Recently one of my good friend got engaged which is why I decided to help her find the perfect wedding dress. So I came across Cocomelody who already launched their 2016 wedding dresses collection that includes a wide variety of designs and cuts from classic the ethereal beach wedding dresses.
You can choose to shine in a designer dress from the new collection or if your proposed wedding will take place on a sunny beach here you will find your dream dresses, vaporous and white as sea foam.
What I really liked is that Cocomelody are making custom dresses on personalized sizes, satisfying the most demanding tastes.
Of course our beloved men were not overlooked, they are also having a special section from where they can choose two- pieces suits, three-pieces suits, tuxedos and the must have accessorizes: cufflinks, ties, bow ties and pocket square.
If you are among the lucky ones who live in the United States, the Netherlands or Germany, or you planned an extraordinary trip to one of these 3 countries you can visit shops and the presentation showroom. If not, don't worry!!! They have thought about the rest of us, so it doing shipping to more than 230 countries worldwide.
In this period of the year we can enjoy great discounts for all the category dresses. On the below I made a fine selection encompassing various designs and cuts with the purpose to convince you to visit Cocomelody website I couldn't hold myself so I pick some dresses for special occasion since New Year eve is knocking at the door.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
Recent una dintre prietenele mele bune s-a logodit, motiv
pentru care mi-am propus sa o ajut sa-si gaseasca rochia de mireasa ideala. Asa
am dat peste Cocomelody care
deja si-au lansat colectia de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 ce cuprinde o varietate larga de modele si croieli
de la cele clasice pana la cele diafane potrivite unor locatii pe plaja, de exemplu.
Puteti alege sa straluciti intr-o rochie de designer din
noua colectie de rochii de mireasa pentru 2016 sau daca va-ti propus ca nunta sa aiba loc pe plaja insorita aici veti gasi mult visata rochie vaporoasa si alba ca spuma
Ce mi-a placut foarte tare este ca cei de la Cocomelody realizeaza si rochii la comanda, pe masuri personalizate satisfacand si cele mai
exigente gusturi.
Bineanteles ca nici
scumpii nostrii barbati nu au fost trecuti cu vederea, acestia avand o sectiune
special destinata lor de unde isi pot alege costume in doua, trei piese sau fracuri
cat si accesoriile aferente: butoni, cravate, papioane sau batiste de buzunar.
Daca va numarati printre norocosii care locuiesc in Statele
Unite, Olanda sau Germania sau daca va-ti planuit o calatorie in una din aceste
3 tari le puteti vizita magazinele si showroom –urile de prezentare. Daca nu, Cocomelody s-a gandit si la noi ceilalti astfel
ofera shipping in peste 230 de tari din intreaga lume.
In aceasta
perioada ne putem bucura de mari reduceri atat la noile colectii de rochii de
mireasa pentru 2016 Rochii de mireasacat si la rochiile de mireasa specifice unei locatii exotice pe plaja sau in aer liber la un conac vechi. Mai jos am facut o selectie cat mai variata ce cuprinda modele si
croieli diferite cu scopul de a va convinge sa accesati pagina web Cocomelody, deasemenea nu m-am putut abtine sa nu
aleg si niste rochii de ocazii avand in vedere ca Revelionul se apropie vertiginos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
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