Showing posts with label Animal print sneakers Pull & Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal print sneakers Pull & Bear. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Knee rip jeans

Rip jeans
What do you think about the jeans with knee "view" ? I personally adore them, I remember my first pair of this type of jeans it happens to be somewhere around the high school time despite of my parents and especially my grandparents opinion who strongly believed I spoil goodness of trousers :) I confess however, that I would not invest in such a pair preferring the more practical option of DIY  "sacrificing" an older pair of jeans in the name of fashion.
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Ce parere aveti despre jeansi cu "vedere" la genunchi? Eu personal ii ador, imi aduc aminte de prima mea pereche de astfel de jeansi, se intampla unde prin liceu spre disperarea parintilor si mai ales a bunicilor in opinia carora stricasem bunatate de pantaloni :) Marturisesc totusi, ca nu as investi intr-o astfel de pereche de pantaloni preferand varianta mult mai practica aceea de a "sacrifica" o pereche mai vechi in numele modei.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Basic look

Does it ever happen to you to wake up in the morning and not know what to put on? It happens quite often to me, if I do not plan my outfits in advance I end up by wearing whatever. Today's outfit it's a simple one, monochrome, suitable for office especially for those days when you have a lack of inspiration or when you have a busy day and need the have the comfort and the ability of move around. The classical note was given by the office black trousers and the sobriety of the black color; the massive necklace and the animal print sneakers are the central point, elements who give personality to the seemingly commune outfit.
From Romania with love!

Voua vi se intampla sa va treziti dimineata si sa nu stiti ce sa puneti pe voi? Mie una mi se intampla destul de des, daca nu imi gandesc tinutele in avans sfarsesc prin a pune orice pe mine. Tinuta de azi este una simpla, monocroma potrivita pentru birou in acele zile cand va lipseste inspiratia sau cand aveti o zi aglomerata si aveti nevoie de confortul si disponibilitatea miscarii de colo colo. Am pastrat nota clasica prin pantalonii la dunga si sobrietatea negrului; colierul masiv si tenisii animal print fiind accentele principale care dau personalitate tinutei aparent banale.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

All denim

I have always liked overlapping textures and fabrics, so I would't thought of as an all denim outfit might look so good; but I was pleasantly surprised when I put on a pair of jeans and a denim shirt.  So simplistic and so eye catching such a combination, not to mention how much is on trends this year. With a pair of sneakers is an ideal appearance for day, and with a pair of stilettos also with some proper accessories it will turn into a perfect outfit for the evening. Denim the most worn and most versatile fabric ever, gives a fresh air and thins any silhouette. Denim outfits can be worn both styles as smart casual or  sexy, is suitable for both office and   clubs or on the beach. I believe that every wardrobe should have the four basic models: a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of straight jeans, a pair of flared jeans and shorts. If is to ask  me I would introduce within the basic category a pair of boyfriend jeans as well.
Hug you all!

Mereu mi-au placut suprapunerile de texturi si materiale, nu m-as fi gandit ca o tinuta all denim ar putea arata bine insa am fost placut surprinsa cand am pus pe mine o pereche de jeans si o camasa din denim. Pe cat de simplista este combinatia pe atat de placuta ochiului ca sa nu mai spun cat de tare se poarta anul asta. Cu o pereche de pantofi sport este o aparitie ideala pentru zi, iar cu o pereche de stiletto si accesorii potrivite se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru seara. Denimul cel mai purtat si mai versatil material din toate timpurile da un aer fresh, subtiaza silueta, poate fi purtat in tinute atat sexi cat si smart casual, se preteaza atat la birou cat si in club sau pe plaja. Consider ca fiecare ar trebui sa avem in garderoba 4 modele de baza: o pereche de jeans skinny, o pereche de jeans drepti, o pereche evazati si o pereche de jeansi scurti. Daca ar fi dupa mine as introduce tot la categoria de baza si o pereche de jeans boyfriend.

Va imbratisez cu drag!

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