Showing posts with label Shoes Colin Stuart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoes Colin Stuart. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Back to the basic

Alb si negru
I haven't tried for a while a combination of black and white, so I come this time with a simple but effective choice. A pair of black skinny jeans with a boyfriend white shirt are screaming for some red details thus my lips became  my accessory together with a pair of red stiletto. In order to give more contouring  and keep the proportions balance I have chosen as proper accessories a hat and a small bag, which can be worn as a shoulder bag, as a clutch or as a cross-body bag.
I often choose to wear small dimensions bags and especially the cross-body ones for the obvious reasons. They are more practical, versatile, we're "forced" in some how to carry with us only the necessary things  unlike the oversize bags, small bags are cute and give the outfit an extra touch of elegance. On you can find different models for different taste, only here you have a complete selection without having to waste precious time on all the websites.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Nu am mai incercat demult o combinatie de alb si negru, vin de aceasta data cu o alegere simpla dar de efect. O pereche de jeansi skinny negri la pachet cu o camasa boyfriend alba tipa dupa niste accente rosii, astfel, buzele mi-au devenit accesoriu impreuna cu o pereche de stiletto rosii. Ca totul sa capete si mai mult contur pastrand un echilibru si intre proportii am ales ca accesorii propriuzise o palarie si o geanta de dimensiuni mici, care poate fi purtata pe umar, plic cat si crossbody. 
Deseori aleg sa port genti de dimensiuni mici si mai ales crossbody din motive lesne de inteles. Sunt mult mai practice, versatile, ne limiteaza sa caram cu noi doar lucrurile cu adevarat necesare, sunt dragalase si dau o eleganta aparte tinutei. Puteti gasi modele pe toate gusturile pe, doar aici  aveti o selectie completa fara a fi nevoite sa pierdeti timp luand toate site-urile la rand.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Moda toamnei

Friday, 15 May 2015

Sailing to the summer

I love stripes especially for tops, thanks to Coco Fashion for  their introduction in fashion, for me stripes are an evergreen. Incidentally today's outfit is made to be inspired by the style of the great designer Coco Chanel, the classic striped blouse, pearls chains, capri jeans and a pair of red stiletto. Throughout the existence of the blog I wore stripes in different combinations that you can review here, here and here, and yet my inspiration did not end hence I'm preparing some others future  posts where the classy striped will be the star.
Hug you all with love!

Iubesc dungile mai ales la top-uri, multumesc Coco pentru introducerea lor in moda, pentru mine sunt un evergreen. De altfel si tinuta de astazi se vrea a fi inspirata din stilul consacrat al creatoarei Coco Chanel, clasica bluza in dungi , siragul de perle, o pereche de jeansi capri si o pereche de stiletto rosi. De-a lungul existentei blogului am purtat dungile in diferite combinatii pe care le puteti revedea aici, aici si aici, iar inspiratia mea nu s-a sfarsit astfel ca pregatesc si alte postari in care vedetele sa fie stilatele dungi.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Work hard ... party hard

Today I will introduce you, once again, work outfit in my characteristic style. So, when it comes to office trousers I prefer the loose ones instead of the tight model, thus I choose a pair of ZARA navy trousers having a tapered cut, combined with a silk black shirt, spiced up with a Colin Stuart red pair of shoes which I purchased from Victoria's Secrets website. At all this I added an animal print belt having gold details and golden accessories also, and .... Voila!
Hug you all <3

Astazi va prezint din nou o tinuta de servici in stilul meu caracteristic. Cand vine vorba de pantaloni la dunga imi plac cei lejeri in detrimentul celor stramti, asa incat am ales o astfel de pereche de pantaloni bleumarini de la ZARA avand o croiala conica, in combinatie cu o camasa din matase neagra, pe care le-am condimentat cu o pereche de pantofi rosii Colin Stuart, pe care i-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secrets. La toate astea am adaugat o curea animal print cu detalii aurii si accesorii tot aurii si ... Voila!
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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