Friday, 3 July 2015

Palma de Mallorca

My first holiday in Spain, in Palma de Mallorca to be more precise was one of a kind experience. Although I was "warned" about the beauty of Spain the reality surprised me even more. From the architectural mix of buildings and houses which are combined in a perfect harmony; the Spanish typical houses with long winding stairs stone, white walls placed on narrow streets to the imposing villas equipped with every modern convenience and luxury of this century, among whom towering triumphing the Mallorca Catedral a gothic masterpiece. From exclusive beaches with noisy parties which do not seem to fade to those withdrawn and quiet where the silence is only disturbed by the waves that break over the rocks. From typical traditional restaurants serving the best, the freshest and tastiest tapas and paella to the house a la carte. From the port area where you will find the finest cafes and lounge / piano bars to the immoral Magaluf where bars and clubs are lined up whereof have nothing good to say.
The purpose of this holiday was due wedding of my best friend to whom I wish once again happy marriage and all the happiness in the world. I had a particularly important role in this wedding, giving me the honor to be her bridesmaid, the only one in fact :). The colors of the wedding were orange and yellow so I was conditioned to wear a yellow dress matching the best men ties. Although initially the idea of wearing yellow did not excited me I must admit now I love this color. The model is one that I created and achieved with lots of hard work and stress by my seamstress whose now having grey hairs : P. I still let you enjoy sight with photos that speak for themselves and delight your hearing with the Spanish guitar.
From Romania with love!

Prima mea vacanta in Spania, in Palma de Mallorca mai exact a constituit o experienta inedita. Desi am fost "avertizata" cum ca Spania este o tara extraordinar de frumoasa realitatea m-a surprins si mai mult. De la mixul arhitectural al cladirilor si caselor care se impletesc intr-o armonie perfecta; casele tipic spaniole cu scari din piatra lungi si serpuite, cu peretii albi situatie pe strazi inguste pana la vile moderne si impozante dotate cu tot comfortul si luxul secolului in care traim, in mijlocul carora triumfa falnic Catedral de Mallorca o adevarata capodopera in stil gotic.  De la plajele exclusiviste si zgomotoase de petrecerile care nu mai par sa apuna pana la cele retrase si linistite unde linistea este perturbata doar de valurile care se sparg de colturile stancilor. De la restaurantele tipic traditionale care servesc cea mai buna si mai proaspata paella si cele mai gustoase tapas pana la cele de lux a la carte. De la zona portului unde veti gasi cele mai bune cafenele si lounge/ piano bars pana in imoralul Magaluf intesat de baruri si cluburi despre care nu am nimic bun de zis.
Scopul vacantei a fost datorat de nunta celei mai bune prietene ale mele caruia ii doresc inca o data si pe aceasta cale casa de piatra si toata fericirea din lume. Eu am avut un rol deosebit de important in cadrul nuntii si anume am fost desemnata domnisoara de onoare, singura de altfel :). Culorile nuntii au fost orange si galben astfel ca am fost conditionata sa port o rochie galbena asortata cu cravatele cavalerilor de onoare. Desi initial nu m-a incantat ideea recunosc ca am ajuns sa ador aceasta culoare. Modelul este unul creat de mine si realizat cu multa munca si stres de o doamna croitoreasa careia i-am scos peri albi :P. Va las in continuare sa va delectati vazul cu fotografiile care vorbesc de la sine si sa va incantati auzul in acorduri de chitara.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

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