Thursday, 23 July 2015

Statement fashion

Palarie cu boruri largi

I love the lace items which is why with every year passing more and more such pieces make their way into my dressing.  The black lace top I recently and randomly purchased from a store in Iasi, in which you would not expect to find something nice. Often, we are so accustomed to frequent malls that we just forget the beauty of walking through the narrow streets packed with all kinds of boutiques and outlets where we can find unique or at least some uncommon items than the "uniforms" from malls. Not to tell about prices, most often overpriced that big stores are practicing. As a  (near) future project of mine is buying a sewing machine to express my creativity and passion for all what means clothing design.
Another statement item is the necklace, a model that I was looking to find it for a while I bought it from a stall, a family business of a very cute couple united by the love for each others along with the love for beauty and handmade jewelry. For those interested in some fine pieces, you can enter here
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"There's only one thing 
in the world that turns me on.
And I love her in lace."
                                - Jodi Ellen Malpas

Ador piesele din dantela motiv pentru care de la an la an tot mai multe astfel de piese isi fac loc in dressing-ul meu. Topul negru din dantela l-am achizitionat de curand si intamplator de la un magazin din Iasi, in care nu te-ai fi asteptat sa gasesti ceva dragut. De multe, ori suntem atat de obisnuiti sa frecventam doar mall-urile incat pierdem din vedere frumusetea plimbarilor pe stradutele inguste intestate cu tot felul de bouticuri si outlet-uri unde putem gasi piese unice sau cel putin mai deosebite decat “uniformele” din mall –uri. Ca sa nu mai spun despre preturile, de cele mai multe ori nejustificat de piperate pe care le practica marile magazine. Ca un proiect al meu de viitor (apropiat) este achizitionarea unei masini de cusut cu ajutorul careia sa-mi manifest creativitatea si pasiunea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna  creatie vestimentara - asta asa ca o paranteza (smiley face).
O alta piesa statement a tinutei este colierul, un model pe care il ador si pe care il cautam de ceva vreme l-am cumparat de la un stand, afacere de familie a unui cuplu foarte dragut uniti atat de dragostea unuia fata de celalat cat si de dragostea pentru frumos si bijuterii lucrate manual. Pentru cele interesate puteti intra aici
Pana data viitoare fiti fashion!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Color block

Geanta Louis Vuitton

I'm crazy for color.
Color embraces you.
It wakes you up 
and keeps you present
                              - Tracy Reese

This weekend I finally shoot some new pictures which can't wait to post them, though the heat outside was crazy we had lots of fun. I decided to start the week in a  full of color mood. I admit colored outfits are not my thing although I appreciate them when I see it on someone else. The shirt from the picture is my work, it was initially a dress but I turned it into a shirt hoping that I will wear it more often, even so I confess that doesn't go out from the darkness of the dressing.
With a classic cut somehow I balances the "situation" created by leather shorts which by their nature are a sexy touch; though is having long sleeves being made of silk it keeps cool.
And because this summer was about my best friend wedding I will leave you now to enjoy this song that held the first dance of the couple and that I love it so much, for about a month goes on repeat.
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

White jeans

Clutch portocaliu

Hello my dears, it is time for a new look post. From the category of "how to wear white jeans" for today I chose an all white outfit with golden details. Also, the white jeans will look very good with a black top or for a glam outcome you can choose a top with gold or silver inlays. Also, a floral or geometric prints blouse could work very well, accessorized with a wide-brimmed hat or a fringe messenger bag in order to create a  Boohoo style. 
Till next time stay fashion!
With love from Romania!

Buna dragele mele, a venit timpul pentru o noua postare cu un nou look. Din categoria “cum sa purtam blugii albi” pentru azi am ales o abordate all white cu accente aurii. Deasemenea, dau foarte bine cu un top negru sau pentru un rezultat mai glam puteti opta pentru un top cu insertii aurii sau argintii. Totodata si bluzele inflorate sau cu imprimeuri geometrice dau foarte bine, accesorizate cu o palarie cu boruri mari sau cu o geanta gen postas cu franjuri pentru a reda stilul Boohoo. 
Pana data viitoare fiti fashion!
Cu dragoste din Iasi!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Order Here

Hello my dears, today I want to tell you about a new concept that underlies a new applications designed exclusively for hospitality industry. The idea belongs exclusively to a very good friend of mine which has developed a software system based on bar codes which could maintain a prompt relationship between customers and staff.
The idea came last year when she was on a vacation at the sea side, everywhere was super crowded and the waiters barely could handle the orders received from customers, being on the beach not all of the customers were in sight. "How interesting it would be if there were a smartphone app so you can call your waiter easier! " was the thoughts of my friend, and that was the moment when she decided to setup the base of such an application.
Later on, with the help of two experienced programmers was founded OrderHere application that relies on scanning QR codes by customers. They have to scan the codes and then can ask for the menu, order the bill or even be able to give customer satisfaction feedback.
Personally, I see this as a very good idea, knowing from my previous experience how long it takes to get the menu or the order every time I go to a restaurant / club / coffee place especially when is crowded.
For more details feel free to visit and to download the free application on Google Play and App Store!
From Romania with love!

Buna dragele mele, astazi as vrea sa va povestesc despre un concept nou ce sta la baza unei noi
aplicatii destinata in exclusivitate sectorului HORECA. Ideea ii apartine in totalitate unei bune prietene ce a dezvoltat un sistem software bazat pe coduri de bare ce ar putea mentine o relatie prompta intre clienti si personalul HORECA.
Ideea a aparut anul trecut pe cand se afla intr-o vacanta la mare, peste tot era super aglomerat iar chelnerii de pe plaja de-abia puteau face fata comenzilor primite de la clienti, plus ca nu ii aveau in vizor pe toti. "Ce interesant ar fi daca ar exista o aplicatie pentru smartphone sa pot chema chelnerul mult mai usor!" se gandea prietena mea, iar acela a fost si momentul in care si-a spus ca ar trebui sa puna bazele unei astfel de aplicatii.
Ulterior, cu ajutorul a doi programatori experimentati a pus bazele aplicatiei OrderHere, ce se bazeaza exclusiv pe scanarea de coduri QR de catre clienti. Acestia vor scana codurile, iar apoi vor putea cere meniul, nota de plata, vor putea sa lase chiar si un feedback daca au fost sau nu multumiti de servicii.
Personal consider ideea una foarte reusita, si mai stiu din propria experienta de cate ori ma duc la un restaurant/club/ cafenea si nimeresc intr-o seara mai aglomerata, cat de mult dureaza doar sa mi se aduca meniul, de comanda nici nu mai vorbesc ...
Va invit pentru mai multe detalii sa accesati si sa downloadati gratis aplicatia de pe Google Play si App Store!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Friday, 3 July 2015

Palma de Mallorca

My first holiday in Spain, in Palma de Mallorca to be more precise was one of a kind experience. Although I was "warned" about the beauty of Spain the reality surprised me even more. From the architectural mix of buildings and houses which are combined in a perfect harmony; the Spanish typical houses with long winding stairs stone, white walls placed on narrow streets to the imposing villas equipped with every modern convenience and luxury of this century, among whom towering triumphing the Mallorca Catedral a gothic masterpiece. From exclusive beaches with noisy parties which do not seem to fade to those withdrawn and quiet where the silence is only disturbed by the waves that break over the rocks. From typical traditional restaurants serving the best, the freshest and tastiest tapas and paella to the house a la carte. From the port area where you will find the finest cafes and lounge / piano bars to the immoral Magaluf where bars and clubs are lined up whereof have nothing good to say.
The purpose of this holiday was due wedding of my best friend to whom I wish once again happy marriage and all the happiness in the world. I had a particularly important role in this wedding, giving me the honor to be her bridesmaid, the only one in fact :). The colors of the wedding were orange and yellow so I was conditioned to wear a yellow dress matching the best men ties. Although initially the idea of wearing yellow did not excited me I must admit now I love this color. The model is one that I created and achieved with lots of hard work and stress by my seamstress whose now having grey hairs : P. I still let you enjoy sight with photos that speak for themselves and delight your hearing with the Spanish guitar.
From Romania with love!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Superlative femininity

Superlative femininity that's how I would define today's garment. The lace itself is a symbol of femininity and sensuality, also cut mean elegance and finesse, and the peach- pink color looks yummy. The dress was bought about 5 years ago, if I remember well, from the VintageBazar website, hence it has a history behind about I can only tell you from the moment it become mine. Initially it had totally different cut, length, and on top of it it also had sleeves; long sleeves and puffed with lots of creases on the shoulders hmm ... Thanks to my imagination I've made it from long medium length, from large (because it was at least two sizes larger) it became suitable for my body and the sleeves were dismissed for good from the picture. The lining which was shoddy and sewn like it was made to save some fabric was replaced by a satin of a matching color that seeks perfect the dress line, it is basically a second dress. 
I wore this dress on different occasions, in general on festive events with different accessories to render extra preciousness opting for gold accents; but today, I gave it a day reinterpretation opting for mat brown details, the eternal oversize bag an item who become indispensable for nowadays active woman.
From Romania with love!

Feminitate la superlativ as define tinuta de azi. Dantela insasi este un simbol al feminitatii si al senzualitatii, croiala rochiei de asemenea denota eleganta si finete, iar culoare roz- piersica iti vine sa o mananci. Rochia a fost achizitionata acum 5 ani, daca imi aduc aminte bine de pe VintageBazar, deci are o istorie in spate despre care o sa va povestesc doar de la momentul intrarii in posesia mea. Initial avea o cu totul alta croiala, lungime, captuseala in plus avea si maneci; maneci lungi si bufante cu pense pe umeri hmm… Insa eu cu imaginatia mea am facut-o din lunga medie, din larga (pt ca era cu cel putin 2 numere mai mare) a devenit potrivita pentru corpul meu, iar manecile au disparut cu totul din peisaj. Captuseala de proasta calitate si cusuta parca din economie de material a fost inlocuita cu un satin la culoare care urmareste perfect linia rochiei, fiind practic o a doua rochie. 
Am mai purtat aceasta rochie si cu alte ocazii, in general la evenimente mai festive cu accesorii care sa-i confere un plus de pretiozitate optand pentru accente aurii, insa azi i-am dat o reinterpretare de zi optand pentru detalii maro mat si eterna geanta mare indispensabila femeii active din zilele noastre.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Basic look

Does it ever happen to you to wake up in the morning and not know what to put on? It happens quite often to me, if I do not plan my outfits in advance I end up by wearing whatever. Today's outfit it's a simple one, monochrome, suitable for office especially for those days when you have a lack of inspiration or when you have a busy day and need the have the comfort and the ability of move around. The classical note was given by the office black trousers and the sobriety of the black color; the massive necklace and the animal print sneakers are the central point, elements who give personality to the seemingly commune outfit.
From Romania with love!

Voua vi se intampla sa va treziti dimineata si sa nu stiti ce sa puneti pe voi? Mie una mi se intampla destul de des, daca nu imi gandesc tinutele in avans sfarsesc prin a pune orice pe mine. Tinuta de azi este una simpla, monocroma potrivita pentru birou in acele zile cand va lipseste inspiratia sau cand aveti o zi aglomerata si aveti nevoie de confortul si disponibilitatea miscarii de colo colo. Am pastrat nota clasica prin pantalonii la dunga si sobrietatea negrului; colierul masiv si tenisii animal print fiind accentele principale care dau personalitate tinutei aparent banale.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 8 June 2015

Graphic print dress

This kind of dress I believe it really took off since Kim Kardashian began to have more and more public appearances wearing such a print. We have to admit that it has quite an effect this type of print is eye catching. Today I chose to wear it in a sport manner, proper for day wear with sneakers with different occasions I wore this beautiful dress with high-heels gladiator sandals or with over the knee boots. Maybe in autumn I will make a post pairing this dress with over the knee boots so you can see how well it fits and how sexy it is although the body is basically covered 90% I would say.
From Romania with love!

Genul asta de rochie cred ca a inceput sa ia amploare de cand Kim Kardashian a inceput sa aiba tot mai multe aparitii publice purtand astfel de imprimeuri. Trebuie sa recunoastem ca este un imprimeu de efect. Astazi eu am ales sa-l port intr-o maniera sport, de zi si anume cu tenesi desi cu alte ocazii am purtat aceasta minunata rochie cu sandale tip gladiator cu toc sau cu cizme peste genunchi. Poate in toamna am sa fac un post cu aceasta rochie in combinatie cu cizme peste genunchi sa vedeti cat de bine se aseaza si cat de sexi este desi corpul este practic acoperit in proportie de 90% as spune.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

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