradshaw i-a venit randul dezinvoltei Samantha Jones. Mi-au placut atat de mult tinutele celor 4 doamne din Sex and the city 2 incat daca ar fi dupa mine le-as reproduce pe toate insa cred ca am sa ma opresc aici.
In aceste fotografii eu port o salopeta din lycra despre care pot spune ca este foarte sensibila, in sensul in care se pateaza la cea mai mica picatura de apa si se mai si calca incredibil de greu dar, care pe o piele bronzata arata superb. Sacoul il am de la ZARA de vreo 3 ani aproximez eu, este din bumbac si este perfect pentru zilele de vara fiind foarte racoros. Mereu mi-a placut sa-l completez cu aceasta curea safari desi uneori il las pur si simplu “liber” ca aici.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Zara sandals
Sandale Zara
Beige jacket
Nude jacket
Curea maro
Beige bag
Geanta mica
Nude jumpsuit
Salopeta nude
Golden sandals
Sandale aurii

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