Showing posts with label Shirt Zara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirt Zara. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Trade your jacket for a scarf

But first... let's have a selfie!
Initially I had another outfit ready for today but since the weather has cooled down again, I decided on this one. Although I don't seem to be dressed very thick I was not cold because the scarf is very thick and elbow-length gloves they also did their job.
The tartan scarf I used as a cape / cardigan, fixing it with a thin waist belt with golden accents for an added glam. The elbow-length gloves besides the thermal comfort they bring a chic and extremely feminine air. The boots are a mix of multiple styles: cowboy due buckles, army due to thick soles with phonographic and double zippers; and sexy due by mid-knee length and high heels.

I hope you like the outfit until next time I embrace you all!

Dar mai intai... sa mai facem un selfie!
Initial aveam alta tinuta pregatita pentru astazi insa avand in vedere ca vremea s-a racit putin, din nou, m-am decis asupra acestei tinute. Desi nu par imbracata prea gros nu mi-a fost frig deoarece fularul este foarte gros iar manusile trei-sferturi si-au facut si ele datoria.
Fulartul tartan l-am folosit pe post de capa/ cardigan fixandu-l in talie cu o curea subtire cu accente aurii pentru un plus de glam. Manusile treisferturi pe langa confortul termic aduc o nota chic si extreme de feminina. Cizmele sunt un mix intre mai multe stiluri: cowboy datorita cataramelor, army datorita talpei groase cu rizuri si a fermoarelor duble;  si sexi datorita lungimii pana la jumatatea genunchiului si a tocurilor inalte.

Sper ca va place tinuta pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 8 December 2014

First snow

The first snow just arrived and so the heat of winter holidays, marking the passing of another year. I find it increasingly difficult to take pictures for the blog because with each session I'm freezing more and more but I love what I do so feel it's worth the sacrifice. Because I'm a big fan of hats, something that I mentioned with several occasions before, today I adapted the hat into another outfit (this hat I used it in another combination that you can review it here).
The cardigan is in my opinion one of the basic items that once the cold season is customary, I always carry a spare one with me. Besides its thermic comfort also gives personality to the  outfit transforming it completely.
Now I let you guys to warm your soul with this beautiful song.
Hug you all with love!

A dat si prima zapada si uite asa am intrat in febra sarbatorilor de iarna marcand astfel trecerea unui alt an. Mi se pare tot mai dificil sa fac fotografii pentru blog intrucat inghet din ce in ce mai tare in timpul sesiunilor foto insa imi place ceea ce fac asa incat simt ca merita sacrificiul. Pentru ca sunt un mare fan al palariilor, aspect pe care l-am mai mentinat si cu alte ocazii astazi am adaptat aceasta palarie unei alte tinute (palaria am mai  folosit-o si intr-o alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici).
Cardiganul este in opinia mea una dintre piesele de baza care o data cu venirea sezonului rece devine nelipsit, mereu am cate unul de rezerva. Pe langa utilitatea sa ca si confort termic confera personalitate tinutei transformand-o complet.
Acum va las sa va mai incalziti sufletul cu aceasta melodie superba.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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