After a long weekend filled up with all sort of things I
started the week enforced and having a positive state of mind.
How did you start
your week?
First let me tell you a bit about the event that marked the
end of the week, the meeting with fashion bloggers from Iasi (Romania). I was
pleasantly surprised that we are so many passionate by beauty and aesthetics. I met some great girls, creative, having
different styles, girls with full time jobs or students, passionate by arts and
culture and who manage to divide between personal and professional life and
blogging. Stay tune we will be back with more surprises!
P.S. If you want to follow them click the last photo so you
can find them on Instagram!
Due to some of your requests I promise I will recreate the
outfit worn yesterday at a future date, for now I have prepared this outfit
whose defining elements are flared jeans and ruffles shirt. I see this outfit as
a studied one focused on bold accessories and splashes of color, starting with
the shade of lipstick, continuing with the bag and ending with the raw green of
the environment.
Yet the idea from which I started in associating the ruffles
with massive brooches was based on one of the 2016 trends, the Victorian style
.. royal. Characterized by ruffles, English embroidery, high collar, wide sleeves,
bowknot; creating an imposing and sumptuous look.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!
Dupa un weekend plin cu de toate am inceput saptamana in
forta si cu o stare pozitiva.
Voi cum va-ti inceput saptamana?
Dar, sa va povestesc un
pic despre evenimentul care a marcat sfarsitul de saptamana si anume despre
intalnirea cu bloggeritele din Iasi. Am fost placut surprinsa ca suntem atat de
multe pasionate de frumos si de estetica. Am cunoscut niste fete extraordinare,
creative, cu stiluri diferite, fete cu joburi full time sau studente, pasionate de arta si cultura; si care
reusesc sa se imparta intre viata personala, profesionala si blog. Stati
aproape pentru ca va vom pregati multe surprize!
P.S. Daca vreti sa le urmariti pe fete dati click pe ultima
fotografie astfel le veti putea gasi pe Instagram!
La cererea unora dintre voi promit ca voi recrea tinuta
purtata ieri la o data viitoare, pentru astazi am pregatit aceasta tinuta care
are ca elemente definitorii jeansi evazati si camasa cu volane. Asta in linii
mari, in realitate am construit o tinuta studiata cu accent pe accesorii bold
si pete de culoare, incepand cu nuanta de ruj aleasa, continuand cu genta si
sfarsind cu decorul.
Totusi ideea de la care am plecat in asocierea volanelor cu
brosele masive a fost unul dintre trendurile anului 2016, stilul Victorian,
regal. Caracterizat de volane, broderii de inspiratie englezeasca, gulere
inalte, maneci cu volum, fondite; creand astfel un stil impunator si somptuos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Photography by IULIA VEICA
In ultima perioada am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune pentru brosele massive si multe purtate simultan asa ca va urma o lunga perioada in care veti regasi aceste minunatii agatate la pieptul meu, la rever, la guler, la esarfa etc.
Lately I have made a true passion for bold brooches worn
simultaneously, hence you will be seeing me for at least a long period of time having
these wonders hanging on my chest, lapel, collar, scarf and so on.
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