Hello my dears I wish you a fashionable week as possible!
Because the last time I talked about the Hangariada Festival I will also include this outfit within Festival Look trend. I had in mind, for a while already to do a post with this dress in a rock style as I already wore it in many others ways like club style for example, with high heels sandals, glamour accessories and hairstyle. Today's tags are ruffles, studs, curly hair, red, boots and not necessarily in this order. Now let's take them one by one: ruffles can be whatever you want them to be, they can be childish, romantic, glam, boohoo or rock even with the matching accessories. Red is one of the colors with the strongest visual impact is also called the color of passion. Whether you chose to wear a day dress or an evening one, short, or long, asymmetrical or with a classic cut this color will always be eyes catching giving a sexy and self-confident air. The studs, boots and curly hair are rock elements to the bone, and paired with pieces of other styles category can get an outfit worthy of all praise.
From Romania with love!
Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Pentru ca data trecuta am vorbit despre Hangariada tot in
trendul de Festival Look as include si aceasta tinuta. Aveam de ceva vreme in
minte sa fac o postare cu aceasta rochie insa pe stilul rock pentru ca in
celelate stiluri am tot purtat-o prin cluburi, gen cu sandale cu toc accesorii
si hairstyle glamur. Tag- urile de astazi sunt volane , tinte, par cret,
bocanci si rosu nu neaparat in ordinea asta. Acum sa le luam pe rand: volanele
poti fi cum vreti voi, pot fi copilaroase, romantice, glam, boohoo sau chiar
rock cu accesoriile potrivite. Rosu este una dintre culorile cu impactul vizual
cel mai puternic fiind supranumita culoarea pasiunii. Fie ca purtam rochii de
zi sau de deara, scurte, lungi, asimetrice sau cu o crioala clasica aceasta
culoare va atrage mereu privirile oferind un aer sexi si increzator celei ce o
poarta. Tintele, bocancii si parul cret sunt elemente rock pana in maduva
oaselor, iar combinate cu piese din alte categori de stiluri putem obtine o
tinuta demna de toata lauda.
Pana la urmatoarea postare va imbratisez cu drag!