Showing posts with label Earrings Claire's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earrings Claire's. Show all posts

Friday, 15 April 2016

The angora cobalt blue sweater

I’m sure my mother will be very happy when she’ll see this article. It has become a tradition that every year for Christmas to get a sweater as a present from her. Sorry! From Santa :)). This year I got this marvel fluffy blue cobalt sweater. What is really awesome is I actually wear them. About the long string of sweaters I could talk for ages. I tend to believe she bought for me nearly all the models from the market, from classics with front buttons to sweaters with metal epaulets or studded ones or even ripped. From the fluffy ones to rigid, from the soft knitted to the rough wool or armour like. And when I get to think she has exhausted all choices she manage to surprise me with another unique model.
I love you mom, I love her because she exist and because she’s the best mom in the world with or without sweaters! I love her for all the reasons she deserve to be loved!

About how much I love wearing lace I think I wrote couple of times already. Personally I love to mix fabrics, I like the contrasts of colour, of textures and volumes. Besides, I like lace near to angora as the case here, in association with leather or precious fabrics for a touch of glam.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Cred ca mama va fi foarte bucuroasa cand va vedea articolul asta. A devenit deja o traditie ca in fiecare an de Craciun sa primesc un pulover de la mama. Pardon! De la Mos Craciun :)). Anul asta am primit aceasta minunatie pufoasa de un albastru cobalt. Ce-i culmea e ca le si nimereste, deci chiar le port. Despre lungul sir al puloverelor as putea vorbi ore si ore. Cred ca mi-a luat cam toate modelele, de la cele clasice cu nasturei in fata, pana la pulovere cu epoleti de metal, cu tinte sau “destramate”. De la cele pufoase pana la cele rigide, de la cele moi pana la cele din lana aspra sau care imita armura. Si cand cred ca le-a epuizat pe toate mereu ma surpinde cu un model inedit.
Te iubesc mama, pentru ca existi si pentru ca esti cea mai buna mama din lume cu sau fara pulovere!

Despre cat de mult imi place dantela si despre cum o purtam cred ca am mai scris. Personal ador sa mixez tesaturile, imi plac contrastele atat de culoare, volume cat si cele de textura. Imi place dantela langa stofa, langa angora cum este si cazul de fata, in asociare cu pielea sau cu material pretioase.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The jumpsuit

Hello my dears, I wanted to post since a few days ago but with so much going on (only positive things :) ) I haven't got the time. Today I present you this marvel of jumpsuit from Poema . It's that kind of item you look for it for months or even years till you find the perfect cut. Well I found it! I love jumpsuits for the same reason I love the dresses, it save you the effort of thinking to compose an outfit; is simply a single item that you can wear it simple, or paired with a jacket or just some bold accessories and the outfit is ready. Daytime goes with a pair of flat sandals or ballerinas, and for the evening a pair of heels turns the outfit from a comfy one  into  sexy and stylish one.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"I can't 
in flats"
                                                            - Victoria Beckham
Buna dragele mele, tot ma tin sa postez de cateva zile insa atatea lucruri (positive :)) mi s-au intamplat in ultima perioada incat pur si simplu nu am mai reusit. Azi va prezint aceasta minunatie de salopeta de la Poema. Este acel gen de piesa pe care o astepti luni poate chiar ani pana gasesti croiala perfecta. Ei bine eu am gasit-o! Ador salopetele din acelasi motiv pentru care ador si rochiile, te scutesc de efortul de a gandi sa compui o tinuta, este pur si simplu o piesa de-a ‘ntregul care merge purtat atat simplu, sau cu o jacheta sau doar cu niste accesorii bold si gata tinuta. Pe timp de zi merge cu o pereche de sandale cu talpa joasa sau cu balerini iar seara o pereche de tocuri transforma tinuta dintr-una confrtabila in una sexi si stylish.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti mereu la moda!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

All denim

I have always liked overlapping textures and fabrics, so I would't thought of as an all denim outfit might look so good; but I was pleasantly surprised when I put on a pair of jeans and a denim shirt.  So simplistic and so eye catching such a combination, not to mention how much is on trends this year. With a pair of sneakers is an ideal appearance for day, and with a pair of stilettos also with some proper accessories it will turn into a perfect outfit for the evening. Denim the most worn and most versatile fabric ever, gives a fresh air and thins any silhouette. Denim outfits can be worn both styles as smart casual or  sexy, is suitable for both office and   clubs or on the beach. I believe that every wardrobe should have the four basic models: a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of straight jeans, a pair of flared jeans and shorts. If is to ask  me I would introduce within the basic category a pair of boyfriend jeans as well.
Hug you all!

Mereu mi-au placut suprapunerile de texturi si materiale, nu m-as fi gandit ca o tinuta all denim ar putea arata bine insa am fost placut surprinsa cand am pus pe mine o pereche de jeans si o camasa din denim. Pe cat de simplista este combinatia pe atat de placuta ochiului ca sa nu mai spun cat de tare se poarta anul asta. Cu o pereche de pantofi sport este o aparitie ideala pentru zi, iar cu o pereche de stiletto si accesorii potrivite se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru seara. Denimul cel mai purtat si mai versatil material din toate timpurile da un aer fresh, subtiaza silueta, poate fi purtat in tinute atat sexi cat si smart casual, se preteaza atat la birou cat si in club sau pe plaja. Consider ca fiecare ar trebui sa avem in garderoba 4 modele de baza: o pereche de jeans skinny, o pereche de jeans drepti, o pereche evazati si o pereche de jeansi scurti. Daca ar fi dupa mine as introduce tot la categoria de baza si o pereche de jeans boyfriend.

Va imbratisez cu drag!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Drama Queen

For couple of days already I'm having a terrible flu that I can't stand it anymore and which totally slashed my mood. Yet I said to myself to cheer up a bit by posting on the blog. For today's post I chose an all black outfit, consisting of a pair of leather trousers and a neck  lace top thus enhancing the dramatic effect. I "broke" the all black effect with a fluffy ecological fur vest and a pair of silver shoes. As for the hair style I chose a light bun that gives a romantic touch and also is highlighting the lace chandelier earrings. I love this  top, the lace in my opinion is an ever green for fashion; is and always will be elegant, feminine and sexy. This model in particular I like it even more because it has a vintage cut, giving a mysterious and unapproachable air and goes well with almost all sort of skirts from pencil skirts, flared, short, long or medium skirts and with different models of both leather and cloth trousers.
Hug you all with love!

De ceva zile ma confront cu o raceala teribila pe care nu o mai support si care mi-a taiat cheful de orice. Cu toate astea am zis sa ma mai inveselesc postand ceva pe blog. Pentru postarea de azi am ales o tinuta all black, formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni de piele si un top de dantela pe gat sporind astfel efectul dramatic. Am “spart” negrul cu o pufosenie de vesta din blana ecologica si o pereche de pantofi argintii. Ca si hair style am ales un coc lejer care da o nota romantica evidentiind cerceii candelabru dantelati. Ador acest top, dantela din punctul meu de vedere este un fel de ever green in moda, este si va fi mereu eleganta, feminina si sexi. Acest model imi place cu atat mai mult cu cat are o croiala vintage, da un aer misterios si inabordabil si merge purtat atat la fuste creion, clos, scurte, lungi sau medii cat si la diferite modele de pantaloni atat din piele cat si din stofa.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Denim shirt

Lots can be tell about me except for a serious face. I'm always encountering difficulties in finding some photos that look flawless because I can not be serious for a second. I either do continuous and uninterrupted talk or I do all kinds of faces, either I laugh either I'm becoming contortionist as you can see. Initially I wanted to tell you about how much the denim shirt is now in fashion this season and how versatile it is, how can be worn in all sorts of combinations and in association with all kinds of fabrics textures like lace, leather, also denim, cotton and even silk. But I am convinced that no one will pay attention to my outfit this time as the attention will be dragged by my grimaces so have fun!

Despre mine se poat spune multe mai putin cum ca as fi vreo serioasa. De fiecare data intampin dificultati in a alege cateva fotografii in care sa arat impecabil pentru ca eu nu pot fi serioasa nici o secunda. Fie vorbesc continu si neantrerupt, fie fac tot felul de fete, fie rad, fie am tendinte de contorsionare dupa cum se poate vedea. Initial vroiam sa va povestesc despre camasa din denim, cat de tare se poarta ea sezonul asta si cant de versatila poate fi, despre cum merge ea purtata in tot felul de combinatii si in asociatie cu tot felul de texturi cum ar fi dantela, piele, tot denim, coton si chiar matase. Insa sunt convinsa ca nimeni nu va mai observa tinuta atentia fiind acaparata de grimasele mele asa incat have fun!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 8 December 2014

First snow

The first snow just arrived and so the heat of winter holidays, marking the passing of another year. I find it increasingly difficult to take pictures for the blog because with each session I'm freezing more and more but I love what I do so feel it's worth the sacrifice. Because I'm a big fan of hats, something that I mentioned with several occasions before, today I adapted the hat into another outfit (this hat I used it in another combination that you can review it here).
The cardigan is in my opinion one of the basic items that once the cold season is customary, I always carry a spare one with me. Besides its thermic comfort also gives personality to the  outfit transforming it completely.
Now I let you guys to warm your soul with this beautiful song.
Hug you all with love!

A dat si prima zapada si uite asa am intrat in febra sarbatorilor de iarna marcand astfel trecerea unui alt an. Mi se pare tot mai dificil sa fac fotografii pentru blog intrucat inghet din ce in ce mai tare in timpul sesiunilor foto insa imi place ceea ce fac asa incat simt ca merita sacrificiul. Pentru ca sunt un mare fan al palariilor, aspect pe care l-am mai mentinat si cu alte ocazii astazi am adaptat aceasta palarie unei alte tinute (palaria am mai  folosit-o si intr-o alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici).
Cardiganul este in opinia mea una dintre piesele de baza care o data cu venirea sezonului rece devine nelipsit, mereu am cate unul de rezerva. Pe langa utilitatea sa ca si confort termic confera personalitate tinutei transformand-o complet.
Acum va las sa va mai incalziti sufletul cu aceasta melodie superba.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Knitting & Lace

We try to take advantage as much as possible of the last sunny days from this year, so as soon as the temperatures rise by 3-4 degrees and the sun shows its fangs we dress up for a photo shooting. As this season the sweater was given a new interpretation today I introduce you my vision.
Hug you all!

Incercam sa profitam de ultimele raze de soare de pe anul asta cat putem de mult, asa ca imediat ce temperaturile cresc cu 3-4 grade iar marital soare isi arata coltisori ne si echipam pentru un shooting foto. Si cum in acest sezon puloverului I s-a dat o noua interpretare azi va prezint viziunea mea.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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