Superlative femininity that's how I would define today's garment. The lace itself is a symbol of femininity and sensuality, also cut mean elegance and finesse, and the peach- pink color looks yummy. The dress was bought about 5 years ago, if I remember well, from the VintageBazar website, hence it has a history behind about I can only tell you from the moment it become mine. Initially it had totally different cut, length, and on top of it it also had sleeves; long sleeves and puffed with lots of creases on the shoulders hmm ... Thanks to my imagination I've made it from long medium length, from large (because it was at least two sizes larger) it became suitable for my body and the sleeves were dismissed for good from the picture. The lining which was shoddy and sewn like it was made to save some fabric was replaced by a satin of a matching color that seeks perfect the dress line, it is basically a second dress.
I wore this dress on different occasions, in general on festive events with different accessories to render extra preciousness opting for gold accents; but today, I gave it a day reinterpretation opting for mat brown details, the eternal oversize bag an item who become indispensable for nowadays active woman.
From Romania with love!
Feminitate la superlativ as define tinuta de azi. Dantela
insasi este un simbol al feminitatii si al senzualitatii, croiala rochiei de
asemenea denota eleganta si finete, iar culoare roz- piersica iti vine sa o
mananci. Rochia a fost achizitionata acum 5 ani, daca imi aduc aminte bine de
pe VintageBazar, deci are o istorie in spate despre care o sa va povestesc doar de
la momentul intrarii in posesia mea. Initial avea o cu totul alta croiala,
lungime, captuseala in plus avea si maneci; maneci lungi si bufante cu pense pe
umeri hmm… Insa eu cu imaginatia mea am facut-o din lunga medie, din larga (pt
ca era cu cel putin 2 numere mai mare) a devenit potrivita pentru corpul meu,
iar manecile au disparut cu totul din peisaj. Captuseala de proasta calitate si
cusuta parca din economie de material a fost inlocuita cu un satin la culoare
care urmareste perfect linia rochiei, fiind practic o a doua rochie.
Am mai
purtat aceasta rochie si cu alte ocazii, in general la evenimente mai festive
cu accesorii care sa-i confere un plus de pretiozitate optand pentru accente
aurii, insa azi i-am dat o reinterpretare de zi optand pentru detalii maro mat
si eterna geanta mare indispensabila femeii active din zilele noastre.
Hiya babe, wow aazing outtfit loveeee ur shoes x
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing this with us.
Visit me whenever u can;
Have a lovely week!
Stay in touch.
Dominica S.
foarte frumoasa rochia! <3