Showing posts with label Necklace Meli Melo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Necklace Meli Melo. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Summerish glam

Rochie verde

This dress is from far one of my favorites, I bought it a few years ago from an outlet, and the label says it is from Zara although I do not remember that Zara have had such a collection. I confess that I loved it the first time I saw it and even now after so many years, has a place of honor in my dressing. The model is very feminine and sexy and is also airy being suitable for this hot summer days. Today's approach is summerish, wedges sandals and the wicker bag makes a fresh look all together with the raw green of the dress. Another matching would be with an elegant pair of fuchsia sandals and a biker jacket or if you don't dare too much green goes well with nude or brown accessories. 
Stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Wet look

Hello my dears and I wish you a fashion week as possible!
Today I woke up in a very good mood that because I slept for 12 hours, finally, after a long and tiring weekend. Last weekend was not the most romantic weekend nor the most fun one. There were three days of intense training hours, about 9 hours per day, and long nights of study and a final exam, I felt like in college during the session exams. Therefore all my plans I had with my girls were postponed. But today I had a quiet day and full with good news.
Now let's go back to the look I chose for today. I finally tried the wet look which I very much like it for so long but I did not have the courage to wear it. So today was the day ;). I received lots of compliments and I can say for fact that is an eye-catcher look.
Until next time I hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Azi m-am trezit cu o foarte buna dispozitie asta si datorita faptului ca am dormit 12 ore, in sfarsit, dupa un lung si obositor weekend. Weekendul trecut nu a fost printre cele mai romantice weekenduri si nici cel mai distractiv. Au fost 3 zile cu ore de training, cam vreo 9 pe zi, si cu nopti lungi de studiu si cu un examen la final, m-am simtit ca in facultate in perioada de sesiune. Drept urmare toate planurile mele pe care le aveam cu fetele au fost amanate. Insa azi am avut o zi linistita si plina de vesti bune.
Acum sa revenim la look-ul aleas pentru azi. In sfarsit mi-am luat inima in dinti si am incercat the wet look care imi place foarte tare doar ca nu aveam curajul de al purta. Am primit o gramada de complimente si va spun sigur ca atrage toate privirile.

Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 20 October 2014


This outfit I planned to wear it to an event that took place a week ago and I haven't attend it in the end, so I thought to put the outfit on stage for you now. The basic elements are the simplest ever, a silk white shirt and a black skirt, but the main piece is the authentic belt inspired by the Romanian traditional costumes and the hairstyle inspired by Russian. I love the elements borrowed from the national costumes, especially those of our country, and using them to build a modern outfit, I believe these specials items lend a bohemian, ingenue and a very feminine air.
Hug you all!

Aceasta tinuta imi propusesem sa o port la un eveniment care a avut loc acum o saptamana si la care nu am mai ajuns asa incat m-am gandit sa pun tinuta in scena pentru voi. Elementele de baza sunt cele mai simpliste ever si anume o camasa de matase alba si o fusta neagra insa piesa de rezistenta o reprezinta braul autentic inspirat din portul traditional romanesc si coafura de inspiratie ruseasca. Ador elementele imprumutate din costumele nationale, mai ales cele ale tarii noastre, si incorporate intr-o tinuta moderna, mi se pare ca dau un aer, boem, ingenu si deosebit de feminin.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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