I do not know if it is coincidence or it just happened this year I had several partnerships with websites that sell wedding dresses. I choose to end the cycle of 2015 posts with another post about the big day.
From a very early age most of us had imagined and probably over imagined that day we walk down the aisle next to the chosen one. We all dreamed about the ideal dress, and the more the big moment has delayed the more we have mentally experienced more bridal dress models from the classic princess dresses moving towards to the mermaid cut; to the short one or to any color far away from the pure white .
Landybridal covers all tastes and silhouettes. Here you can find A-line wedding dresses, vintage lace wedding dresses for the most romantic of us, ball gown wedding dresses, mermaid bridal dresses also for those with a generous silhouette you can find the plus size wedding dresses, backless dresses, short or midi, ample or vapors. And like any self-respecting website they launched their collection of wedding dresses 2016 since the end of 2015.
Do not miss the sale campaign, you can get discounts from 20% up to 75%, weekly discounts or even dresses at bargain prices under $ 100.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
Nu stiu daca este o coincidenta sau pura intamplare faptul ca anul acesta am avut mai multe parteneriate cu site-uri care comercializeaza rochii de mireasa. Aleg pe final de an sa inchei ciclul postarilor din 2015 cu o alta postare despre ziua cea mare.
Inca de mici majoritatea dintre noi ne-am imaginat si ras-imaginat probabil ziua in care pasim spre altar alaturi de alesul inimii. Cu toate ne-am vizualizat rochia ideala, probabil cu cat marele moment s-a lasat mai mult asteptat cu atat am experimentat mental mai multe modele de la clasicele rochii de printesa trecand la cele tip sirena si pana la cele scurte sau in culori departe de purul alb.
Landybridal impaca toate gusturile si siluetele. Aici castiti rochii croite in A, rochii vintage pentru cele mai romantic dintre noi, rochii tip printesa, sirena, rochii de mireasa pentru cele cu o silueta generoasa, rochii cu spatele gol, scurte sau midi, ample sau vaporoase. Si ca orice site care se respecta si-au lansat colectia de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 inca de la finele anului 2015.
Nu ratati campania reducerilor, puteti beneficia de reduceri de la 20% pana la 75%, de discount-uri saptamanale sau chiar de rochii la preturi de chilipir sub 100$.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!