Showing posts with label Shoes Anna Cori. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoes Anna Cori. Show all posts

Friday, 15 April 2016

The angora cobalt blue sweater

I’m sure my mother will be very happy when she’ll see this article. It has become a tradition that every year for Christmas to get a sweater as a present from her. Sorry! From Santa :)). This year I got this marvel fluffy blue cobalt sweater. What is really awesome is I actually wear them. About the long string of sweaters I could talk for ages. I tend to believe she bought for me nearly all the models from the market, from classics with front buttons to sweaters with metal epaulets or studded ones or even ripped. From the fluffy ones to rigid, from the soft knitted to the rough wool or armour like. And when I get to think she has exhausted all choices she manage to surprise me with another unique model.
I love you mom, I love her because she exist and because she’s the best mom in the world with or without sweaters! I love her for all the reasons she deserve to be loved!

About how much I love wearing lace I think I wrote couple of times already. Personally I love to mix fabrics, I like the contrasts of colour, of textures and volumes. Besides, I like lace near to angora as the case here, in association with leather or precious fabrics for a touch of glam.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Cred ca mama va fi foarte bucuroasa cand va vedea articolul asta. A devenit deja o traditie ca in fiecare an de Craciun sa primesc un pulover de la mama. Pardon! De la Mos Craciun :)). Anul asta am primit aceasta minunatie pufoasa de un albastru cobalt. Ce-i culmea e ca le si nimereste, deci chiar le port. Despre lungul sir al puloverelor as putea vorbi ore si ore. Cred ca mi-a luat cam toate modelele, de la cele clasice cu nasturei in fata, pana la pulovere cu epoleti de metal, cu tinte sau “destramate”. De la cele pufoase pana la cele rigide, de la cele moi pana la cele din lana aspra sau care imita armura. Si cand cred ca le-a epuizat pe toate mereu ma surpinde cu un model inedit.
Te iubesc mama, pentru ca existi si pentru ca esti cea mai buna mama din lume cu sau fara pulovere!

Despre cat de mult imi place dantela si despre cum o purtam cred ca am mai scris. Personal ador sa mixez tesaturile, imi plac contrastele atat de culoare, volume cat si cele de textura. Imi place dantela langa stofa, langa angora cum este si cazul de fata, in asociare cu pielea sau cu material pretioase.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Friday, 25 March 2016


Tunsoare bob
As I promised I did a remake of the outfit worn at the meeting with the fashion bloggers from Iasi. I start from the idea of ​​keep it simple in the same time I could not get over the fact that I was going to meet with some beautiful girls hence out of respect and appreciation for them I had to put some effort. So I chose a simple and yet a studied outfit.
In men attention! If you go on a date with a nice young lady you show pay a little respect for her and make an effort regarding your look.
I love the shirts especially those classic and lately I fell in love with the ones made of silk. I recently bought one in the colour of the year, serenity. I love this shade, is not aggressive with the eye complements perfectly the red and the grey and not only.

When I first posted on Facebook the photos with the girls I got lot of text messages and calls with greetings for my new haircut, in reality I have not trimmed a cm from my hair. It was just a hairstyle, I bounded my hair into a low bun letting my fringe free.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Asa cum am promis am revenit cu tinuta purtata la intalnirea cu bloggerii ieseni de fashion. Am mers pe ideea de keep it simple, in acelasi timp nu puteam trece peste faptul ca ma intalneam cu niste fete frumoase prin urmare din respect si apreciere pentru ele nu ma puteam prezenta oricum. Deci am ales simplu dar studiat.
Aviz barbatilor! Daca mergeti la o intalnire cu o domnisoara draguta aratati putina consideratie si depuneti putin efort in cee ace priveste look-ul dumneavoastra.
Imi plac foarte mult camasile si mai ales cele clasice, iar in ultima perioada am facut o pasiune pentru cele fluide, din matase. Tocmai mi-am cumparat una in culoarea anului 2016, serenity. Ador aceasta nuanta, nu este agresiva ochiului, vine perfect in completarea rosului si a griului si nu doar.
Cand am postat pe facebook fotografiile cu fetele am primit o gramada de mesaje si telefoane de felicitari pentru noua tunsoare, in realitate nu m-am tuns nici un cm. A fost doar o coafura, mi-am prins parul intr-un coc lejer la spate lasandu-mi bretonul liber.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA
Geanta rosie

Friday, 18 March 2016

Princess at the Castle

Fusta tul
Because is time to say goodbye to this wonderful dress I thought of giving it a last tribute.
The dress is having a very long story, that long that I do not know it entirely. I purchased it a few years ago from a vintage website. In its original form it was long to the ground. I brought it to a medium length and in addition I “dressed up” the top side of it with a fabric having metal insertions. I turned it into a real “gem” was my first occasion dress .. and yet a dress.
It was with me to a numerous events (weddings, New Year parties), attracted eyes, admiration and envy of many but today I wore it for the last time and also for the first time in a street style way.

The combo of different textures will always be catchy and, luckily the trends from the past few years allow us; even encourages us to juggle with textures, shapes, volumes and colours. If years ago knitted sweaters were accepted only with jeans, today we can match them with silk pants, lace skirts, cotton dresses, within casual office attire or tulle ruffles dresses.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Intrucat mi-am propus sa-mi iau ramas bun de la aceasta minunata rochie mi-am zis totusi sa-i ofer un ultim tribut.
Rochia are o poveste foarte lunga, atat de lunga incat nici eu nu o cunosc in intregime. Am achizitionat-o ceva ani in urma de pe un site vintage. In forma ei originala era lunga pana in pamant. Am adus-o la o lungime medie si in plus i-am imbracat partea de sus cu un material avand insertii metalice. Am transformat-o intr-o adevarata bijuterie, a fost prima mea rochie de ocazie.. si inca ce rochie.
Mi-a fost alaturi la numeroase evenimente (nunti, revelioane), a atras privirile, admiratia si invidia multora insa astazi am purtat-o pentru ultima data si totodata, pentru prima data intr-un cadru de street style.

Asocierea de texturi diferite mereu va fi catchy si din fericire trendurile din ultimii ani ne permit, ba chiar ne incurajeaza sa jonglam cu texturile, formele, volumele si culorile. Daca cu ani in urma puloverele tricotate erau acceptate doar la jeansi, azi le putem asocia cu pantaloni de matase, fuste de dantela, rochite din panza topita, in cadrul tinutelor casual office sau chiar la rochii din tul cu volane.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Culture Palace

Monday, 18 May 2015

If it's white... so be it

If it's white, so be it... I'm saying. Because it's we have clear sky, because the winter is gone  and because the white is and will always be in fashion I chose an all white outfit a bit out of my comfort zone due to no rock or urban touch. Again, I opted for a pleated skirt, made of faux leather this time - new purchased from ZARA paired with a basic white ZARA top and a white sequins cardigan which I have it for some years and unfortunately can no longer be found in their stores.  I "broke" the all white with a pair of silver shoes and a black vintage bag that I bought it from a flea market and I love it so much <3.
Hug you all!

Daca e alb, alb sa fie… zic. Pentru ca e senin afara, pentru ca s-a incalzit si pentru ca albul se poarta si se va purta mereu am ales o tinuta all white putin in afara zonei mele de confort neavand nici un accent rock sau urban. Din nou am optat pentru o fusta plisata, una din piele ecologica de data asta - o noua achizitie ZARA, cu un top alb basic tot ZARA si un cardigan cu paiete alb pe care il am de ceva ani si din nefericire nu se mai gaseste in magazinele lor. Am “spart” tot acest alb cu o pereche de pantofi argintii si o geanta vintage neagra pe care am cumparat-o de la un talcioc si pe care o ador <3. 
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Drama Queen

For couple of days already I'm having a terrible flu that I can't stand it anymore and which totally slashed my mood. Yet I said to myself to cheer up a bit by posting on the blog. For today's post I chose an all black outfit, consisting of a pair of leather trousers and a neck  lace top thus enhancing the dramatic effect. I "broke" the all black effect with a fluffy ecological fur vest and a pair of silver shoes. As for the hair style I chose a light bun that gives a romantic touch and also is highlighting the lace chandelier earrings. I love this  top, the lace in my opinion is an ever green for fashion; is and always will be elegant, feminine and sexy. This model in particular I like it even more because it has a vintage cut, giving a mysterious and unapproachable air and goes well with almost all sort of skirts from pencil skirts, flared, short, long or medium skirts and with different models of both leather and cloth trousers.
Hug you all with love!

De ceva zile ma confront cu o raceala teribila pe care nu o mai support si care mi-a taiat cheful de orice. Cu toate astea am zis sa ma mai inveselesc postand ceva pe blog. Pentru postarea de azi am ales o tinuta all black, formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni de piele si un top de dantela pe gat sporind astfel efectul dramatic. Am “spart” negrul cu o pufosenie de vesta din blana ecologica si o pereche de pantofi argintii. Ca si hair style am ales un coc lejer care da o nota romantica evidentiind cerceii candelabru dantelati. Ador acest top, dantela din punctul meu de vedere este un fel de ever green in moda, este si va fi mereu eleganta, feminina si sexi. Acest model imi place cu atat mai mult cu cat are o croiala vintage, da un aer misterios si inabordabil si merge purtat atat la fuste creion, clos, scurte, lungi sau medii cat si la diferite modele de pantaloni atat din piele cat si din stofa.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

White mood

Hello my dears, I know I promised another outfit for today but these days I had a new experience so I'm excited to share it with you. I accepted the invitation made by the make-up artist Carmen Alupoaie who offered me a professional makeup session followed by a photo shoot took by the photographer Ciprian Alupoaie from the PINK CAT studio. Although it was a lot of work behind this shooting, more from their part than mine, was also fun and educational as I got many photo tips from Ciprian which will definitely be helpful in  my future shootings. I would not have expected from me, I was very tense and  quite embarrassed at the beginning of the photo shoot but Ciprian has showed great patience and professionalism so after long discussions I was able to be myself.
To complete the makeup it lasted about 2 hours, Carmen chose for me a smokey eyes makeup using the Russian technology which emphasis on the volumes, as for the type of makeup she chose to use mostly the aquarelle which was another novelty for me . Besides the aquarelle she also used products from Makeup Atelier Paris and MAC (which by the way are coming to Iasi YEY, finally!). Like any make-up artist that respect herself, Carmen uses ONLY quality products and pretested.
For those interested in a professional makeup you can contact Carmen here, and for those interested for a professional photo shoot  or if you have an unique event in your life and you need professional photographer  please visit the official website here or check out the Facebook page of PINK CAT studio here.
I wore all white outfit, totally different from my daily style, consisting of a lace pencil skirt made by my seamstress and an over sized sweater from ZARA new collection. The centerpiece is the bag which is a new acquisition and is "to die for" item. This bag I see it successfully completing an elegant, casual or even a sporty outfit.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele, stiu ca am promis o alta tinuta pentru azi insa zilele astea am avut parte de o experienta noua asa incat sunt nerabdatoare sa o impart cu voi. Am dat curs invitatiei facute de make- up artistul Carmen Alupoae care mi-a oferit o sedinta de machiaj profesionist urmata de o sedinta foto realizata de fotograful Ciprian Alupoaie de la PINKCAT studio. Desi a fost foarte multa munca in spatele acestui shooting, mai mult din partea lor decat din partea mea, a fost si distractiv si educativ intrucat am primit foarte multe tips- uri de fotografie de la Ciprian care cu siguranta imi vor fi utile in realizarea shootingurilor viitoare. Nu m-as fi asteptat din partea mea, dar am fost foarte tensionata si stanjenita la inceputul sedintei foto insa Ciprian a dat dovada de multa rabdare si professionalism astfel ca dupa indelungi discutii am reusit sa ma destind.
Realizarea machiajului a durat aproximativ 2 ore, Carmen a ales pentru mine un machiaj smokey eyes folosind tehnica ruseasca in care se pune accentual pe volume, iar ca tip de fard s-a mers mai mult pe acuarela ceea ce a constituit un alt element de noutate pentru mine. Pe langa acuarela a mai folosit produse  Makeup Atelier Paris si MAC (care apropo, vine si in Iasi YEY in sfarsit). Ca orice make-up artist care se respecta, Carmen foloseste DOAR produse de calitate si pretestate. 
Pentru cei interesati de un machiaj profesionist o puteti contacta pe Carmen aici, iar pentru cei interesati de o sedinta foto inedita sau aveti nevoie de un fotograf profesionist pentru un eveniment important din viata voastra puteti accesa site-ul official PINK CAT aici sau adresa de facebook aici.
Am purtat o tinuta all white total diferita de stilul meu, formata dintr-o fusta creion din dantela facuta de croitoreasa mea si un pulover supradimensionat ZARA colectia noua. Piesa centrala a fost geanta care este o achizitie noua si pe care o ador. O vad completand cu success atat tinute elegante cat si tinute casual sau chiar sporty.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by CIPRIAN  ALUPOAE

Monday, 1 December 2014

The green scarf

Hi, my dears! It been some time ever since I have not posted but this weather is absolutely hideous, is getting harder and harder to do photo shootings. Today is a festive day as it is Romania's national day so "Happy Birthday Romania!!!." For today's post I chose to combine this wonderful thick cloth skirt, that was made by my dear seamstress, with a leather jacket and a simple pair of black shoes. The focus of the outfit is on the vintage pleated scarf, which belonged to my beloved mother.
Hug you all!

Buna, dragele mele! A trecut ceva timp decand nu am mai postat insa cu vremea asta absolut hidoasa devine din ce in ce mai greu sa fac shootinguri foto. Astazi este o zi festiva intrucat este ziua nationala a Romaniei asadar “La multi ani Romania!”. Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa imbin aceasta minunata fusta din stofa groasa pe care mi-a confectionat-o croitoreasa mead raga, cu o geaca de piele si pantofi simpli negrii. Accentul tinutei cade pe esarfa plisata, vintage care i-a apartinut mamei mele si pe care o ador.

Va imbratisez cu drag!



Monday, 20 October 2014


This outfit I planned to wear it to an event that took place a week ago and I haven't attend it in the end, so I thought to put the outfit on stage for you now. The basic elements are the simplest ever, a silk white shirt and a black skirt, but the main piece is the authentic belt inspired by the Romanian traditional costumes and the hairstyle inspired by Russian. I love the elements borrowed from the national costumes, especially those of our country, and using them to build a modern outfit, I believe these specials items lend a bohemian, ingenue and a very feminine air.
Hug you all!

Aceasta tinuta imi propusesem sa o port la un eveniment care a avut loc acum o saptamana si la care nu am mai ajuns asa incat m-am gandit sa pun tinuta in scena pentru voi. Elementele de baza sunt cele mai simpliste ever si anume o camasa de matase alba si o fusta neagra insa piesa de rezistenta o reprezinta braul autentic inspirat din portul traditional romanesc si coafura de inspiratie ruseasca. Ador elementele imprumutate din costumele nationale, mai ales cele ale tarii noastre, si incorporate intr-o tinuta moderna, mi se pare ca dau un aer, boem, ingenu si deosebit de feminin.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 28 July 2014

Wide desert

These photos I had them on hold for about two weeks, so now it's their turn to honor my blog. In this outfit I have paired the shoes with the top's reflections and the top with the earrings glare, if I can say it this way. It's an outfit that I wear it at office being quite comfortable. The top is my own creation, the trousers are from Zara part of the Basic line and the shoes are from Anna Cori.
Hug you all with love!

Aceste fotografii le aveam in asteptare de vreo doua saptamani asa ca abia acum le-a venit randul sa-mi onoreze blogul. In aceasta tinuta mi-am asortat pantofii la reflexiile top-ului, si topul la reflexiile cerceilor daca se poate spune si asa. Este o tinuta pe care am purtato la birou fiind destul de comoda. Topul este creatie proprie, pantalonii sunt de la ZARA din linia Basic, iar pantofii sunt Anna Cori.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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