Lots can be tell about me except for a serious face. I'm always encountering difficulties in finding some photos that look flawless because I can not be serious for a second. I either do continuous and uninterrupted talk or I do all kinds of faces, either I laugh either I'm becoming contortionist as you can see. Initially I wanted to tell you about how much the denim shirt is now in fashion this season and how versatile it is, how can be worn in all sorts of combinations and in association with all kinds of fabrics textures like lace, leather, also denim, cotton and even silk. But I am convinced that no one will pay attention to my outfit this time as the attention will be dragged by my grimaces so have fun!
Despre mine se poat spune multe mai putin cum ca as fi vreo
serioasa. De fiecare data intampin dificultati in a alege cateva fotografii in
care sa arat impecabil pentru ca eu nu pot fi serioasa nici o secunda. Fie
vorbesc continu si neantrerupt, fie fac tot felul de fete, fie rad, fie am
tendinte de contorsionare dupa cum se poate vedea. Initial vroiam sa va povestesc
despre camasa din denim, cat de tare se poarta ea sezonul asta si cant de versatila
poate fi, despre cum merge ea purtata in tot felul de combinatii si in
asociatie cu tot felul de texturi cum ar fi dantela, piele, tot denim, coton si
chiar matase. Insa sunt convinsa ca nimeni nu va mai observa tinuta atentia
fiind acaparata de grimasele mele asa incat have fun!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN