Showing posts with label Boyfriend Jeans URBANIK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boyfriend Jeans URBANIK. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Posh urban


Today I thought of putting on this fluffy thing within a combination out of common area. I said out of common area as in general a white fur, fluffy, soft is most often paired up with an evening dresses or a glamorous outfit. This time I chose to associate precious with urban style, that, to potency and highlights more the white fur coat. I wanted for years such fur and I finally found it! Not in a store or on a website; actually on a Facebook group where girls are selling or trading, what they do not like from their closet.
You've probably noticed that I often use "I wanted for years", "I wanted since a long time", "looking for it for a while already" etc. That's because in general I do not really do impulse shopping or at least not so often :P. Most times I outlined in my mind exactly what I want to buy. If I go for shopping I don’t go to see what's new in stores I’ll go to look for something predetermined. For this reason some items take me months or even years to find them and also this is why I often resort to a seamstress.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"You cannot fake chic
BUT you can BE CHIC
                                                                                                                   - Karl Lagerfeld 
Azi m-am gandit sa imbrac aceasta pufosenie intr-o combinatie iesita din zona comunului. Spun asta pentru ca in general o blanita alba, pufoasa, fina este cel mai des alaturata unei rochii de seara sau unei tinute glam. De data asta am ales sa o asociez unei tinute din zona urban, asta pentru a o potenta si a o scoate in evidenta mai mult. Imi doream de ani de zile o astfel de blanita si in sfarsit am gasit-o! Nu intr-un magazine sau pe vreun site pe net ci pe un grup de facebook unde fiecare vinde sau schimba, dupa caz, ceea ce-i prisoseste prin dulap.

Probabil ati observant ca folosesc destul de des “imi doream de ani de zile”, “imi doream demult”, “caut de ceva vreme” etc. asta pentru ca in general eu nu prea fac cumparaturi din impuls sau cel putin nu atat de des :P. De cele mai multe ori am conturat exact in minte ce imi doresc sa achizitionez. Eu cand ies la cumparaturi nu merg sa vad ce a mai aparut prin magazine si ies pentru a cauta ceva anume dinainte stabilit. Din acest motiv pentru unele piese trec luni poate chiar ani pana le gasesc si tot din acest motiv am apelat deseori la o croitoreasa.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by IULIA VEICA
Ochelari de soare ochi pisica

Friday, 4 July 2014

Boyfriend jeans

I have repeatedly said how much I love the boyfriend jeans for their comfort and versatility in all sorts of combinations. This is an outfit I have been wearing yesterday and I chose to combine this pair of boyfriend jeans with an oriental print shirt (hence the idea of dangle earrings).
Did you know that jeans were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873? Since the 1950s, jeans, originally designed for cowboys and miners, have become popular among teenagers. Brands that made history include Levi, Lee and Wrangler. Over time jeans have taken various shapes: from slim, tapered, straight, flared, loose, low waist, high waist to the fadedthreadbare or even ragged.
Hug you all!

Am afirmat in repetate randuri cum ca ador boyfriend jeans atat pentru confortul si lejeritatea lor,  cat si pentru versatilitate, acestia pretandu-se in tot felul de combinatii. Asta este o tinuta pe care am purtat-o ieri si la care am ales sa combin aceasta pereche de boyfriend jeans cu o camasa cu imprimeu oriental (de unde si ideea cerceilor candelabru).
Stiati ca blugii au fost inventati de Jacob Davis si Levi Strauss in 1873? Incepand cu anii 1950, blugii, conceputi initial pentru cowboy si mineri, au devenit populari si in randul adolescentilor. Brand-urile care au facut istorie includ Levi, Lee, si Wrangler. De-a lungul timpului blugii au luat diferite forme: de la slim, conici, drepti, evazati, largi, cu talie joasa, cu talie inalta pana la cei decolorati, rosi sau chiar rupti.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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