Showing posts with label Leather trousers POLO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leather trousers POLO. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Drama Queen

For couple of days already I'm having a terrible flu that I can't stand it anymore and which totally slashed my mood. Yet I said to myself to cheer up a bit by posting on the blog. For today's post I chose an all black outfit, consisting of a pair of leather trousers and a neck  lace top thus enhancing the dramatic effect. I "broke" the all black effect with a fluffy ecological fur vest and a pair of silver shoes. As for the hair style I chose a light bun that gives a romantic touch and also is highlighting the lace chandelier earrings. I love this  top, the lace in my opinion is an ever green for fashion; is and always will be elegant, feminine and sexy. This model in particular I like it even more because it has a vintage cut, giving a mysterious and unapproachable air and goes well with almost all sort of skirts from pencil skirts, flared, short, long or medium skirts and with different models of both leather and cloth trousers.
Hug you all with love!

De ceva zile ma confront cu o raceala teribila pe care nu o mai support si care mi-a taiat cheful de orice. Cu toate astea am zis sa ma mai inveselesc postand ceva pe blog. Pentru postarea de azi am ales o tinuta all black, formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni de piele si un top de dantela pe gat sporind astfel efectul dramatic. Am “spart” negrul cu o pufosenie de vesta din blana ecologica si o pereche de pantofi argintii. Ca si hair style am ales un coc lejer care da o nota romantica evidentiind cerceii candelabru dantelati. Ador acest top, dantela din punctul meu de vedere este un fel de ever green in moda, este si va fi mereu eleganta, feminina si sexi. Acest model imi place cu atat mai mult cu cat are o croiala vintage, da un aer misterios si inabordabil si merge purtat atat la fuste creion, clos, scurte, lungi sau medii cat si la diferite modele de pantaloni atat din piele cat si din stofa.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Wet look

Hello my dears and I wish you a fashion week as possible!
Today I woke up in a very good mood that because I slept for 12 hours, finally, after a long and tiring weekend. Last weekend was not the most romantic weekend nor the most fun one. There were three days of intense training hours, about 9 hours per day, and long nights of study and a final exam, I felt like in college during the session exams. Therefore all my plans I had with my girls were postponed. But today I had a quiet day and full with good news.
Now let's go back to the look I chose for today. I finally tried the wet look which I very much like it for so long but I did not have the courage to wear it. So today was the day ;). I received lots of compliments and I can say for fact that is an eye-catcher look.
Until next time I hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Azi m-am trezit cu o foarte buna dispozitie asta si datorita faptului ca am dormit 12 ore, in sfarsit, dupa un lung si obositor weekend. Weekendul trecut nu a fost printre cele mai romantice weekenduri si nici cel mai distractiv. Au fost 3 zile cu ore de training, cam vreo 9 pe zi, si cu nopti lungi de studiu si cu un examen la final, m-am simtit ca in facultate in perioada de sesiune. Drept urmare toate planurile mele pe care le aveam cu fetele au fost amanate. Insa azi am avut o zi linistita si plina de vesti bune.
Acum sa revenim la look-ul aleas pentru azi. In sfarsit mi-am luat inima in dinti si am incercat the wet look care imi place foarte tare doar ca nu aveam curajul de al purta. Am primit o gramada de complimente si va spun sigur ca atrage toate privirile.

Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Friday, 16 January 2015

Cozy chic

Hello my dears! It seems that lately I'm posting increasingly less so I have to say I'm a little disappointed of me. The problem is that I want to do too many things and to my disappointment I end up doing very little. First the full time job I have it covers three quarter of the day, and in the remaining time difference I'm trying to merge the other activities which between me and you aren't few where I also add the resting without I can not function. I do not complain, I'm not looking for excuses I just express my thoughts or even better I argue with myself a bit.
Being still cold, I chose an outfit in "layers" in a Sport- chic style. The outfit is composed of a pair of tapered leather pants, a pair of UGG, a white sport top to which I associate two strings of pearls, my favorite fake fur vest and the must have of this season  the tartan shawl. Which I got it from the Santa Clause and which I love it (the shawl and so the Santa). The chic note is given by the three quarter gloves and pearls strings.
I let you now to warm up a bit with the most recent song of INNA.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Se pare ca in ultima perioada postez din ce in ce mai rar asa incat trebuie sa mentionez ca sunt putin dezamagita de mine. Problema e ca vreau sa fac prea multe lucruri si spre dezamagirea mea sfarsesc prin a face foarte putine. In primul rand job-ul imi ocupa treisferturi din zi astfel ca incerc sa comasez celelalte activitati care intre noi fie vorba nu sunt putine la numar in diferenta de timp ramasa la care se adauga si odihna fara de care eu una nu pot functiona. Nu ma plang, nu ma scuz imi insirui doar gandurile sau poate chiar ma cert un pic.
Fiind inca frig am ales o tinuta in “straturi” intr-un stil sport- chic. Outfit- ul este compus dintr-o pereche de pantaloni conici de piele, o pereche de UGG, un top sport alb la care am asociat doua siraguri de perle, vesta mea favorita din blana artificiala si senzatia acestui anotimp salul tartan pe  care mi l-a adus Mos Craciun si pe care il ador (atat salul cat si pe Mosul). Nota chic este data de perle cat si de manusile treisferturi.
In continuare va las sa va incalziti cu cea mai recenta melodie a INNei.
Va imbratisez cu drag! 



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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