Showing posts with label White shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White shirt. Show all posts

Friday, 4 December 2015

Ladies in fashion event

Fashion blogger
A series of events began with a first fashion & beauty event called Ladies in fashion, that took place yesterday at Palas Mall at Quartz Lounge - Caffe Pasticceria Gelateria Italiano. The host was the beautiful and unique, fashion blogger Daniela Macsim. She shared with us the secrets of the perfect outfit for the special night of new years eve depending on the location. During the event, wine lovers had the opportunity to taste some fine wines from the estate of the Mosia Tohani together with the sommelier Cristian Budaca from which we found interesting information. We also enjoyed a make-up session with the makeup artist Laura Buturca, she shared with us some secrets of her profession since she convinced me I highly recommend her, you can find her at The Mirror.
The special thanks goes to Alexandra Avram for inviting me to the event and also to Quarz Lounge coffee place for the atmosphere and for having the initiative in organizing this event I wish them many others events as such.
I chose to wear for this occasion an ecological leather skirt, mixed up with a white shirt with frills which I accessorized it with a silver cameo and a short jacket made by myself. The main focus are the lace stockings and the black and white shoes from Poema.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Quartz Lounge - Caffe, Pasticeria e Gelateria Italiano au inceput seria evenimentelor fashion & beauty cu un prim eveniment intitulat Ladies in fashion care a avut loc ieri la Palas Mall. Gazda evenimentului a fost frumoasa si inedita bloggetita de moda Daniela Macsim care ne-a impartasit din secretele unei tinute perfecte pentru noaptea speciala dintre ani in functie de locatie. Pe parcursul evenimentului iubitorii de vin au avut ocazia sa deguste vinuri alese de la Mosia de la Tohani impreuna somelierul Cristian Budaca de la care am aflat informatii interesante.  Totodata am avut parte si de o sesiune de make-up realizata de catre make-up artist Laura Buturca, care ne-a impartasit din secretele meseriei ei si pe care o recomand cu caldura si pe care o puteti gasi la The Mirror.
Vreau sa-i multumesc in mod deosebit pentru invitatia la eveniment Alexandrei Avram si cafenelei Quarz Lounge pentru atmosfera in care ne-a primit si pentru initiativa avuta si sa le urez pe aceasta cale la cat mai multe de acest gen.
Am ales sa port cu aceasta ocazie o fusta din piele ecologica, in combinatie cu o camasa alba cu volanase pe care am accesorizat-o cu o camee din argint si un sacou scurt facut de mine. Accentul principal sunt dresurile de dantela si pantofii alb cu negru de la Poema.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Vin alb

Bloggheritele prezente la eveniment si pe care vi le recomand sa le cititi sunt/ Bloggers who also attend at the event and that I recommend you read are:

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Back to the basic

Alb si negru
I haven't tried for a while a combination of black and white, so I come this time with a simple but effective choice. A pair of black skinny jeans with a boyfriend white shirt are screaming for some red details thus my lips became  my accessory together with a pair of red stiletto. In order to give more contouring  and keep the proportions balance I have chosen as proper accessories a hat and a small bag, which can be worn as a shoulder bag, as a clutch or as a cross-body bag.
I often choose to wear small dimensions bags and especially the cross-body ones for the obvious reasons. They are more practical, versatile, we're "forced" in some how to carry with us only the necessary things  unlike the oversize bags, small bags are cute and give the outfit an extra touch of elegance. On you can find different models for different taste, only here you have a complete selection without having to waste precious time on all the websites.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Nu am mai incercat demult o combinatie de alb si negru, vin de aceasta data cu o alegere simpla dar de efect. O pereche de jeansi skinny negri la pachet cu o camasa boyfriend alba tipa dupa niste accente rosii, astfel, buzele mi-au devenit accesoriu impreuna cu o pereche de stiletto rosii. Ca totul sa capete si mai mult contur pastrand un echilibru si intre proportii am ales ca accesorii propriuzise o palarie si o geanta de dimensiuni mici, care poate fi purtata pe umar, plic cat si crossbody. 
Deseori aleg sa port genti de dimensiuni mici si mai ales crossbody din motive lesne de inteles. Sunt mult mai practice, versatile, ne limiteaza sa caram cu noi doar lucrurile cu adevarat necesare, sunt dragalase si dau o eleganta aparte tinutei. Puteti gasi modele pe toate gusturile pe, doar aici  aveti o selectie completa fara a fi nevoite sa pierdeti timp luand toate site-urile la rand.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Moda toamnei

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