Because their style will never die thanks to one of the most talented and surprising stylist, Patricia Field. As I promised few posts ago today I prepared an outfit "Get The Look" kind, inspired by the one and only Carrie Bradshaw interpreted by Sarah Jessica Parker.
The idea pop up in my mind as soon as I came across this forgotten dress in the back of the dressing, I must admit at the time when the dress was made the inspiration came from Gwyneth Paltrow and not from Carrie Bradshaw. Because lately my turbans are getting multiplied all together fit perfectly with these wonderful sandals which I get them for my birthday and I literally feel I want to sleep wearing them so much I adore them!
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
"I like my money right
where I can see it ...
hanging in my closet."
- Carrie Bradshaw
Pentru ca stilul lor nu va muri niciodata si asta datorita unuia dintre cei mai talentati si surprinzatori stilisti, Patricia Field.
Asa acum am promis cateva postari in urma azi am pregatit o tinuta gen "Get the look" inspiratia fiind nimeni alta decat Carrie Bradshaw interpretata de Sarah Jessica Parker.
Ideea mi-a venit imediat ce am dat peste aceasta rochie uitata de ceva vreme in dulap, trebuie sa recunosc totusi ca la vremea cand a fost facuta inspiratia a venit de la Gwyneth Paltrow si nu de la Carrie Bradshaw. Si cum in ultima perioada turbanele mele fac pui totul s-a potrivit de minune cu aceste minunate sandale pe care le-am primit de ziua mea si cu care imi vine sa dorm la propriu. Atat de mult le ador!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
"Shopping is my cardio."
- Carrie Bradshaw