Because is time to say goodbye to this wonderful dress I
thought of giving it a last tribute.
The dress is having a very long story, that long that I do
not know it entirely. I purchased it a few years ago from a vintage website. In
its original form it was long to the ground. I brought it to a medium length
and in addition I “dressed up” the top side of it with a fabric having metal
insertions. I turned it into a real “gem” was my first occasion dress ..
and yet a dress.
It was with me to a numerous events (weddings, New Year
parties), attracted eyes, admiration and envy of many but today I wore it for
the last time and also for the first time in a street style way.
The combo of different textures will always be catchy and,
luckily the trends from the past few years allow us; even encourages us to
juggle with textures, shapes, volumes and colours. If years ago knitted
sweaters were accepted only with jeans, today we can match them with silk
pants, lace skirts, cotton dresses, within casual office attire or tulle ruffles
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
Intrucat mi-am propus sa-mi iau ramas bun de la aceasta
minunata rochie mi-am zis totusi sa-i ofer un ultim tribut.
Rochia are o poveste foarte lunga, atat de lunga incat nici
eu nu o cunosc in intregime. Am achizitionat-o ceva ani in urma de pe un site vintage.
In forma ei originala era lunga pana in pamant. Am adus-o la o lungime medie si
in plus i-am imbracat partea de sus cu un material avand insertii metalice. Am
transformat-o intr-o adevarata bijuterie, a fost prima mea rochie de ocazie..
si inca ce rochie.
Mi-a fost alaturi la numeroase evenimente (nunti,
revelioane), a atras privirile, admiratia si invidia multora insa astazi am
purtat-o pentru ultima data si totodata, pentru prima data intr-un cadru de
street style.
Asocierea de texturi diferite mereu va fi catchy si din
fericire trendurile din ultimii ani ne permit, ba chiar ne incurajeaza sa
jonglam cu texturile, formele, volumele si culorile. Daca cu ani in urma
puloverele tricotate erau acceptate doar la jeansi, azi le putem asocia cu
pantaloni de matase, fuste de dantela, rochite din panza topita, in cadrul
tinutelor casual office sau chiar la rochii din tul cu volane.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Photography by IULIA VEICA