Showing posts with label Blue Envelope Clutch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Envelope Clutch. Show all posts

Friday, 15 April 2016

The angora cobalt blue sweater

I’m sure my mother will be very happy when she’ll see this article. It has become a tradition that every year for Christmas to get a sweater as a present from her. Sorry! From Santa :)). This year I got this marvel fluffy blue cobalt sweater. What is really awesome is I actually wear them. About the long string of sweaters I could talk for ages. I tend to believe she bought for me nearly all the models from the market, from classics with front buttons to sweaters with metal epaulets or studded ones or even ripped. From the fluffy ones to rigid, from the soft knitted to the rough wool or armour like. And when I get to think she has exhausted all choices she manage to surprise me with another unique model.
I love you mom, I love her because she exist and because she’s the best mom in the world with or without sweaters! I love her for all the reasons she deserve to be loved!

About how much I love wearing lace I think I wrote couple of times already. Personally I love to mix fabrics, I like the contrasts of colour, of textures and volumes. Besides, I like lace near to angora as the case here, in association with leather or precious fabrics for a touch of glam.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Cred ca mama va fi foarte bucuroasa cand va vedea articolul asta. A devenit deja o traditie ca in fiecare an de Craciun sa primesc un pulover de la mama. Pardon! De la Mos Craciun :)). Anul asta am primit aceasta minunatie pufoasa de un albastru cobalt. Ce-i culmea e ca le si nimereste, deci chiar le port. Despre lungul sir al puloverelor as putea vorbi ore si ore. Cred ca mi-a luat cam toate modelele, de la cele clasice cu nasturei in fata, pana la pulovere cu epoleti de metal, cu tinte sau “destramate”. De la cele pufoase pana la cele rigide, de la cele moi pana la cele din lana aspra sau care imita armura. Si cand cred ca le-a epuizat pe toate mereu ma surpinde cu un model inedit.
Te iubesc mama, pentru ca existi si pentru ca esti cea mai buna mama din lume cu sau fara pulovere!

Despre cat de mult imi place dantela si despre cum o purtam cred ca am mai scris. Personal ador sa mixez tesaturile, imi plac contrastele atat de culoare, volume cat si cele de textura. Imi place dantela langa stofa, langa angora cum este si cazul de fata, in asociare cu pielea sau cu material pretioase.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Monday, 8 September 2014

Coral shades

Given the fact that during the holiday I was very busy with parties and therefore I had no "free time" I decided to do a remake of the worn outfits. And because there are not so many sunny days left due to the period of year in which we are, I took advantage of the beautiful Saturday weather so I spent most of the day doing photo shootings. 
For today's post I chose to wear this lovely coral jumpsuit marking the waist with a golden drawstring and for the accessories I choose the deep blue color, this contrast is highlighting each piece.
Hug you all with love!

Dat fiind faptul ca in vacanta am fost deosebit de ocupata cu petrecerile si deci nu am avut deloc “timp liber” m-am decis sa fac un remake al tinutelor purtate. Si pentru ca zile insorite sunt numarate avand in vedere perioada anului in care ne aflam, sambata am profitat de vremea minunata astfel mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte a zilei facand mai multe shooting-uri foto.
Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa port acesta minunata salopeta corai, marcand talia cu un cordon auriu si optand pentru accesorii de un albastru intens, contrastul cromatic scotand in evidenta fiecare piesa in parte.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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