Hi, my dears! It been some time ever since I have not posted but this weather is absolutely hideous, is getting harder and harder to do photo shootings. Today is a festive day as it is Romania's national day so "Happy Birthday Romania!!!." For today's post I chose to combine this wonderful thick cloth skirt, that was made by my dear seamstress, with a leather jacket and a simple pair of black shoes. The focus of the outfit is on the vintage pleated scarf, which belonged to my beloved mother.
Hug you all!
Buna, dragele mele! A trecut ceva timp decand nu am mai
postat insa cu vremea asta absolut hidoasa devine din ce in ce mai greu sa fac
shootinguri foto. Astazi este o zi festiva intrucat este ziua nationala a Romaniei
asadar “La multi ani Romania!”. Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa imbin aceasta
minunata fusta din stofa groasa pe care mi-a confectionat-o croitoreasa mead
raga, cu o geaca de piele si pantofi simpli negrii. Accentul tinutei cade pe
esarfa plisata, vintage care i-a apartinut mamei mele si pe care o ador.
Va imbratisez cu drag!