This kind of dress I believe it really took off since Kim Kardashian began to have more and more public appearances wearing such a print. We have to admit that it has quite an effect this type of print is eye catching. Today I chose to wear it in a sport manner, proper for day wear with sneakers with different occasions I wore this beautiful dress with high-heels gladiator sandals or with over the knee boots. Maybe in autumn I will make a post pairing this dress with over the knee boots so you can see how well it fits and how sexy it is although the body is basically covered 90% I would say.
From Romania with love!
Genul asta de rochie cred ca a inceput sa ia amploare de cand Kim Kardashian a inceput sa aiba tot mai multe aparitii publice purtand astfel de imprimeuri. Trebuie sa recunoastem ca este un imprimeu de efect. Astazi eu am ales sa-l port intr-o maniera sport, de zi si anume cu tenesi desi cu alte ocazii am purtat aceasta minunata rochie cu sandale tip gladiator cu toc sau cu cizme peste genunchi. Poate in toamna am sa fac un post cu aceasta rochie in combinatie cu cizme peste genunchi sa vedeti cat de bine se aseaza si cat de sexi este desi corpul este practic acoperit in proportie de 90% as spune.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
I love that dress! Looks amazing on you!
ReplyDelete- Mariah-Ruthel
Thank you Mariah much appreciate :)
ReplyDeleteE foarte dragut imprimeul si vine foarte bine cu tenisi ;)
Multumesc mult :)
DeleteSuch a cute dress! :)
ReplyDeleteLooking very pretty! :)
Geekette in High Heels
Wow, so sexy !