Friday, 18 March 2016

Princess at the Castle

Fusta tul
Because is time to say goodbye to this wonderful dress I thought of giving it a last tribute.
The dress is having a very long story, that long that I do not know it entirely. I purchased it a few years ago from a vintage website. In its original form it was long to the ground. I brought it to a medium length and in addition I “dressed up” the top side of it with a fabric having metal insertions. I turned it into a real “gem” was my first occasion dress .. and yet a dress.
It was with me to a numerous events (weddings, New Year parties), attracted eyes, admiration and envy of many but today I wore it for the last time and also for the first time in a street style way.

The combo of different textures will always be catchy and, luckily the trends from the past few years allow us; even encourages us to juggle with textures, shapes, volumes and colours. If years ago knitted sweaters were accepted only with jeans, today we can match them with silk pants, lace skirts, cotton dresses, within casual office attire or tulle ruffles dresses.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Intrucat mi-am propus sa-mi iau ramas bun de la aceasta minunata rochie mi-am zis totusi sa-i ofer un ultim tribut.
Rochia are o poveste foarte lunga, atat de lunga incat nici eu nu o cunosc in intregime. Am achizitionat-o ceva ani in urma de pe un site vintage. In forma ei originala era lunga pana in pamant. Am adus-o la o lungime medie si in plus i-am imbracat partea de sus cu un material avand insertii metalice. Am transformat-o intr-o adevarata bijuterie, a fost prima mea rochie de ocazie.. si inca ce rochie.
Mi-a fost alaturi la numeroase evenimente (nunti, revelioane), a atras privirile, admiratia si invidia multora insa astazi am purtat-o pentru ultima data si totodata, pentru prima data intr-un cadru de street style.

Asocierea de texturi diferite mereu va fi catchy si din fericire trendurile din ultimii ani ne permit, ba chiar ne incurajeaza sa jonglam cu texturile, formele, volumele si culorile. Daca cu ani in urma puloverele tricotate erau acceptate doar la jeansi, azi le putem asocia cu pantaloni de matase, fuste de dantela, rochite din panza topita, in cadrul tinutelor casual office sau chiar la rochii din tul cu volane.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Culture Palace

Monday, 14 March 2016

#IasiFashionBloggers - Flare and ruffles

Zambet larg

After a long weekend filled up with all sort of things I started the week enforced and having a positive state of mind. 
How did you start your week?
First let me tell you a bit about the event that marked the end of the week, the meeting with fashion bloggers from Iasi (Romania). I was pleasantly surprised that we are so many passionate by beauty and  aesthetics. I met some great girls, creative, having different styles, girls with full time jobs or students, passionate by arts and culture and who manage to divide between personal and professional life and blogging. Stay tune we will be back with more surprises!

P.S. If you want to follow them click the last photo so you can find them on Instagram!

Due to some of your requests I promise I will recreate the outfit worn yesterday at a future date, for now I have prepared this outfit whose defining elements are flared jeans and ruffles shirt. I see this outfit as a studied one focused on bold accessories and splashes of color, starting with the shade of lipstick, continuing with the bag and ending with the raw green of the environment.
Yet the idea from which I started in associating the ruffles with massive brooches was based on one of the 2016 trends, the Victorian style .. royal. Characterized by ruffles, English embroidery, high collar, wide sleeves, bowknot; creating an imposing and sumptuous look.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Dupa un weekend plin cu de toate am inceput saptamana in forta si cu o stare pozitiva. 
Voi cum va-ti inceput saptamana?
Dar, sa va povestesc  un pic despre evenimentul care a marcat sfarsitul de saptamana si anume despre intalnirea cu bloggeritele din Iasi. Am fost placut surprinsa ca suntem atat de multe pasionate de frumos si de estetica. Am cunoscut niste fete extraordinare, creative, cu stiluri diferite, fete cu joburi full time sau studente, pasionate de arta si cultura; si care reusesc sa se imparta intre viata personala, profesionala si blog. Stati aproape pentru ca va vom pregati multe surprize!

P.S. Daca vreti sa le urmariti pe fete dati click pe ultima fotografie astfel le veti putea gasi pe Instagram!

La cererea unora dintre voi promit ca voi recrea tinuta purtata ieri la o data viitoare, pentru astazi am pregatit aceasta tinuta care are ca elemente definitorii jeansi evazati si camasa cu volane. Asta in linii mari, in realitate am construit o tinuta studiata cu accent pe accesorii bold si pete de culoare, incepand cu nuanta de ruj aleasa, continuand cu genta si sfarsind cu decorul.
Totusi ideea de la care am plecat in asocierea volanelor cu brosele masive a fost unul dintre trendurile anului 2016, stilul Victorian, regal. Caracterizat de volane, broderii de inspiratie englezeasca, gulere inalte, maneci cu volum, fondite; creand astfel un stil impunator si somptuos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Stil victorian

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Posh urban


Today I thought of putting on this fluffy thing within a combination out of common area. I said out of common area as in general a white fur, fluffy, soft is most often paired up with an evening dresses or a glamorous outfit. This time I chose to associate precious with urban style, that, to potency and highlights more the white fur coat. I wanted for years such fur and I finally found it! Not in a store or on a website; actually on a Facebook group where girls are selling or trading, what they do not like from their closet.
You've probably noticed that I often use "I wanted for years", "I wanted since a long time", "looking for it for a while already" etc. That's because in general I do not really do impulse shopping or at least not so often :P. Most times I outlined in my mind exactly what I want to buy. If I go for shopping I don’t go to see what's new in stores I’ll go to look for something predetermined. For this reason some items take me months or even years to find them and also this is why I often resort to a seamstress.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"You cannot fake chic
BUT you can BE CHIC
                                                                                                                   - Karl Lagerfeld 
Azi m-am gandit sa imbrac aceasta pufosenie intr-o combinatie iesita din zona comunului. Spun asta pentru ca in general o blanita alba, pufoasa, fina este cel mai des alaturata unei rochii de seara sau unei tinute glam. De data asta am ales sa o asociez unei tinute din zona urban, asta pentru a o potenta si a o scoate in evidenta mai mult. Imi doream de ani de zile o astfel de blanita si in sfarsit am gasit-o! Nu intr-un magazine sau pe vreun site pe net ci pe un grup de facebook unde fiecare vinde sau schimba, dupa caz, ceea ce-i prisoseste prin dulap.

Probabil ati observant ca folosesc destul de des “imi doream de ani de zile”, “imi doream demult”, “caut de ceva vreme” etc. asta pentru ca in general eu nu prea fac cumparaturi din impuls sau cel putin nu atat de des :P. De cele mai multe ori am conturat exact in minte ce imi doresc sa achizitionez. Eu cand ies la cumparaturi nu merg sa vad ce a mai aparut prin magazine si ies pentru a cauta ceva anume dinainte stabilit. Din acest motiv pentru unele piese trec luni poate chiar ani pana le gasesc si tot din acest motiv am apelat deseori la o croitoreasa.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by IULIA VEICA
Ochelari de soare ochi pisica

Monday, 7 March 2016

Cocomelody - the new face of luxury

Today we’ll talk about "the big day" or rather said, my impressions as a guest/ friend of a bride. Since we are child we dreamed to be princesses, fairies, brides; The source of our imagination is due to both: education given by parents and fairy tales with princes and princesses that we were exposed to from an early age.
Once put the engagement ring on the finger us, women we get into a sort of frenzy looking for the perfect wedding dress. Although we lived under the impression that we have sketched in our minds into to the smallest detail how our bride dress will look like, the veil and eventually the hairstyle; once the engagement is becoming a fact we get overwhelmed by panic filled with enthusiasm in the same time and suddenly erases everything from our mind. The variety of models on the market and changing trends do nothing but exacerbate the confusion.
A good option in choosing the ideal bride dress is Cocomelody only here you can find dress that will represent you into the smallest detail.
Up until a few years ago the princess wedding dress type, the wide one, the one made on metal circle was a must, nowadays we relaxed so that brides are increasingly opting for diverse cuts and lengths. I personally find backless gown  and low back wedding dresses outrageous sensual and feminine apart, a backless dress is sexier than one with a low-cut neck. Below I have attached a selection of backless dresses, you can find more models by visiting the website.
Don't forget they are always having on going sale campaigns with significant price cut!
Util next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Azi vorbim despre “ziua cea mare” sau mai curand de impresiile mele in calitate de invitat/ prietena a miresei. De mici ne visam printese, zane, mirese; sursa imaginatiei noastre este atat educatia primita de la parinti cat si povestile cu zane, printi si printese la care suntem expuse inca de la varste fragede.
Odata pus inelul de logodna pe deget noi femeile intram intr-un soi de frenezie in cautarea rochiei de mireasa perfecte. Desi traiam cu impresia ca avem creionat in minte pana la cel mai mic detaliu cum va arata rochia de mireasa, voalul si eventual coafura odata puse in fata faptului implinit ne cuprinde o oarecare panica presarata cu entuziasm si parca dintr-o data ni se sterge totul din minte. Varietatea de modele de pe piata si trendurile in continua schimbare nu fac altceva decat sa ne accentueze starea de confuzie.
O buna optiune in alegerea rochiei ideale o reprezinta Cocomelody doar aici veti gasi rochia care sa va reprezinte in cel mai mic detaliu.
Daca pana acum cativa ani rochia de mireasa tip printesa, adica cea ampla, pe cerc era un must, in zilele noastre ne-am mai relaxat astfel ca miresele opteaza pentru croieli si lungimi din ce in ce mai diverse. Eu personal gasesc rochiile cu spatele gol de o senzualitate si o feminitate aparte, o rochie cu spatele gol este mai sexi decat una cu un decolteu foarte adanc. Mai jos am atasat o selectie de rochii cu spatele gol, veti gasi si mai multe modele accesand site-ul lor. 
De retinut este ca mereu au in desfasurare campanii de reduceri semnificative!
Pana data viitoare ramantei in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

 Fancy Off the shoulder

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Spring edition

Geanta rosie

Today, encouraged by the outside sunshine I dropped the winter coat choosing instead this elegant midi vest. The outfit itself is more a casual office attire, by the way for those who know me is more than obvious that the photos were taken on my lunch break. The color stamps are given by the scarf from the neck, which in reality is a drawstring from my mother civil marriage dress from 32 years ago and the red  bag for which I felt a sort of love at first sight. If you like it you can also find it here. I wanted since forever a red bag having a classic design, simple, without buckles, folds, outer pockets and other decorations also I wanted that red be red. And here it is! It's perfect!
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Azi, insufletita de soarele de afara am renuntat la palton alegand aceasta eleganta vesta midi. Tinuta in sine este mai mult una casual de birou, de altfel pentru cei care ma cunosc este mai mult decat evident ca fotografiile au fost facute in pauza de masa. Elementele de culoare sunt date de esarfa de la gat, care in realitate este un cordon de la rochia mamei de la cununia civila de acum 32 de ani si geanta rosie fata de care am simtit un soi de dragoste la prima vedere si pe care o puteti gasi aici. Imi doream demult o geanta rosie cu design classic, simpla, fara catarame, incretituri, buzunare exterioare si alte decoratiuni totodata imi doream ca rosul sa fie rosu. Si iat-o! E perfecta!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by IULIA VEICA

Esarfa florala

Monday, 25 January 2016

Fluffy sweater

Guler de blana

For a while already I wanted a fur collar ...  with my imagination and creativity I made one myself combining a short collar with two wrist sleeves, the result you can appreciate it yourself.
The boots I ordered from Select Shoes which I discovered them on Facebook and I recommend them with confidence. Since ever I was crazy about stiletto heels, but having the experience of previous years when I used to buy boots with very thin and high heels ending up wear them from time to time only; hence this year I decided to buy a pair of thick and  reasonable height heel to be able to wear them on a daily base. Best choice ever! Finally I have a pair of stylish boots that I can wear them every day no matter how much I need to walk.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Imi tot doream de ceva vreme un guler de blana ... intreprinzatoare si creativa cum ma stiu mi-am creat singura unul dintr-un guler mai scurt si doua mansete, rezultatul ramane la aprecierea voastra. 
Cizmele le-am comandat de pe Select Shoes  despre care am aflat de pe Facebook si pe care ii recomand cu toata increderea. Eu de fel sunt inebunita dupa tocurile stiletto, avand insa experienta anilor trecuti in care imi tot cumparam cizme si botine cu toc foarte inalt sfarsind prin a le purta foarte rar anul asta m-am decis sa-mi achizitionez o pereche cu toc gros si de o inaltime rezonabila pentru a le purta de zi cu zi. Si bine am facut! In sfarsit am o pereche de cizme elegante si pe care pot sa le port zilnic indiferent cat de mult am de mers pe jos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Pulover pufosManson

Friday, 15 January 2016

Silk & fur

Palarie boruri mari

I strongly believe in things done on a Friday over those done on a Monday. So this year I started working today, on a Friday. So, here's my first post in which I present a simple but well studied outfit inspired from 70's.  About my passion for hats I've been talking, every time I find a model that I like I buy it on both versions for summer and winter. Cold season is by definition flavorless, I strongly recommend investments in hats, they give an extra touch to any outfit and give the impression that you really tried though the effort is minimal. If you have the courage to try bright colors then Go for it! Another key item is the fur vest, you can never say you have enough. It can be worn over a shirt, over a sweater, over a leather jacket even over a dresses.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"If you want
 to get ahead
                                                 - Unknown 

Cred cu tarie in lucrurile facute vinerea in detrimentul celor de luni. Asa ca anul asta m-am apucat de treaba azi, vineri. Cu pasi timizi dar siguri revin cu aceasta prima postare in care va prezint o tinuta simpla si studiata in acelasi timp de inspiratie anii ‘70. Despre pasiunea mea pentru palarii am tot vorbit, de fiecare data cand imi place cate un model imi cumpar atat versiunea pentru vara cat si versiunea pentru iarna. Anotimpul rece fiind prin definitie unul anost recomand investitiile in palarii, acestea confera savoare oricarei tinute si chiar pare ca va-ti straduit desi in realitate efortul este minimal. Si daca mai aveti si curajul de a incerca culori puternice Go for it! O alta piesa de rezistenta este vesta de blana, despre care pot spune ca niciodata nu avem suficiente. Aceasta poate fi purtata peste camasa, peste pulover, peste geaca de piele chiar si peste rochii.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Palarie neagra

Monday, 4 January 2016

Best of 2015

Maria is on fashion blog

About 2015 I have been writing on my Facebook page and I'll write few words here as well although I prefer to focus more on 2016. 2015 was a full year, a year with many accomplishments and disappointments in the same time. I had traveled, I met new people, I saw beautiful places, professional it also been some changes for the better. Health is one that has played me a bit but fortunately nothing serious, it fired a warning that in the future I should no longer neglect this important aspect perhaps the most important of our life.
For the blog, 2015 had a go with ups and downs sprinkled with enough moments in which I was about to give up. No matter how individualistic I appear to be situations repeatedly confirmed to me that teamwork brings an extra value to the work plus cus I can't do everything by myself. Crossing the line to the end of year, the result was satisfactory I doubled my audience, I also had a series of collaborations and many other projects are about to come in the near future.
For 2016 I have a lot of plans both personally and professionally. I started with a "detoxification" of my wardrobe so I put on sale a lot of clothing items, I want to reinvent myself, I want to define my style better although looking at 2015 in review I love the variety. Also, I intend to take care of my body more closely both outside and inside, I intend to invest time for my personal and emotional development. Of course the list is longer for now I prefer to stop here because my superstitious side doesn't allow me to carry on revealing the full list.
What are your plans for the new year?
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

P.S. For each look you have hyperlink on each photo

Despre anul 2015 am tot scris pe pagina mea de facebook si am sa scriu un pic si aici desi prefer sa ma concentrez mai mult pe anul 2016. 2015 a fost un an plin din toate punctele de vedere, un an cu multe impliniri si deceptii deopotriva. Am avut parte de calatorii, am cunoscut oameni noi, am vazut locuri frumoase, profesional deasemenea am resimtit niste schimbari in bine. Sanatatea este cea care s-a jucat un pic cu mine insa din fericire nimic grav, a tras mai mult un semnal de alarma ca pe viitoar sa nu mai neglijez acest aspect deosebit de important poate cel mai important din viata noastra.
Pentru blog anul 2015 a avut un parcurs cu suisuri si coborasuri presarat cu destule momente in care am fost pe punctul de a renunta. Oricat de individualista as fi mi s-a demonstrate in repetate randuri ca munca in echipa aduce un plus de valoare si . Tragand linie pe final de an rezultatul a fost unul multumitor audienta mi s-a dublat, deasemenea am avut parte de o serie de colaborari si multe alte proiecte se intrevad si pe viitor.
Pentru anul 2016 am o groaza de planuri atat personal cat si profesional. Am inceput cu o “detoxifiere” a garderobei astfel ca am scos la vanzare o gramada de piese vestimentare, vreau sa ma reinventez, vreau sa-mi defines mai bine stilul desi uitanduma in retrospectiva la 2015 pot spune ca imi place mult varietatea. Deasemenea intentionez sa ma ocup mult mai atent de corpul meu atat la exterior cat si la interior, de dezvoltarea mea personala si emotionala. Lista continua cu multe alte puncte pe care din considerente mai mult sau mai putin superstitioase prefer sa nu le insir aici.
Voi ce planuri aveti pentru noul an?
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

P.S. Pentru fiecare look aveti hyperlink pe fotografie 
 Denim shirt

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