Monday, 4 January 2016

Best of 2015

Maria is on fashion blog

About 2015 I have been writing on my Facebook page and I'll write few words here as well although I prefer to focus more on 2016. 2015 was a full year, a year with many accomplishments and disappointments in the same time. I had traveled, I met new people, I saw beautiful places, professional it also been some changes for the better. Health is one that has played me a bit but fortunately nothing serious, it fired a warning that in the future I should no longer neglect this important aspect perhaps the most important of our life.
For the blog, 2015 had a go with ups and downs sprinkled with enough moments in which I was about to give up. No matter how individualistic I appear to be situations repeatedly confirmed to me that teamwork brings an extra value to the work plus cus I can't do everything by myself. Crossing the line to the end of year, the result was satisfactory I doubled my audience, I also had a series of collaborations and many other projects are about to come in the near future.
For 2016 I have a lot of plans both personally and professionally. I started with a "detoxification" of my wardrobe so I put on sale a lot of clothing items, I want to reinvent myself, I want to define my style better although looking at 2015 in review I love the variety. Also, I intend to take care of my body more closely both outside and inside, I intend to invest time for my personal and emotional development. Of course the list is longer for now I prefer to stop here because my superstitious side doesn't allow me to carry on revealing the full list.
What are your plans for the new year?
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

P.S. For each look you have hyperlink on each photo

Despre anul 2015 am tot scris pe pagina mea de facebook si am sa scriu un pic si aici desi prefer sa ma concentrez mai mult pe anul 2016. 2015 a fost un an plin din toate punctele de vedere, un an cu multe impliniri si deceptii deopotriva. Am avut parte de calatorii, am cunoscut oameni noi, am vazut locuri frumoase, profesional deasemenea am resimtit niste schimbari in bine. Sanatatea este cea care s-a jucat un pic cu mine insa din fericire nimic grav, a tras mai mult un semnal de alarma ca pe viitoar sa nu mai neglijez acest aspect deosebit de important poate cel mai important din viata noastra.
Pentru blog anul 2015 a avut un parcurs cu suisuri si coborasuri presarat cu destule momente in care am fost pe punctul de a renunta. Oricat de individualista as fi mi s-a demonstrate in repetate randuri ca munca in echipa aduce un plus de valoare si . Tragand linie pe final de an rezultatul a fost unul multumitor audienta mi s-a dublat, deasemenea am avut parte de o serie de colaborari si multe alte proiecte se intrevad si pe viitor.
Pentru anul 2016 am o groaza de planuri atat personal cat si profesional. Am inceput cu o “detoxifiere” a garderobei astfel ca am scos la vanzare o gramada de piese vestimentare, vreau sa ma reinventez, vreau sa-mi defines mai bine stilul desi uitanduma in retrospectiva la 2015 pot spune ca imi place mult varietatea. Deasemenea intentionez sa ma ocup mult mai atent de corpul meu atat la exterior cat si la interior, de dezvoltarea mea personala si emotionala. Lista continua cu multe alte puncte pe care din considerente mai mult sau mai putin superstitioase prefer sa nu le insir aici.
Voi ce planuri aveti pentru noul an?
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

P.S. Pentru fiecare look aveti hyperlink pe fotografie 
 Denim shirt


 Wet look

 White flake

 Leather is the new black

 New beginning

 When glamour meets rock

 These boots are made for walking

 Superlative femininity  If its white so be it


 Rebel attitude Palma de Mallorca

 The drama queen

 Bohemian french

 Beige coat

 Summer festivals Summerish glam

 Fashion tribute to sunny days

 The jumpsuit Knee socks

 Color block

 Ladies in fashion Statement fashion

 National day Red gloves

 Oversize sweater

 Sex and the city Sport fresh

 Super star

 Graphic print dress Oriental touch

 Back to basic

1 comment:

  1. all of these outfits are amazing oh my god!


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