Showing posts with label Boots Jessica Simpson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boots Jessica Simpson. Show all posts

Monday, 21 December 2015

Knee socks

If you find it difficult to stay away from summer dresses is no problem there are various ways to wear them in winter as well pair it with a wool jacket, or a fur vest or as the choice I made it choosing an over-sized sweater. With a little creativity and imagination you can build out an outfit that will not go unnoticed. And as the cold generally starts from foot knee socks are the perfect option I "warmly" recommend them literally and figuratively.
Because my photographer can't stay without taking few shoots of the landscape , seeing the result I also can't help myself without posting few for you especially that we do have reasons to be proud of.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Daca nu reusiti sa va despartiti de rochitele vaporoase de vara nu este nici o problema sunt n variante de a le purta si iarna fie cu un sacou de lana, fie cu o vesta de blana sau precum alegerea de fata cu un pulover supradimensional. Cu putina creativitate si imaginatie o sa va iasa o tinuta care nu va trece neobservata. Si cum frigul in general ne ia de la picioare sosetele lungi sunt optiunea perfecta, le recomand cu caldura si la propriu si la figurat.
Pentru ca fotograful (a) meu (a) insista mereu sa ia si ceteva cadre cu peisajele din zona, cand vad rezultatul nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu postez vreo doua si pentru voi cu atat mai mult ca avem si cu ce ne mandri. 
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Oversize sweater

Pulover rosu
Recently I bought an oversize, red sweater from an outlet; I had few oversize sweaters but never a red one hence it was love at first sight. I personally prefer to wear these items as a dress, simple, or with an oversize shirt underneath. I like two length: medium (like the one I’m wearing it in the photos) and the knee length, especially I love it paired with either knee boots or over the knee boots. In winter I find this kind of sweaters indispensable being the best choice from stylistic and cosiness point of view.
You can find a wide range of colours and patterns of oversize sweaters on Time is so precious nowadays why lose it 'Browsing' for hours even days looking for your ideal piece of clothing? do that for you, here you can find gathered together a finest selection of what on-line shops offers.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Recent am achizitionat dintr-un outlet acest pullover oversize, rosu; am tot avut pulovere oversize dar niciodata rosu asa incat a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Eu personal prefer sa port astfel de piese pe post de rochii fie simple fie cu o camasa pe dedesupt de asemenea oversize. Imi plac atat cele de lungime medie (precum cel din fotografii) cat si cele pana la genunchi si mai ales le ador in combinatie cu cizme fie ele pana la genunchi sau peste genunchi. In sezonul rece acest gen de pulovere mi se par indispensabile fiind cea mai buna alegere atat stylistic vorbind cat si pentru confortul termic.
Puteti gasi o gama foarte variata de culori si modele pe pulovere oversize pe Timpul fiind atat de pretios in zilele noastre de ce sa-l irosim “rasfoind” ore poate chiar zile in cautarea piesei vestimentare preferate? face asta pentru voi, aici gasiti adunate la un loc o selectie rafinata din ceea ce ofera  magazinele on-line.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Culture palace

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Trade your jacket for a scarf

But first... let's have a selfie!
Initially I had another outfit ready for today but since the weather has cooled down again, I decided on this one. Although I don't seem to be dressed very thick I was not cold because the scarf is very thick and elbow-length gloves they also did their job.
The tartan scarf I used as a cape / cardigan, fixing it with a thin waist belt with golden accents for an added glam. The elbow-length gloves besides the thermal comfort they bring a chic and extremely feminine air. The boots are a mix of multiple styles: cowboy due buckles, army due to thick soles with phonographic and double zippers; and sexy due by mid-knee length and high heels.

I hope you like the outfit until next time I embrace you all!

Dar mai intai... sa mai facem un selfie!
Initial aveam alta tinuta pregatita pentru astazi insa avand in vedere ca vremea s-a racit putin, din nou, m-am decis asupra acestei tinute. Desi nu par imbracata prea gros nu mi-a fost frig deoarece fularul este foarte gros iar manusile trei-sferturi si-au facut si ele datoria.
Fulartul tartan l-am folosit pe post de capa/ cardigan fixandu-l in talie cu o curea subtire cu accente aurii pentru un plus de glam. Manusile treisferturi pe langa confortul termic aduc o nota chic si extreme de feminina. Cizmele sunt un mix intre mai multe stiluri: cowboy datorita cataramelor, army datorita talpei groase cu rizuri si a fermoarelor duble;  si sexi datorita lungimii pana la jumatatea genunchiului si a tocurilor inalte.

Sper ca va place tinuta pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

MINI mood


I just adore my car ... yes .. that's the sentence I'm starting with . Is a car to die for, I can not live without it, and for those who are keeping scratching it they better stay away. The outfit chosen for this post is an easy one, except the boots which between you and me they aren't the most comfortable ever, but yet I love them. About the texture of fabrics, there is a perfect match, by the book I would say. Lace or embroidery makes good pair with denim and the brown shade of boots is completing the whole outfit.
Hug you with love <3

Imi ador masina ... da.. cu asta incep. Ma topesc dupa ea, nu mai pot fara ea, iar cei ce tot mi-o zgaraie ar face bine sa se tina la distanta. Tinuta aleasa pentru aceasta postare este una lejera, exceptand cizmele care intre noi fie vorba nu sunt cele mai comode, insa cu toate astea le ador. Cat despre texturi, exista o potrivire perfecta, dupa carte as spune chiar. Dantela sau broderiile fac pereche buna cu denimul iar nuanta de maro a cizmelor vine in completare intregind tinuta.

Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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