Showing posts with label White top ZARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White top ZARA. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Purple coat & backpack

purple coat

It's the weekend so I say let's relax and not only as a state also in terms of fashion. I propose an outfit suitable for a relaxing walk in the park or botanical garden admiring the beautiful autumn arrangements. The purple coat I recently discovered in my dressing, I have it for a few years and I find this a good moment to re-adapt it. The current trends allow us to wear coats from the most elegant styles to the sporty ones. Being I chose to relax a bit this time I  opted for the sporty mix.
Instead of the ordinary shoulder bag I chose to pair my outfit with a backpack being more practical and comfy. Fashion backpacks recently returned in our attention, they are increasingly included in designers presentations. I admit I was a little reluctant at first but this trend catch me to the point I start to wear mine on several occasions this is why I intend soon enough to purchase the second one. I'm thinking to go for a black leather one, where we can find the coolest models gathered in one place if not on You'll find here a various models of backpacks also covering a large range of colors.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

E weekend, asa ca zic sa ne relaxam nu numai ca stare cat si din punct de vedere vestimentar. Propun o tinuta relaxata potrivita pentru o plimbare in parc sau in gradina botanica admirand minunatele aranjamente de toamna. Paltonul mov este o descoperire recenta din dresingul meu, il am de cativa ani si m-am gandit sa-l readaptez. Trendurile actuale ne permit purtarea paltoanelor de la cele mai elegante stiluri pana la cele sport.  Fiind vorba de aceasta data de o tinuta relaxata am optat pentru varianta sport. 
In loc de nelipsita geanta de umar, am ales pentru aceasta combinatie un rucsac fiind mult mai practic si comod. Moda rucsacelor a revenit de curand in atentia noastra fiind tot mai des incluse de designeri si in prezentarile lor. Recunosc ca am fost putin reticenta la inceput, insa m-a prins atat de tare trendul, incat il port pe al meu cu diferite ocazii motiv pentru care intentionez cat de curand sa-l achizitionez si pe al doilea. Cred ca voi opta pentru unul negru, din piele si unde putem gasi cele mai cool modele adunate la un loc daca nu pe Veti gasi aici cele mai variate modele de rucsacuri acoperind totodata o gama cat mai larga de culori.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in trend!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!


Thursday, 4 June 2015

The maxi skirt

I admit that I am not the biggest fan of maxi skirts that's the reason I only have two. One  is an absolutely gorgeous azure blue for which I must change the lining because it was designed with the thickest lining of the most synthetic fabric ever. I hate things half done like ecological leather leggings for example whose back side is made from a different fabric then front side,  also the sequins tops again some manufactures are using sequins just for the front side and t-shirt fabric for the back side and such examples are many; as the  behind is not part of us. The second one is black, the one from the below images, I also love it because it has a straight cut and has pockets, I just adore skirts or dresses with pockets it just creates a relaxing attitude. To return now to the original subject, the maxi skirts are very practical in the summer especially when is very hot they are very cool and comfortable and with the right accessory can become very stylish they also can be worn in a classic style, glam, Victorian or Boohoo depends on the fabric and cut. With more details about each individual style I will be back in my further posts.
Today I'm wearing a Bershka  maxi skirt, a ZARA white basic top , also ZARA golden platform, a vintage black bag and a emerald  green necklace.
From Romania with love!

Monday, 18 May 2015

If it's white... so be it

If it's white, so be it... I'm saying. Because it's we have clear sky, because the winter is gone  and because the white is and will always be in fashion I chose an all white outfit a bit out of my comfort zone due to no rock or urban touch. Again, I opted for a pleated skirt, made of faux leather this time - new purchased from ZARA paired with a basic white ZARA top and a white sequins cardigan which I have it for some years and unfortunately can no longer be found in their stores.  I "broke" the all white with a pair of silver shoes and a black vintage bag that I bought it from a flea market and I love it so much <3.
Hug you all!

Daca e alb, alb sa fie… zic. Pentru ca e senin afara, pentru ca s-a incalzit si pentru ca albul se poarta si se va purta mereu am ales o tinuta all white putin in afara zonei mele de confort neavand nici un accent rock sau urban. Din nou am optat pentru o fusta plisata, una din piele ecologica de data asta - o noua achizitie ZARA, cu un top alb basic tot ZARA si un cardigan cu paiete alb pe care il am de ceva ani si din nefericire nu se mai gaseste in magazinele lor. Am “spart” tot acest alb cu o pereche de pantofi argintii si o geanta vintage neagra pe care am cumparat-o de la un talcioc si pe care o ador <3. 
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Cozy chic

Hello my dears! It seems that lately I'm posting increasingly less so I have to say I'm a little disappointed of me. The problem is that I want to do too many things and to my disappointment I end up doing very little. First the full time job I have it covers three quarter of the day, and in the remaining time difference I'm trying to merge the other activities which between me and you aren't few where I also add the resting without I can not function. I do not complain, I'm not looking for excuses I just express my thoughts or even better I argue with myself a bit.
Being still cold, I chose an outfit in "layers" in a Sport- chic style. The outfit is composed of a pair of tapered leather pants, a pair of UGG, a white sport top to which I associate two strings of pearls, my favorite fake fur vest and the must have of this season  the tartan shawl. Which I got it from the Santa Clause and which I love it (the shawl and so the Santa). The chic note is given by the three quarter gloves and pearls strings.
I let you now to warm up a bit with the most recent song of INNA.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Se pare ca in ultima perioada postez din ce in ce mai rar asa incat trebuie sa mentionez ca sunt putin dezamagita de mine. Problema e ca vreau sa fac prea multe lucruri si spre dezamagirea mea sfarsesc prin a face foarte putine. In primul rand job-ul imi ocupa treisferturi din zi astfel ca incerc sa comasez celelalte activitati care intre noi fie vorba nu sunt putine la numar in diferenta de timp ramasa la care se adauga si odihna fara de care eu una nu pot functiona. Nu ma plang, nu ma scuz imi insirui doar gandurile sau poate chiar ma cert un pic.
Fiind inca frig am ales o tinuta in “straturi” intr-un stil sport- chic. Outfit- ul este compus dintr-o pereche de pantaloni conici de piele, o pereche de UGG, un top sport alb la care am asociat doua siraguri de perle, vesta mea favorita din blana artificiala si senzatia acestui anotimp salul tartan pe  care mi l-a adus Mos Craciun si pe care il ador (atat salul cat si pe Mosul). Nota chic este data de perle cat si de manusile treisferturi.
In continuare va las sa va incalziti cu cea mai recenta melodie a INNei.
Va imbratisez cu drag! 



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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