Showing posts with label Over knee boots Colin Stuart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Over knee boots Colin Stuart. Show all posts

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

These boots are made for walking aren't they?

About myself I can say that I am undoubtedly a shopping addicted. My each month goal is to buy NOTHING, except that I miserably fail every time. The reasons are varied or rather the excuses: either I saw an item which I can not resist and, between me and you when I can't resist to something it must be mine, or another reason is that I remember that it was once on my must haves list and finally the planets were aligned and I found it, or I use the cliché of shopping therapy. When in reality there is no therapy I just buy things and after the drama and the sigh starts when I wake up and realized the messed budget. Altogether next month, which will start tomorrow I intend not to spend a penny on clothes and/or accessories.
The downside is that I'm not really wearing them as I suppose to. In reality I like comfortable outfits even slightly careless style. My posts shows that all I do is to combine certain items which aren't necessarily new and so I did today. Today's outfit I would describe it as a sort of naughtiness and obedient, I chose to mix over the knee boots with an ecological leather pink skirt , in opposition I chose a classic white shirt, closed till the last button.
Until next time I embrace you all with love!

Despre mine pot spune ca sunt shopping addicted fara doar si poate. Scopul meu in fiecare luna este acela de a-mi cumpara NIMIC, doar ca, esuez lamentabil de fiecare data. Motivele sunt variate sau mai degraba scuzele: ba ca am vazut o piesa caruia nu-i pot rezista si intre noi fie vorba cand nu pot rezista trebuie sa fie al meu, ba imi aduc aminte ca era candva pe lista mea de must have si in sfarsit planetele s-au aliniat si l-am gasit, fie ma folosesc de deja devenit-ul cliseu al terapiei prin shopping. Cand in realitate nu este nici o terapie pur si simplu cumperi si sa vezi dupa drama si suspin cand te trezesti iar cu bugetul dat peste cap. Una peste alta luna viitoare, adica de maine, chiar imi propun sa nu cheltui un ban pe haine/ accesorii.
Partea proasta e ca nici nu le port sau prea port pentru ca in realitate imi plac tinutele comode ba chiar sunt adepta stilui usor neglijent. Chiar si in postarile mele se poate observa ca nu fac altceva decat sa combin anumite piese deja prezente in garderoba mea de ceva timp, cum de altfel am facut si azi. Tinuta de azi as descri-o ca fiind un soi de obraznicie si cumintenie, am ales sa combin cizmele peste genunchi cu o fusta roz pal din piele ecologica iar, la polul opus am ales o camasa alba, clasica, inchisa pana la ultimul nasture.
Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 15 December 2014

Nude is the new black

The nude color has become increasingly popular in the past few years and managed to establish itself as the new black thus completing the classic colors palette. The coat I purchased via Tara Fashion website and  the dress was tailored by my seamstress being the first dress from a long string that she sewed for me. The looped fabric is perfect for the cold season. As for the boots, they became a regular in my posts highlighting the idea that each piece can be worn in different combinations so we can fully enjoy them, plus we keep up with the latest trends without spending a small fortune on clothes and accessories.
And because Smiley is one of my favorite artists I will leave you to enjoy his latest song. By the way what do you  wish Santa will bring you this Christmas as for Smiley we just find out?
Hug you all with love!

Culoarea nude a devenit din ce in ce mai apreciata si mai purtata in ultimii ani reusind sa se impuna ca noul negru intregind astfel paleta culorilor clasice. Paltonul l-am achizitionat de pe site-ul Tara Fashion iar rochita este cusuta de croitoreasa mea fiind de fapt prima rochie dintr-un lung sir pe care mi-a facut-o. Este dintr-o stofa buclata perfecta pentru anotimpul in care ne aflam. Cat despre cizme, ele au devenit o prezenta obisnuita in postarile mele subliniind idea conform careia fiecare piesa poate fi purtata in diferite combinatii astfel ne putem bucura pe deplin de ele si in plus ne mentinem in trend fara a cheltui mici averi pe haine si accesorii.
Si pentru ca Smiley este unul dintre artistii mei preferati va las sa va delectati cu cea mai recenta piesa a sa. Apropo voi ce va doriti sa va aduca mosu ca in ceea ce-l priveste pe Smiley am aflat?
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Knitting & Lace

We try to take advantage as much as possible of the last sunny days from this year, so as soon as the temperatures rise by 3-4 degrees and the sun shows its fangs we dress up for a photo shooting. As this season the sweater was given a new interpretation today I introduce you my vision.
Hug you all!

Incercam sa profitam de ultimele raze de soare de pe anul asta cat putem de mult, asa ca imediat ce temperaturile cresc cu 3-4 grade iar marital soare isi arata coltisori ne si echipam pentru un shooting foto. Si cum in acest sezon puloverului I s-a dat o noua interpretare azi va prezint viziunea mea.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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