Showing posts with label Boots Denis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boots Denis. Show all posts

Monday, 1 June 2015

Rebel attitude

Hello my dears I wish you a fashionable week as possible!
Because the last time I talked about the Hangariada  Festival I will also include this outfit within Festival  Look trend. I had in mind, for a while already to do a post with this dress in a rock style as I already wore it in many others ways like club style for example, with high  heels sandals, glamour accessories and hairstyle. Today's tags are ruffles, studs, curly hair, red, boots and not necessarily in this order. Now let's take them one by one: ruffles can be whatever you want them to be, they can be childish, romantic, glam, boohoo or rock even with the matching accessories. Red is one of the colors with the strongest visual impact is also called the color of passion. Whether you chose to wear a day dress or an evening one, short, or long, asymmetrical or with a classic cut this color will always be eyes catching  giving a sexy and self-confident air. The studs, boots and curly hair are rock elements to the bone, and paired with pieces of other styles category can get an outfit worthy of all praise.
From Romania with love!

Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Pentru ca data trecuta am vorbit despre Hangariada tot in trendul de Festival Look as include si aceasta tinuta. Aveam de ceva vreme in minte sa fac o postare cu aceasta rochie insa pe stilul rock pentru ca in celelate stiluri am tot purtat-o prin cluburi, gen cu sandale cu toc accesorii si hairstyle glamur. Tag- urile de astazi sunt volane , tinte, par cret, bocanci si rosu nu neaparat in ordinea asta. Acum sa le luam pe rand: volanele poti fi cum vreti voi, pot fi copilaroase, romantice, glam, boohoo sau chiar rock cu accesoriile potrivite. Rosu este una dintre culorile cu impactul vizual cel mai puternic fiind supranumita culoarea pasiunii. Fie ca purtam rochii de zi sau de deara, scurte, lungi, asimetrice sau cu o crioala clasica aceasta culoare va atrage mereu privirile oferind un aer sexi si increzator celei ce o poarta. Tintele, bocancii si parul cret sunt elemente rock pana in maduva oaselor, iar combinate cu piese din alte categori de stiluri putem obtine o tinuta demna de toata lauda.
Pana la urmatoarea postare va imbratisez cu drag!

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Last weekend I attended the largest festival of Art and flight called Hangariada from Iasi, this being the only festival in the country of mix art and aviation. During the three days the participants were able to enjoy parachute jumps, gliding and aviation acrobatics. Also there were theater performances, concerts, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography and handmade creations. Among the artists who performed on the stage were also  one of my fav band the Subcarpati, they made my Saturday evening truly delightful.
I chose a rock outfit mixing a pair of faux leather shorts, boots, an asymmetrical black t-shirt, a bold necklace and a hat. My hairstyle was a new for me, although I often had wavy hair I never had it that curly. It was worth the effort as it lasted for three days, thus for three  long days I got tones of compliments ;)
Hug you all with love!

Weekendul trecut am luat parte la cel mai mare festival de Arta si Zbor Hangariada de la Iasi, acesta fiind de altfel singurul festival din tara care imbina arta cu aviatia. Pe parcursul celor 3 zile participantii s-au putut bucura de salturi cu parasuta, planorism si acrobatii aviatice. Deasemenea au avut loc spectacole de teatru, concerte, expozitii de picture, sculptura, fotografie si creatii handmade. Printre artistii care au performat s-a aflat si trupa Subcarpati pe care o ador si care au facut deliciul serii de sambata.
Am ales o tinuta rock formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni scurti din piele ecologica, bocanci, un tricou negru asimetric, un colier bold si o palarie. Inedita a fost coafura mea, desi de foarte multe ori am avut parul ondulat/ bucle niciodata nu l-am avut atat de cret. Si cu atat mai mult a meritat efortul cu cat a rezistat 3 zile, 3 zile in care am primit complimente cu carul ;)
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Winter's tale

This Christmas "was split" in two places, half at my parents house and the other half at the mountains side with friends. The first part was a relaxing and "plentiful" as I ate all the goodies made by my sweet mother, I did not refrain from anything so I got stuck with some extra pounds. Therefore on the top of the long list of "New year's resolution" is the gym together with waking early :).
At the mountain side the parties were long and the daily activities were many. While staying in Gura Humor though was a short stay I tried to enjoy as much as I could the beauty of the place and snow. The snow sled, the ATV, the mulled wine and radauteana sour soup were the leitmotifs of this holiday.
I wish you a good New Year, good health and as many accomplishments as possible!!!

I embrace you with love!

Craciunul asta “m-am impartit” in doua locuri, o parte la parintii mei si o parte la munte cu prietenii. Prima parte a fost una relaxanta si indestulatoare intrucat am mancat din toate bunatatile facute de dulcea mea mama, nu m-am infranat de la nimic asa incat m-am pricopsit si cu niste kilograme in plus. Deci din lunga lista de “New year's resolution” sala este cap de lista la pachet cu trezitul mai devreme.
La munte petrecerile au fost lungi iar activitatile de peste zi multe. Desi sederea in Gura Humorului a fost una scurta am incercat sa ma bucur cat mai mult de frumusetile locului si de zapada astfel sania, ATV-ul, vinul fiert si ciorba radauteana au fost laitmotivele scurtei vacante.
Va urez un an nou cat mai bun si sa aveti parte de multa sanatate si cat mai multe impliniri!!!

Va imbratisez cu drag!



Monday, 8 December 2014

First snow

The first snow just arrived and so the heat of winter holidays, marking the passing of another year. I find it increasingly difficult to take pictures for the blog because with each session I'm freezing more and more but I love what I do so feel it's worth the sacrifice. Because I'm a big fan of hats, something that I mentioned with several occasions before, today I adapted the hat into another outfit (this hat I used it in another combination that you can review it here).
The cardigan is in my opinion one of the basic items that once the cold season is customary, I always carry a spare one with me. Besides its thermic comfort also gives personality to the  outfit transforming it completely.
Now I let you guys to warm your soul with this beautiful song.
Hug you all with love!

A dat si prima zapada si uite asa am intrat in febra sarbatorilor de iarna marcand astfel trecerea unui alt an. Mi se pare tot mai dificil sa fac fotografii pentru blog intrucat inghet din ce in ce mai tare in timpul sesiunilor foto insa imi place ceea ce fac asa incat simt ca merita sacrificiul. Pentru ca sunt un mare fan al palariilor, aspect pe care l-am mai mentinat si cu alte ocazii astazi am adaptat aceasta palarie unei alte tinute (palaria am mai  folosit-o si intr-o alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici).
Cardiganul este in opinia mea una dintre piesele de baza care o data cu venirea sezonului rece devine nelipsit, mereu am cate unul de rezerva. Pe langa utilitatea sa ca si confort termic confera personalitate tinutei transformand-o complet.
Acum va las sa va mai incalziti sufletul cu aceasta melodie superba.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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