Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts

Monday, 7 March 2016

Cocomelody - the new face of luxury

Today we’ll talk about "the big day" or rather said, my impressions as a guest/ friend of a bride. Since we are child we dreamed to be princesses, fairies, brides; The source of our imagination is due to both: education given by parents and fairy tales with princes and princesses that we were exposed to from an early age.
Once put the engagement ring on the finger us, women we get into a sort of frenzy looking for the perfect wedding dress. Although we lived under the impression that we have sketched in our minds into to the smallest detail how our bride dress will look like, the veil and eventually the hairstyle; once the engagement is becoming a fact we get overwhelmed by panic filled with enthusiasm in the same time and suddenly erases everything from our mind. The variety of models on the market and changing trends do nothing but exacerbate the confusion.
A good option in choosing the ideal bride dress is Cocomelody only here you can find dress that will represent you into the smallest detail.
Up until a few years ago the princess wedding dress type, the wide one, the one made on metal circle was a must, nowadays we relaxed so that brides are increasingly opting for diverse cuts and lengths. I personally find backless gown  and low back wedding dresses outrageous sensual and feminine apart, a backless dress is sexier than one with a low-cut neck. Below I have attached a selection of backless dresses, you can find more models by visiting the website.
Don't forget they are always having on going sale campaigns with significant price cut!
Util next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Azi vorbim despre “ziua cea mare” sau mai curand de impresiile mele in calitate de invitat/ prietena a miresei. De mici ne visam printese, zane, mirese; sursa imaginatiei noastre este atat educatia primita de la parinti cat si povestile cu zane, printi si printese la care suntem expuse inca de la varste fragede.
Odata pus inelul de logodna pe deget noi femeile intram intr-un soi de frenezie in cautarea rochiei de mireasa perfecte. Desi traiam cu impresia ca avem creionat in minte pana la cel mai mic detaliu cum va arata rochia de mireasa, voalul si eventual coafura odata puse in fata faptului implinit ne cuprinde o oarecare panica presarata cu entuziasm si parca dintr-o data ni se sterge totul din minte. Varietatea de modele de pe piata si trendurile in continua schimbare nu fac altceva decat sa ne accentueze starea de confuzie.
O buna optiune in alegerea rochiei ideale o reprezinta Cocomelody doar aici veti gasi rochia care sa va reprezinte in cel mai mic detaliu.
Daca pana acum cativa ani rochia de mireasa tip printesa, adica cea ampla, pe cerc era un must, in zilele noastre ne-am mai relaxat astfel ca miresele opteaza pentru croieli si lungimi din ce in ce mai diverse. Eu personal gasesc rochiile cu spatele gol de o senzualitate si o feminitate aparte, o rochie cu spatele gol este mai sexi decat una cu un decolteu foarte adanc. Mai jos am atasat o selectie de rochii cu spatele gol, veti gasi si mai multe modele accesand site-ul lor. 
De retinut este ca mereu au in desfasurare campanii de reduceri semnificative!
Pana data viitoare ramantei in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

 Fancy Off the shoulder

Monday, 28 December 2015

Landybridal for the big day

I do not know if it is coincidence or it just happened this year I had several partnerships with websites that sell wedding dresses. I  choose to end the cycle of 2015 posts with another post about the big day.
From a very early age most of us had imagined and probably over imagined that day we walk down the aisle next to the chosen one. We all dreamed about the ideal dress, and the more the big moment has delayed the more we have mentally experienced more bridal dress models from the classic princess dresses moving towards  to the mermaid cut; to the short one or to any color far away from the pure white .
Landybridal covers all tastes and silhouettes. Here you can find A-line wedding dresses, vintage lace wedding dresses for the most romantic of us, ball gown wedding dresses, mermaid bridal dresses also for those with a generous silhouette you can find the plus size wedding dresses, backless dresses, short or midi, ample or vapors.  And like any self-respecting website they launched their collection of wedding dresses 2016 since the end of 2015.
Do not miss the sale campaign, you can get discounts from 20% up to 75%, weekly discounts or even dresses at bargain prices under $ 100.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Nu stiu daca este o coincidenta sau pura intamplare faptul ca anul acesta am avut mai multe parteneriate cu site-uri care comercializeaza rochii de mireasa. Aleg pe final de an sa inchei ciclul postarilor din 2015 cu o alta postare despre ziua cea mare.
Inca de mici majoritatea dintre noi ne-am imaginat si ras-imaginat probabil ziua in care pasim spre altar alaturi de alesul inimii. Cu toate ne-am vizualizat rochia ideala, probabil cu cat marele moment s-a lasat mai mult asteptat cu atat am experimentat mental mai multe modele de la clasicele rochii de printesa trecand la cele tip sirena si pana la cele scurte sau in culori departe de purul alb.
Landybridal impaca toate gusturile si siluetele. Aici castiti rochii croite in A, rochii vintage pentru cele mai romantic dintre noi, rochii tip printesa, sirena, rochii de mireasa pentru cele cu o silueta generoasa, rochii cu spatele gol, scurte sau midi, ample sau vaporoase. Si ca orice site care se respecta si-au lansat colectia de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 inca de la finele anului 2015.
Nu ratati campania reducerilor, puteti beneficia de reduceri de la 20% pana la 75%, de discount-uri saptamanale sau chiar de rochii la preturi de chilipir sub 100$.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Vintage lace wedding dresses
 Vintage lace wedding dress

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Cocomelody to look your very best

Recently one of my good friend got engaged which is why I decided to help her find the perfect wedding dress. So I came across Cocomelody who already launched their 2016 wedding dresses collection that includes a wide variety of designs and cuts from classic the ethereal beach wedding dresses.
You can choose to shine in a designer dress from the new collection or if your proposed wedding will take place on a sunny beach here you will find your dream dresses, vaporous and white as sea foam.
What I really liked is that Cocomelody are making custom dresses on personalized sizes, satisfying the most demanding tastes.
Of course our beloved men were not overlooked, they are also having a special section from where they can choose two- pieces suits, three-pieces suits, tuxedos and the must have accessorizes: cufflinks, ties, bow ties and pocket square.
If you are among the lucky ones who live in the United States, the Netherlands or Germany, or you planned an extraordinary  trip to one of these 3 countries you can visit shops and the presentation showroom. If not, don't worry!!! They have thought about the rest of us, so it doing shipping to more than 230 countries worldwide.
In this period of the year we can enjoy great discounts for all the category dresses. On the below I made a fine selection encompassing various designs and cuts with the purpose to convince you to visit Cocomelody website I couldn't hold myself so I pick some dresses for special occasion since New Year eve is knocking at the door.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Recent una dintre prietenele mele bune s-a logodit, motiv pentru care mi-am propus sa o ajut sa-si gaseasca rochia de mireasa ideala. Asa am dat peste Cocomelody care deja si-au lansat colectia de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 ce cuprinde o varietate larga de modele si croieli de la cele clasice pana la cele diafane potrivite unor locatii pe plaja, de exemplu.
Puteti alege sa straluciti intr-o rochie de designer din noua colectie de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 sau daca va-ti propus ca nunta sa aiba loc pe plaja insorita aici veti gasi mult visata rochie vaporoasa si alba ca spuma marii.
Ce mi-a placut foarte tare este ca cei de la Cocomelody realizeaza si rochii la comanda, pe masuri personalizate satisfacand  si cele mai exigente gusturi.
 Bineanteles ca nici scumpii nostrii barbati nu au fost trecuti cu vederea, acestia avand o sectiune special destinata lor de unde isi pot alege costume in doua, trei piese sau fracuri cat si accesoriile aferente: butoni, cravate, papioane sau batiste de buzunar.
Daca va numarati printre norocosii care locuiesc in Statele Unite, Olanda sau Germania sau daca va-ti planuit o calatorie in una din aceste 3 tari le puteti vizita magazinele si showroom –urile de prezentare. Daca nu, Cocomelody s-a gandit si la noi ceilalti astfel ofera shipping in peste 230 de tari din intreaga lume.
In aceasta perioada ne putem bucura de mari reduceri atat la noile colectii de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 Rochii de mireasacat si la rochiile de mireasa specifice unei locatii exotice pe plaja sau in aer liber la un conac vechi. Mai jos am facut o selectie cat mai variata ce cuprinda modele si croieli diferite cu scopul de a va convinge sa accesati pagina web Cocomelody, deasemenea nu m-am putut abtine sa nu aleg si niste rochii de ocazii avand in vedere ca Revelionul se apropie vertiginos. 
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

 2016 wedding dresses

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

National Day

National day

On 1st of December is the National Day of Romania so I decided to wear an outfit with traditional elements. I chose this artificial fur vest just because it looks like the Romanian traditional vests and complements the traditional hand made waistband , insertions of the shirt and the hair braids. I confess that I am a big fan of artificial fur vests, already have four and plan to purchase the 5th one. Fake fur vests can be worn starting with early fall and ending with spring, it lends itself easily to different outfits, so come well worn over the t-shirt, shirt, sweater, silk or knitted dresses and over the classic leather jacket.
You can find a wide range of designs, colors and textures
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Astazi este ziua nationala a Romaniei asa ca am decis sa pregetesc o tinuta cu elemente traditionale. Am optat pentru aceasta vesta de blana artificiala tocmai pentru ca duce cu o bundita venind in completarea braului, a insertiilor de pe camasa si a impletiturii. Marturisesc ca sunt mare fan al vestelor din blana artificiala, detin deja 4 si planuiesc sa o achizitionez si pe a 5-a. Pot fi purtate incepand cu toamna devreme si sfarsind cu primavera, se preteaza usor la diferite tinute, vin bine purtate atat peste tricou, camasa, pulover, rochii de matase sau tricotate cat si peste clasica geaca de piele.
Puteti gasi o gama variata de modele, culori si texture pe
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Romanian national day

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Oversize sweater

Pulover rosu
Recently I bought an oversize, red sweater from an outlet; I had few oversize sweaters but never a red one hence it was love at first sight. I personally prefer to wear these items as a dress, simple, or with an oversize shirt underneath. I like two length: medium (like the one I’m wearing it in the photos) and the knee length, especially I love it paired with either knee boots or over the knee boots. In winter I find this kind of sweaters indispensable being the best choice from stylistic and cosiness point of view.
You can find a wide range of colours and patterns of oversize sweaters on Time is so precious nowadays why lose it 'Browsing' for hours even days looking for your ideal piece of clothing? do that for you, here you can find gathered together a finest selection of what on-line shops offers.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Recent am achizitionat dintr-un outlet acest pullover oversize, rosu; am tot avut pulovere oversize dar niciodata rosu asa incat a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Eu personal prefer sa port astfel de piese pe post de rochii fie simple fie cu o camasa pe dedesupt de asemenea oversize. Imi plac atat cele de lungime medie (precum cel din fotografii) cat si cele pana la genunchi si mai ales le ador in combinatie cu cizme fie ele pana la genunchi sau peste genunchi. In sezonul rece acest gen de pulovere mi se par indispensabile fiind cea mai buna alegere atat stylistic vorbind cat si pentru confortul termic.
Puteti gasi o gama foarte variata de culori si modele pe pulovere oversize pe Timpul fiind atat de pretios in zilele noastre de ce sa-l irosim “rasfoind” ore poate chiar zile in cautarea piesei vestimentare preferate? face asta pentru voi, aici gasiti adunate la un loc o selectie rafinata din ceea ce ofera  magazinele on-line.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Culture palace

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Back to the basic

Alb si negru
I haven't tried for a while a combination of black and white, so I come this time with a simple but effective choice. A pair of black skinny jeans with a boyfriend white shirt are screaming for some red details thus my lips became  my accessory together with a pair of red stiletto. In order to give more contouring  and keep the proportions balance I have chosen as proper accessories a hat and a small bag, which can be worn as a shoulder bag, as a clutch or as a cross-body bag.
I often choose to wear small dimensions bags and especially the cross-body ones for the obvious reasons. They are more practical, versatile, we're "forced" in some how to carry with us only the necessary things  unlike the oversize bags, small bags are cute and give the outfit an extra touch of elegance. On you can find different models for different taste, only here you have a complete selection without having to waste precious time on all the websites.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Nu am mai incercat demult o combinatie de alb si negru, vin de aceasta data cu o alegere simpla dar de efect. O pereche de jeansi skinny negri la pachet cu o camasa boyfriend alba tipa dupa niste accente rosii, astfel, buzele mi-au devenit accesoriu impreuna cu o pereche de stiletto rosii. Ca totul sa capete si mai mult contur pastrand un echilibru si intre proportii am ales ca accesorii propriuzise o palarie si o geanta de dimensiuni mici, care poate fi purtata pe umar, plic cat si crossbody. 
Deseori aleg sa port genti de dimensiuni mici si mai ales crossbody din motive lesne de inteles. Sunt mult mai practice, versatile, ne limiteaza sa caram cu noi doar lucrurile cu adevarat necesare, sunt dragalase si dau o eleganta aparte tinutei. Puteti gasi modele pe toate gusturile pe, doar aici  aveti o selectie completa fara a fi nevoite sa pierdeti timp luand toate site-urile la rand.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Moda toamnei

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Purple coat & backpack

purple coat

It's the weekend so I say let's relax and not only as a state also in terms of fashion. I propose an outfit suitable for a relaxing walk in the park or botanical garden admiring the beautiful autumn arrangements. The purple coat I recently discovered in my dressing, I have it for a few years and I find this a good moment to re-adapt it. The current trends allow us to wear coats from the most elegant styles to the sporty ones. Being I chose to relax a bit this time I  opted for the sporty mix.
Instead of the ordinary shoulder bag I chose to pair my outfit with a backpack being more practical and comfy. Fashion backpacks recently returned in our attention, they are increasingly included in designers presentations. I admit I was a little reluctant at first but this trend catch me to the point I start to wear mine on several occasions this is why I intend soon enough to purchase the second one. I'm thinking to go for a black leather one, where we can find the coolest models gathered in one place if not on You'll find here a various models of backpacks also covering a large range of colors.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

E weekend, asa ca zic sa ne relaxam nu numai ca stare cat si din punct de vedere vestimentar. Propun o tinuta relaxata potrivita pentru o plimbare in parc sau in gradina botanica admirand minunatele aranjamente de toamna. Paltonul mov este o descoperire recenta din dresingul meu, il am de cativa ani si m-am gandit sa-l readaptez. Trendurile actuale ne permit purtarea paltoanelor de la cele mai elegante stiluri pana la cele sport.  Fiind vorba de aceasta data de o tinuta relaxata am optat pentru varianta sport. 
In loc de nelipsita geanta de umar, am ales pentru aceasta combinatie un rucsac fiind mult mai practic si comod. Moda rucsacelor a revenit de curand in atentia noastra fiind tot mai des incluse de designeri si in prezentarile lor. Recunosc ca am fost putin reticenta la inceput, insa m-a prins atat de tare trendul, incat il port pe al meu cu diferite ocazii motiv pentru care intentionez cat de curand sa-l achizitionez si pe al doilea. Cred ca voi opta pentru unul negru, din piele si unde putem gasi cele mai cool modele adunate la un loc daca nu pe Veti gasi aici cele mai variate modele de rucsacuri acoperind totodata o gama cat mai larga de culori.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in trend!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!


Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Beige coat

Palton bej

We are enjoying as much as we can the autumn and the sunny days until the ruthless winter comes. I is still find it hard to let go my sandals and stiletto shoes in fact I believe they can be valued even more pairing it with a poncho, cardigan or coat. The beige coat from the picture you could see it on different occasions as is one of my favorites, is very versatile and I love it's bias cut.
The cold season is still at the beginning, and if you couldn't find yet your ideal coat is the solution, guaranteed it will cover all style tastes.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"The wolf changes his coat,
but not his disposition"
                                                                                                                                    - Proverb

Ne bucuram cat mai putem de toamna si de zilele insorite pana nu vine nemiloasa iarna. Inca imi este greu sa ma despart de sandale si pantofi, ba chiar consider ca pot fi puse si mai mult in evidenta in asociere cu un poncho, cardigan sau palton. Paltonul din imagine l-ati putut vedea si cu alte ocazii, fiind unul dintre preferatele mele, este foarte versatil si ii ador croiala pe bie.
Sezonul rece este inca la inceput, iar daca inca nu v-ati gasit paltonul ideal recomand cu incredere , garantat veti gasi pe toate gusturile.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Bride to be

I'm happy to announce a new cooperative business partnership with Aisle Style. The company sells wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses and other special occasion dresses and has earned a good reputation all over the world. Having a closer look at theirs items I was pleasantly surprised to discover they have best price guarantee and best quality.
They offer FREE shipping for orders over £200, also £5 coupons for Sign up. On the below I made a brief selection from each category, I did my best to cover all tastes and styles in matter of cuts and dress design. 
This website is worth to be check as they have so many items which are literally stunning, personal I spent few hours on it. I just couldn’t favor any being they have so many gorgeous models and, are covering a large color pallet too. Because so many of you asked me about my yellow dress I wore it as a bridesmaid but at the time I did not know about this website now I recommend with all my confidence that Aisle Style is the best choice.
The weddings season is not over yet so you girls still have time to purchase your dream dress and be unique for the reception! Soon the New Year will knock at the door so you better have the dress ready; the champagne is on the house!
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Sunt fericita sa anunÈ›e un nou parteneriat de colaborare cu Aisle Style. Compania vinde rochii de mireasa, rochii de domnisoara de onoare si alte rochii de ocazi speciale si-a castigat o buna reputaÈ›ie in intreaga lume. La o privire mai atenta asupra produselor lor am fost placut surprinsa sa descopera ca au cel mai bun preÈ› garantat si cea mai buna calitate.
Se ofera transport gratuit pentru comenzi de peste 200 de £, de asemenea £ 5 cupoan la inregistrare. Mai jos am facut o scurta selecÈ›ie din fiecare categorie de produse, am incercat sa acopar toate gusturile si stilurile in materie de croieli si design.
Acest site merita vizitat avand atat de multe produse care sunt literalmente superbe, personal am petrecut cateva ore bune. Pur si simplu nu am putut favoriza nici o piesa dat fiind faptul ca au atat de multe modele care iti taie respiratia acoperind totodata a variata paleta de culori. Pentru ca multe dintre voi ma-ti intrebat despre rochia mea galbena pe care am purtat-o ca domnisooara de onoare, dar la momentul respectiv nu È™tiam despre acest site acum recomand cu toata increderea Aisle Style ca fiind cea mai buna alegere.
Sezonul nuntilor nu este inca terminat asa ca fetelor inca mai aveti timp sa va cumparati rochia de vis in care sa straluciti la petrecere! In curand Revelionul va bate la usa si ar fi bine sa va prinda cu rochia in dulap; sampania este din partea casei!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Order Here

Hello my dears, today I want to tell you about a new concept that underlies a new applications designed exclusively for hospitality industry. The idea belongs exclusively to a very good friend of mine which has developed a software system based on bar codes which could maintain a prompt relationship between customers and staff.
The idea came last year when she was on a vacation at the sea side, everywhere was super crowded and the waiters barely could handle the orders received from customers, being on the beach not all of the customers were in sight. "How interesting it would be if there were a smartphone app so you can call your waiter easier! " was the thoughts of my friend, and that was the moment when she decided to setup the base of such an application.
Later on, with the help of two experienced programmers was founded OrderHere application that relies on scanning QR codes by customers. They have to scan the codes and then can ask for the menu, order the bill or even be able to give customer satisfaction feedback.
Personally, I see this as a very good idea, knowing from my previous experience how long it takes to get the menu or the order every time I go to a restaurant / club / coffee place especially when is crowded.
For more details feel free to visit and to download the free application on Google Play and App Store!
From Romania with love!

Buna dragele mele, astazi as vrea sa va povestesc despre un concept nou ce sta la baza unei noi
aplicatii destinata in exclusivitate sectorului HORECA. Ideea ii apartine in totalitate unei bune prietene ce a dezvoltat un sistem software bazat pe coduri de bare ce ar putea mentine o relatie prompta intre clienti si personalul HORECA.
Ideea a aparut anul trecut pe cand se afla intr-o vacanta la mare, peste tot era super aglomerat iar chelnerii de pe plaja de-abia puteau face fata comenzilor primite de la clienti, plus ca nu ii aveau in vizor pe toti. "Ce interesant ar fi daca ar exista o aplicatie pentru smartphone sa pot chema chelnerul mult mai usor!" se gandea prietena mea, iar acela a fost si momentul in care si-a spus ca ar trebui sa puna bazele unei astfel de aplicatii.
Ulterior, cu ajutorul a doi programatori experimentati a pus bazele aplicatiei OrderHere, ce se bazeaza exclusiv pe scanarea de coduri QR de catre clienti. Acestia vor scana codurile, iar apoi vor putea cere meniul, nota de plata, vor putea sa lase chiar si un feedback daca au fost sau nu multumiti de servicii.
Personal consider ideea una foarte reusita, si mai stiu din propria experienta de cate ori ma duc la un restaurant/club/ cafenea si nimeresc intr-o seara mai aglomerata, cat de mult dureaza doar sa mi se aduca meniul, de comanda nici nu mai vorbesc ...
Va invit pentru mai multe detalii sa accesati si sa downloadati gratis aplicatia de pe Google Play si App Store!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

White mood

Hello my dears, I know I promised another outfit for today but these days I had a new experience so I'm excited to share it with you. I accepted the invitation made by the make-up artist Carmen Alupoaie who offered me a professional makeup session followed by a photo shoot took by the photographer Ciprian Alupoaie from the PINK CAT studio. Although it was a lot of work behind this shooting, more from their part than mine, was also fun and educational as I got many photo tips from Ciprian which will definitely be helpful in  my future shootings. I would not have expected from me, I was very tense and  quite embarrassed at the beginning of the photo shoot but Ciprian has showed great patience and professionalism so after long discussions I was able to be myself.
To complete the makeup it lasted about 2 hours, Carmen chose for me a smokey eyes makeup using the Russian technology which emphasis on the volumes, as for the type of makeup she chose to use mostly the aquarelle which was another novelty for me . Besides the aquarelle she also used products from Makeup Atelier Paris and MAC (which by the way are coming to Iasi YEY, finally!). Like any make-up artist that respect herself, Carmen uses ONLY quality products and pretested.
For those interested in a professional makeup you can contact Carmen here, and for those interested for a professional photo shoot  or if you have an unique event in your life and you need professional photographer  please visit the official website here or check out the Facebook page of PINK CAT studio here.
I wore all white outfit, totally different from my daily style, consisting of a lace pencil skirt made by my seamstress and an over sized sweater from ZARA new collection. The centerpiece is the bag which is a new acquisition and is "to die for" item. This bag I see it successfully completing an elegant, casual or even a sporty outfit.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele, stiu ca am promis o alta tinuta pentru azi insa zilele astea am avut parte de o experienta noua asa incat sunt nerabdatoare sa o impart cu voi. Am dat curs invitatiei facute de make- up artistul Carmen Alupoae care mi-a oferit o sedinta de machiaj profesionist urmata de o sedinta foto realizata de fotograful Ciprian Alupoaie de la PINKCAT studio. Desi a fost foarte multa munca in spatele acestui shooting, mai mult din partea lor decat din partea mea, a fost si distractiv si educativ intrucat am primit foarte multe tips- uri de fotografie de la Ciprian care cu siguranta imi vor fi utile in realizarea shootingurilor viitoare. Nu m-as fi asteptat din partea mea, dar am fost foarte tensionata si stanjenita la inceputul sedintei foto insa Ciprian a dat dovada de multa rabdare si professionalism astfel ca dupa indelungi discutii am reusit sa ma destind.
Realizarea machiajului a durat aproximativ 2 ore, Carmen a ales pentru mine un machiaj smokey eyes folosind tehnica ruseasca in care se pune accentual pe volume, iar ca tip de fard s-a mers mai mult pe acuarela ceea ce a constituit un alt element de noutate pentru mine. Pe langa acuarela a mai folosit produse  Makeup Atelier Paris si MAC (care apropo, vine si in Iasi YEY in sfarsit). Ca orice make-up artist care se respecta, Carmen foloseste DOAR produse de calitate si pretestate. 
Pentru cei interesati de un machiaj profesionist o puteti contacta pe Carmen aici, iar pentru cei interesati de o sedinta foto inedita sau aveti nevoie de un fotograf profesionist pentru un eveniment important din viata voastra puteti accesa site-ul official PINK CAT aici sau adresa de facebook aici.
Am purtat o tinuta all white total diferita de stilul meu, formata dintr-o fusta creion din dantela facuta de croitoreasa mea si un pulover supradimensionat ZARA colectia noua. Piesa centrala a fost geanta care este o achizitie noua si pe care o ador. O vad completand cu success atat tinute elegante cat si tinute casual sau chiar sporty.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by CIPRIAN  ALUPOAE

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