Showing posts with label Fur collar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fur collar. Show all posts

Monday, 25 January 2016

Fluffy sweater

Guler de blana

For a while already I wanted a fur collar ...  with my imagination and creativity I made one myself combining a short collar with two wrist sleeves, the result you can appreciate it yourself.
The boots I ordered from Select Shoes which I discovered them on Facebook and I recommend them with confidence. Since ever I was crazy about stiletto heels, but having the experience of previous years when I used to buy boots with very thin and high heels ending up wear them from time to time only; hence this year I decided to buy a pair of thick and  reasonable height heel to be able to wear them on a daily base. Best choice ever! Finally I have a pair of stylish boots that I can wear them every day no matter how much I need to walk.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Imi tot doream de ceva vreme un guler de blana ... intreprinzatoare si creativa cum ma stiu mi-am creat singura unul dintr-un guler mai scurt si doua mansete, rezultatul ramane la aprecierea voastra. 
Cizmele le-am comandat de pe Select Shoes  despre care am aflat de pe Facebook si pe care ii recomand cu toata increderea. Eu de fel sunt inebunita dupa tocurile stiletto, avand insa experienta anilor trecuti in care imi tot cumparam cizme si botine cu toc foarte inalt sfarsind prin a le purta foarte rar anul asta m-am decis sa-mi achizitionez o pereche cu toc gros si de o inaltime rezonabila pentru a le purta de zi cu zi. Si bine am facut! In sfarsit am o pereche de cizme elegante si pe care pot sa le port zilnic indiferent cat de mult am de mers pe jos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Pulover pufosManson

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