It's the weekend so I say let's relax and not only as a state also in terms of fashion. I propose an outfit suitable for a relaxing walk in the park or botanical garden admiring the beautiful autumn arrangements. The purple coat I recently discovered in my dressing, I have it for a few years and I find this a good moment to re-adapt it. The current trends allow us to wear coats from the most elegant styles to the sporty ones. Being I chose to relax a bit this time I opted for the sporty mix.
Instead of the ordinary shoulder bag I chose to pair my outfit with a backpack being more practical and comfy. Fashion backpacks recently returned in our attention, they are increasingly included in designers presentations. I admit I was a little reluctant at first but this trend catch me to the point I start to wear mine on several occasions this is why I intend soon enough to purchase the second one. I'm thinking to go for a black leather one, where we can find the coolest models gathered in one place if not on Mujo.ro. You'll find here a various models of backpacks also covering a large range of colors.
Till next time stay fashion!
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
E weekend, asa ca zic sa ne relaxam nu numai ca stare cat si din punct de vedere vestimentar. Propun o tinuta relaxata potrivita pentru o plimbare in parc sau in gradina botanica admirand minunatele aranjamente de toamna. Paltonul mov este o descoperire recenta din dresingul meu, il am de cativa ani si m-am gandit sa-l readaptez. Trendurile actuale ne permit purtarea paltoanelor de la cele mai elegante stiluri pana la cele sport. Fiind vorba de aceasta data de o tinuta relaxata am optat pentru varianta sport.
In loc de nelipsita geanta de umar, am ales pentru aceasta combinatie un rucsac fiind mult mai practic si comod. Moda rucsacelor a revenit de curand in atentia noastra fiind tot mai des incluse de designeri si in prezentarile lor. Recunosc ca am fost putin reticenta la inceput, insa m-a prins atat de tare trendul, incat il port pe al meu cu diferite ocazii motiv pentru care intentionez cat de curand sa-l achizitionez si pe al doilea. Cred ca voi opta pentru unul negru, din piele si unde putem gasi cele mai cool modele adunate la un loc daca nu pe Mujo.ro. Veti gasi aici cele mai variate modele de rucsacuri acoperind totodata o gama cat mai larga de culori.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in trend!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in trend!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Faina tinuta, si paltonul imi place foarte mult!