Monday, 7 March 2016

Cocomelody - the new face of luxury

Today we’ll talk about "the big day" or rather said, my impressions as a guest/ friend of a bride. Since we are child we dreamed to be princesses, fairies, brides; The source of our imagination is due to both: education given by parents and fairy tales with princes and princesses that we were exposed to from an early age.
Once put the engagement ring on the finger us, women we get into a sort of frenzy looking for the perfect wedding dress. Although we lived under the impression that we have sketched in our minds into to the smallest detail how our bride dress will look like, the veil and eventually the hairstyle; once the engagement is becoming a fact we get overwhelmed by panic filled with enthusiasm in the same time and suddenly erases everything from our mind. The variety of models on the market and changing trends do nothing but exacerbate the confusion.
A good option in choosing the ideal bride dress is Cocomelody only here you can find dress that will represent you into the smallest detail.
Up until a few years ago the princess wedding dress type, the wide one, the one made on metal circle was a must, nowadays we relaxed so that brides are increasingly opting for diverse cuts and lengths. I personally find backless gown  and low back wedding dresses outrageous sensual and feminine apart, a backless dress is sexier than one with a low-cut neck. Below I have attached a selection of backless dresses, you can find more models by visiting the website.
Don't forget they are always having on going sale campaigns with significant price cut!
Util next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Azi vorbim despre “ziua cea mare” sau mai curand de impresiile mele in calitate de invitat/ prietena a miresei. De mici ne visam printese, zane, mirese; sursa imaginatiei noastre este atat educatia primita de la parinti cat si povestile cu zane, printi si printese la care suntem expuse inca de la varste fragede.
Odata pus inelul de logodna pe deget noi femeile intram intr-un soi de frenezie in cautarea rochiei de mireasa perfecte. Desi traiam cu impresia ca avem creionat in minte pana la cel mai mic detaliu cum va arata rochia de mireasa, voalul si eventual coafura odata puse in fata faptului implinit ne cuprinde o oarecare panica presarata cu entuziasm si parca dintr-o data ni se sterge totul din minte. Varietatea de modele de pe piata si trendurile in continua schimbare nu fac altceva decat sa ne accentueze starea de confuzie.
O buna optiune in alegerea rochiei ideale o reprezinta Cocomelody doar aici veti gasi rochia care sa va reprezinte in cel mai mic detaliu.
Daca pana acum cativa ani rochia de mireasa tip printesa, adica cea ampla, pe cerc era un must, in zilele noastre ne-am mai relaxat astfel ca miresele opteaza pentru croieli si lungimi din ce in ce mai diverse. Eu personal gasesc rochiile cu spatele gol de o senzualitate si o feminitate aparte, o rochie cu spatele gol este mai sexi decat una cu un decolteu foarte adanc. Mai jos am atasat o selectie de rochii cu spatele gol, veti gasi si mai multe modele accesand site-ul lor. 
De retinut este ca mereu au in desfasurare campanii de reduceri semnificative!
Pana data viitoare ramantei in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

 Fancy Off the shoulder

Dropped Train Tulle Ivory
New Style A-Line Off The Shoulder
A-Line Off The Shoulder Train Lace
Pretty A-Line Illusion Natural Knee Length
A-Line Illusion Natural Knee Length Chiffon Ivory Sleeveless
Charming A-Line Illusion Natural Train Tulle
A-Line Illusion Natural Train Tulle Ivory Long Sleeve
Perfect Sheath-Column
V-Neck Natural Train Tulle Ivory Sleeveless
Luxurious A-Line Bateau Train Satin
 A-Line Bateau Train Satin Ivory Side

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