Showing posts with label Jeans UNIFORM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeans UNIFORM. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Grey ... my Grey version

The white shirt, jeans and stiletto shoes will never be out of style and will always be the saving solution when the lack of inspiration strikes. Also quality wool is the best choice for fall, in addition to thermal comfort it maintains  the appearance almost like is new even after multiple wearings and washes. I know that quality wool  can be very expensive but you can also try vintage stores, outlets or even second hands stores. I recommend for the cold season "dress in layers" this gives personality  to the outfit giving a complex and sophisticated air, it seem like you put some effort in setting up the outfit.
Until next time stay in fashion!
From Romania with love!

Camasa alba, jeansii si pantofii cu toc cui nu se vor demoda niciodata si mereu vor fi solutia salvatoare cand lipsa de inspiratie da tarcoale. De asemenea lana de calitate este cea mai buna alegere pentru sezonul rece, pe langa confortul termic isi mentine si aspectul aproape ca nou chiar si dupa multiple purtari si spalari. Stiu ca piesele de lana de calitate sunt foarte scumpe insa puteti incerca si magazinele vintage, outleturile sau chiar second handurile. Recomand suprapunerile acestea confera personalitate tinutei dandu-i un aer complex si sofisticat, chiar pare ca ati depus efort in constituirea outfitului.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Cercei argint

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

All denim

I have always liked overlapping textures and fabrics, so I would't thought of as an all denim outfit might look so good; but I was pleasantly surprised when I put on a pair of jeans and a denim shirt.  So simplistic and so eye catching such a combination, not to mention how much is on trends this year. With a pair of sneakers is an ideal appearance for day, and with a pair of stilettos also with some proper accessories it will turn into a perfect outfit for the evening. Denim the most worn and most versatile fabric ever, gives a fresh air and thins any silhouette. Denim outfits can be worn both styles as smart casual or  sexy, is suitable for both office and   clubs or on the beach. I believe that every wardrobe should have the four basic models: a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of straight jeans, a pair of flared jeans and shorts. If is to ask  me I would introduce within the basic category a pair of boyfriend jeans as well.
Hug you all!

Mereu mi-au placut suprapunerile de texturi si materiale, nu m-as fi gandit ca o tinuta all denim ar putea arata bine insa am fost placut surprinsa cand am pus pe mine o pereche de jeans si o camasa din denim. Pe cat de simplista este combinatia pe atat de placuta ochiului ca sa nu mai spun cat de tare se poarta anul asta. Cu o pereche de pantofi sport este o aparitie ideala pentru zi, iar cu o pereche de stiletto si accesorii potrivite se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru seara. Denimul cel mai purtat si mai versatil material din toate timpurile da un aer fresh, subtiaza silueta, poate fi purtat in tinute atat sexi cat si smart casual, se preteaza atat la birou cat si in club sau pe plaja. Consider ca fiecare ar trebui sa avem in garderoba 4 modele de baza: o pereche de jeans skinny, o pereche de jeans drepti, o pereche evazati si o pereche de jeansi scurti. Daca ar fi dupa mine as introduce tot la categoria de baza si o pereche de jeans boyfriend.

Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Asymmetric cardigan

Let's welcome the end of February! Moving with small but sure steps towards long-awaited spring. I can not wait any longer for the long days of summer pampered by the sunshine. Today is even a more special day because I reviewed a dear friend who I haven't seen him in while. I am also very excited knowing that next week I will travel to a well deserved vacation in a place with lots of sun (and love), but I will tell you more at the right moment.
Now, let's go back to the outfit chosen for today. It all started with the hat, which is a slightly atypical, it rather look more like a "clop" from Maramures area (a Romanian area) but, I just love it. I chose to keep it simple so I adapted the hat in my own interpretation of urban style. I look forward to your opinions and comments regarding the outfit. Also stay tuned for the next post whose main focus will be the lace stockings.
Hug you all with love!

Bun venit sfarsit de luna Februarie! Ne indreptam cu pasi mici dar siguri catre mult asteptata primavara. Eu una abia astept zilele lungi de vara alintate de soare. Ziua de astazi este cu atat mai speciala pentru ca am revazut un prieten drag pe care nu-l mai vazusem de ceva vreme. Totodata sunt foarte incantata deoarece saptamana viitoare voi merge intr-o bine meritata vacanta intr-un loc cu mult soare, dar mai multe va voi povesti la momentul respectiv. 
Acum sa revenim la tinuta aleasa pentru azi. Totul a pornit de la palarie, care este una usor atipica duce mai degraba cu un clop maramuresean insa mie imi place foarte tare. Am ales sa "keep it simple" asa ca am adaptat palaria intr-o interpretare a "urban style". Astept cu nerabdare parerile si comantariile voastre legate de tinuta. Deasemenea stati aproape pentru urmatoarea postare a carui focus pricipal vor fi ciorapii de dantela :). 
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 1 September 2014

Army & print

So September arrived bringing with the autumn too. Today is Monday and is also the first day of the month, and to me everything went up side down since morning. And as you can see from the photos even the wind was not too kindest to me so the results aren't the best one. Altogether for today’s post I chose a casual outfit where the main item is the army jacket to which I gave an extra glam by pairing with a pair of animal print shoes.
Hug you all with love!

Si Septembrie a sosit la fel si toamna. Azi este luni si mai este si data de intai, iar mie mi-au mers toate pe dos inca de dimineata. Si dupa cum se vede din fotografii nici macar vantul nu a fost prea bland cu mine astfel ca nici rezultatul nu este cel dorit. Una peste alta pentru postarea de azi am ales o tinuta casual in care “vedeta” este jacheta army caruia i-am conferit un plus de glam prin asocierea cu o pereche de pantofi animal print.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Friday, 8 August 2014


Hello my dears! Because I'm very excited to go on vacation and my luggage is eagerly waiting for me at the door, today I will be very brief. I'm only telling you that for this post I chose an atypical combination in the way that I have matched my earrings with the message from the shirt :) the rest is gossip.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Pentru ca sunt foarte nerabdatoare sa plec in vacanta iar bagajul ma asteapta dornic la usa astazi voi fi foarte concisa. Va spun doar ca in aceasta postare am optat pentru o asociere atipica in sensul ca mi-am asortat cerceii cu mesajul de pe tricou :) restul e cancan.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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