Showing posts with label Shirt Atmosphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirt Atmosphere. Show all posts

Friday, 24 April 2015

A new beginning

I apologize to those who are following my activity because I have't posted for a long time but I had a good reason as I had no photographer, this is one of the drawbacks of being fashion blogger, you must always have someone at your disposal in order to have continuity. But recently I started a new collaboration which I hope will be auspicious :) . 
Today I chose a rock outfit, which, as I previous said is the style that best suits me. I paired  a vest, who's having a similar look like the traditional Romanian vest called "bundita" (for those who are interested to purchase an authentic one I invite you to click here). A silk shirt and a pair of leather trousers . I opted for bold accessories, on gold to complement the brown and a pair of fingerless gloves.
Hug you all with love!

Imi cer scuze celor ce imi urmaresc activitatea ca nu am mai postat de foarte mult timp insa am avut un motiv intemeiat pentru ca am ramas fara fotograf, asta fiind unul dintre neajunsurile bloggingului de fashion, trebuie sa ai mereu pe cineva la dispozitia ta pentru a putea avea continuitate. Insa de curand am inceput o noua colaborare care sper eu sa fie de bun augur.
Azi am ales o tinuta rock, care asa cum am mai spus este stilul care ma reprezinta cel mai bine. Am combinat o vesta in genul bunditei romanesti, iar pentru cei interesati sa achizitioneze una autentica ii invit aici. O camasa de matase si o pereche de pantaloni din piele ecologica. Am optat pentru accesorii bold, aurii care vin in completarea maroului si o pereche de mausi fara degete.  
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 20 October 2014


This outfit I planned to wear it to an event that took place a week ago and I haven't attend it in the end, so I thought to put the outfit on stage for you now. The basic elements are the simplest ever, a silk white shirt and a black skirt, but the main piece is the authentic belt inspired by the Romanian traditional costumes and the hairstyle inspired by Russian. I love the elements borrowed from the national costumes, especially those of our country, and using them to build a modern outfit, I believe these specials items lend a bohemian, ingenue and a very feminine air.
Hug you all!

Aceasta tinuta imi propusesem sa o port la un eveniment care a avut loc acum o saptamana si la care nu am mai ajuns asa incat m-am gandit sa pun tinuta in scena pentru voi. Elementele de baza sunt cele mai simpliste ever si anume o camasa de matase alba si o fusta neagra insa piesa de rezistenta o reprezinta braul autentic inspirat din portul traditional romanesc si coafura de inspiratie ruseasca. Ador elementele imprumutate din costumele nationale, mai ales cele ale tarii noastre, si incorporate intr-o tinuta moderna, mi se pare ca dau un aer, boem, ingenu si deosebit de feminin.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

I call it different

I know that again I took a quite long break but I assure you that I had a good reason.... but all's well that ends well J. For today’s post I choose to wear an outfit casual- sport using again the polka dots skirt, because as you have already noticed, I like to use the same piece of clothing in various combinations. This time I mixed this skirt with an office silk shirt and a pair of white sneakers to which I added a pastel pink necklace gift from a good friend. I can say that I felt very comfortable in the office, it is a perfect outfit especially for busy days when you have to get in many places.
Hug you all with love!

Stiu ca din nou am luat o pauza cam lunga insa va asigur ca am avut un motiv serios. ….dar totul e bine cand se termina cu bine J. Am ales pentru astazi o tinuta casual- sport folosindu-ma din nou de aceasta fusta cu buline, pentru ca dupa cum ati observant deja,  imi place sa folosesc aceeasi piesa vestimentara in diferite combinatii. De data aceasta, fusta am combinat-o cu o camasa de matase office si o pereche de tenesi albi la care am adaugat un colier roz pastel primit cadou de la o buna prietena. Pot spune ca m-am simtit foarte confortabil la birou, este o tinuta ideala mai ales pentru zilele aglomerate cand trebuie sa ajungem in foarte multe locuri.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Work hard ... party hard

Today I will introduce you, once again, work outfit in my characteristic style. So, when it comes to office trousers I prefer the loose ones instead of the tight model, thus I choose a pair of ZARA navy trousers having a tapered cut, combined with a silk black shirt, spiced up with a Colin Stuart red pair of shoes which I purchased from Victoria's Secrets website. At all this I added an animal print belt having gold details and golden accessories also, and .... Voila!
Hug you all <3

Astazi va prezint din nou o tinuta de servici in stilul meu caracteristic. Cand vine vorba de pantaloni la dunga imi plac cei lejeri in detrimentul celor stramti, asa incat am ales o astfel de pereche de pantaloni bleumarini de la ZARA avand o croiala conica, in combinatie cu o camasa din matase neagra, pe care le-am condimentat cu o pereche de pantofi rosii Colin Stuart, pe care i-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secrets. La toate astea am adaugat o curea animal print cu detalii aurii si accesorii tot aurii si ... Voila!
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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