Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Iasi tour - tourist in my city

Sambata dis-de-dimineata, ne-am adunat cu mic, cu mare, blogger cu blogger, care cu papion, care cu cravata, conform dress code-ului, in fata Teatrului National, plini de entuziasm si de emotie, emotie datorata faptului ca stiam ca vom fi primii care viziteaza Palatul Culturii inaintea deschiderii oficiale. Reuniti sub cupola Kooperativa 2.0 si calauziti de ghizii nostrii Victoria, Alex si Matei de la Asociatia Turistica Ghizii Romaniei si Scoala de Ghizi Iasi, am inceput cu primul obiectiv de pe agenda de zi: Teatrul National “Vasile Alecsandri”.
Trecand peste faptul ca administratia considera ca teatrul nu are nevoie de promovare… what??? Eu zic ca azi mai mult decat oricand teatrul are nevoie de promovare! Si aici as putea insirui motive cu nemiluita, dar cine sunt eu sa apreciez?!
Pentru orice curios, vizitarea teatrului costa 8 RON, insa ceea ce veti descoperi in interior este priceless. Ne putem mandri cu cel mai vechi Teatru National din tara, un adevarat patrimoniu national. Inca de la intrare, arhitectura va va incanta retina. Sala mare este un adevarat spectacol in sine prin bogatia si diversitatea ornamentelor, detaliilor, multiplelor reliefuri, mobilierului impozant si picturilor in ulei caracteristice stilului rococo. Pe buna dreptate este inclusa in topul celor mai frumoase sali de spectacol din lume.

Stiati ca Teatrul National “Vasile Alecsandri” din Iasi este singurul din tara care are cortina principala pictata?

Dupa cateva incursiuni in istoria teatrului avute cu reprezentantul institutiei si o sesiune in forta de fotografii, am pornit spre urmatorul obiectiv…

Friday, 3 July 2015

Palma de Mallorca

My first holiday in Spain, in Palma de Mallorca to be more precise was one of a kind experience. Although I was "warned" about the beauty of Spain the reality surprised me even more. From the architectural mix of buildings and houses which are combined in a perfect harmony; the Spanish typical houses with long winding stairs stone, white walls placed on narrow streets to the imposing villas equipped with every modern convenience and luxury of this century, among whom towering triumphing the Mallorca Catedral a gothic masterpiece. From exclusive beaches with noisy parties which do not seem to fade to those withdrawn and quiet where the silence is only disturbed by the waves that break over the rocks. From typical traditional restaurants serving the best, the freshest and tastiest tapas and paella to the house a la carte. From the port area where you will find the finest cafes and lounge / piano bars to the immoral Magaluf where bars and clubs are lined up whereof have nothing good to say.
The purpose of this holiday was due wedding of my best friend to whom I wish once again happy marriage and all the happiness in the world. I had a particularly important role in this wedding, giving me the honor to be her bridesmaid, the only one in fact :). The colors of the wedding were orange and yellow so I was conditioned to wear a yellow dress matching the best men ties. Although initially the idea of wearing yellow did not excited me I must admit now I love this color. The model is one that I created and achieved with lots of hard work and stress by my seamstress whose now having grey hairs : P. I still let you enjoy sight with photos that speak for themselves and delight your hearing with the Spanish guitar.
From Romania with love!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Winter's tale

This Christmas "was split" in two places, half at my parents house and the other half at the mountains side with friends. The first part was a relaxing and "plentiful" as I ate all the goodies made by my sweet mother, I did not refrain from anything so I got stuck with some extra pounds. Therefore on the top of the long list of "New year's resolution" is the gym together with waking early :).
At the mountain side the parties were long and the daily activities were many. While staying in Gura Humor though was a short stay I tried to enjoy as much as I could the beauty of the place and snow. The snow sled, the ATV, the mulled wine and radauteana sour soup were the leitmotifs of this holiday.
I wish you a good New Year, good health and as many accomplishments as possible!!!

I embrace you with love!

Craciunul asta “m-am impartit” in doua locuri, o parte la parintii mei si o parte la munte cu prietenii. Prima parte a fost una relaxanta si indestulatoare intrucat am mancat din toate bunatatile facute de dulcea mea mama, nu m-am infranat de la nimic asa incat m-am pricopsit si cu niste kilograme in plus. Deci din lunga lista de “New year's resolution” sala este cap de lista la pachet cu trezitul mai devreme.
La munte petrecerile au fost lungi iar activitatile de peste zi multe. Desi sederea in Gura Humorului a fost una scurta am incercat sa ma bucur cat mai mult de frumusetile locului si de zapada astfel sania, ATV-ul, vinul fiert si ciorba radauteana au fost laitmotivele scurtei vacante.
Va urez un an nou cat mai bun si sa aveti parte de multa sanatate si cat mai multe impliniri!!!

Va imbratisez cu drag!



Monday, 25 August 2014

Mamaia's summer

Hello my dears, I'm sorry I took such a long time off, but as you can see in the pictures below I was on vacation. It was a holiday between girls and I can say it was the most fun vacation I've ever had so farSo, today's post is not just about me it will be dedicated to my dear friends that have brightened me in the past 2 weeks.The chosen destination was Mamaia one of the most famous resort on the Romanian Black Sea shore and a district of Constanta, which I recommend to everyone who wants to have fun especiallyMamaia is studded from one end to another with restaurants, bars, cafes, clubs and private beaches. Thanks God we had good luck with the weather and a great time except the literally and figuratively storm from the penultimate evening. I can conclude that this holiday has left a mark in my heart and my mind at least for a while.  So I will leave you in the company of the photos and the song that made the delight of beach parties and clubs parties.
Hug you all!

Buna dragele mele, imi cer scuze ca am luat o pauza atat de mare insa dupa cum puteti vedea in fotografiile de mai jos am fost in vacanta. A fost o vacanta intre fete si pot afirma ca a fost cea mai distractiva vacanta din cate am avut parte pana acum, presarata cu de toate. Asa incat, postarea de astazi nu va fi doar despre mine ci va fi dedicata prietenelor mele care mi-au inseninat ultimele 2 saptamani. Destinatia aleasa a fost Mamaia cea mai renumita statiune din Romania pe care o recomand tuturor celor care vor sa se distreze in special. Mamaia fiind impanzita de la un capat la altul cu restaurante, baruri, cafenele, cluburi si plaje private. Slava Domnului ca am avut noroc si de o vreme extraordinara exceptand furtuna la propriu cat si la figurat din penultima seara. Pot concluziona ca aceasta vacanta si-a lasat amprenta in mintea si sufletul meu cel putin pentru o perioada, astfel, va las in compania fotografiilor cat si a unei melodii care a facut deliciul petrecerilor de pe plaja si din cluburi.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

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