Showing posts with label Boots Colin Stuart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boots Colin Stuart. Show all posts

Monday, 23 March 2015

Denim shirt

Lots can be tell about me except for a serious face. I'm always encountering difficulties in finding some photos that look flawless because I can not be serious for a second. I either do continuous and uninterrupted talk or I do all kinds of faces, either I laugh either I'm becoming contortionist as you can see. Initially I wanted to tell you about how much the denim shirt is now in fashion this season and how versatile it is, how can be worn in all sorts of combinations and in association with all kinds of fabrics textures like lace, leather, also denim, cotton and even silk. But I am convinced that no one will pay attention to my outfit this time as the attention will be dragged by my grimaces so have fun!

Despre mine se poat spune multe mai putin cum ca as fi vreo serioasa. De fiecare data intampin dificultati in a alege cateva fotografii in care sa arat impecabil pentru ca eu nu pot fi serioasa nici o secunda. Fie vorbesc continu si neantrerupt, fie fac tot felul de fete, fie rad, fie am tendinte de contorsionare dupa cum se poate vedea. Initial vroiam sa va povestesc despre camasa din denim, cat de tare se poarta ea sezonul asta si cant de versatila poate fi, despre cum merge ea purtata in tot felul de combinatii si in asociatie cu tot felul de texturi cum ar fi dantela, piele, tot denim, coton si chiar matase. Insa sunt convinsa ca nimeni nu va mai observa tinuta atentia fiind acaparata de grimasele mele asa incat have fun!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Lady like

As a test for this post the photo shoot was realized indoor. The result wasn't the best mostly because of my photo camera which is topped by the new technology, but it could have been worse. Who knows, maybe Santa will surprise me with a new device in tune with the times.
The outfit worn today is very feminine, I chose to pair a vintage skirt  with a mustard color low-cut back blouse. The modern emphasis is given by the over knee boots that come very well worn with both: short skirts / dresses and medium length skirts / dresses. The central piece is represented by the vintage watch. I always liked to incorporate into modern outfits some vintage items as they are giving an unique shade and is totally transforming the initial outfit.
Hug you all!

Ca un test pentru aceasta postare am realizat sedinta foto in interior. Rezultatul nu este cel mai fericit si asta din cauza aparatului meu depasit de tehnologie, insa ma consolez cu gandul ca se putea si mai rau cine stie poate ma surprinde mosul cu un nou aparat in ton cu vremurile.
Tinuta purtata astazi este foarte feminina, am ales sa imbin o fusta vintage din stofa cu slit fals in fata si o bluza mustar decoltata la spate. Accentul modern este dat de cizmele peste genunchi care vin foarte bine purtate atat cu fuste/ rochii scurte cat si cu fuste/ rochii de o lungime medie. Piesa centrala este ceasul vintage pe lant. Mereu mi-a placut sa incorporez in tinutele moderne si piese vintage acestea din urma dau un aer aparte si transforma total tinuta.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Summertime Sadness

Again I have not posted in a while and I apologize for that just so you know the laziness was not the cause I just  had a very busy period and also frosty. But today on the other hand the sun and the time was on my side. I'd like to start with my new haircut that I hate it so much, a simple tip cutting it turned in to half a length of my hair, I just hate the hairdressers or better said the self entitled stylist when they find them self with a scissor in their hand  they simply can't stop anymore. 
Today I wore an outfit which I can call it "the good and the bad". I killed the naughty side of the over the knee boots by pairing them with a shirt whose details I adore them, is having a particularly fine embroidery and the flounces are just delighted. The tweed shorts have a long and complicated story, at first they were a vintage skirt that I thought they can be transformed into something else. Regarding the accessories I opted for some vintage silver pieces.
The special thanks goes to my dearest friends Adnana & Adrian for the recommended song <3
Hug you all with love!

Din nou nu am mai postat de ceva vreme si imi cer scuze pentru asta a se intelege ca nu lenea a fost cauza ci faptul ca am avut o perioada foarte aglomerat si geroasa totodata. Azi in schimb soarele si timpul a fost de partea me. As vrea sa incep cu noua mea tunsoare pe care o urasc si de la o simpla taiere a varfurilor m-am trezit cu jumatate din lungimea parului retezat, pur si simplu urasc coafezele sau mai bine zis ca sa fiu in ton cu vremurile autointitulatele stiliste/ stilisti care in momentul in care se vad cu o foarfeca in mana pur si simplu nu se mai opresc.
Azi am purtat o tinuta “cuminte” si “rea”, cizmele peste genunchi le-am cumintit cu o camasa ale carei detalii le ador, broderia este una deosebit de fina iar volanele fac tot deliciul. Pantalonii scurti tweed au o poveste mai lunga si complicata ei fiind la inceput o fusta vintage pe care m-am gandit eu ca poate fi transformata in altceva. La capitolul accesorii am optat pentru niste piese vintage din argint.
Multumiri dragilor mei prieteni Adnanei & Adrian pentru recomandarea piesei <3
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Chess cubes

The dress is by Helene, a Romanian brand, I purchased a few years ago. It's a very special item for me in terms of design and print, having a sentimental value as well. But I've always kind of avoided to wear it because it’s a little sensitive in terms of the fabric quality. The boots I also have them for a few years, 6 years to be more specific, I purchased them from the Victoria's Secret website and are designed by Colin Stuart. I admit that I haven’t worn them for about 2 years, but at the moment I find them the more beautiful and on trends than ever saw them. At all this, I associate a short white sweater which I purchased from Primark UK, a store that I can't wait to have it here in Romania. The sweater is giving a stylish & chic accent having also a “thermic” purpose considering season.
Hug you all with love!

Rochia este marca Helene, un brand romanesc, am achizitionat-o in urma cu cativa ani. Este o piesa foarte speciala pentru mine atat din punct de vedere al modelului si al printului cat si din punct de vedere al valorii sentimentale. Totusi mereu am cam evitat sa o port deoarece este cam sensibila din punct de vedere al calitatii materialului. Botinele de asemenea le am de cativa ani, vreo 6 la numar ca sa fiu mai exacta, le-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secret si sunt designed by Colin Stuart. Recunosc ca de 2 ani nu le-am mai purtat insa acum le gasesc mai frumoase si mai actuale ca niciodata. La toate astea am asociat un pluover scurt alb pe care l-am cumparat din Primark UK si pe care abia ii astept si la noi. Ploverul dand o nota stylish & chic si nu in ultimul rand avand scop “termic”  luand in considerare  anotimpul.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

 Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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