Showing posts with label Vest ATTENTIF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vest ATTENTIF. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Spring edition

Geanta rosie

Today, encouraged by the outside sunshine I dropped the winter coat choosing instead this elegant midi vest. The outfit itself is more a casual office attire, by the way for those who know me is more than obvious that the photos were taken on my lunch break. The color stamps are given by the scarf from the neck, which in reality is a drawstring from my mother civil marriage dress from 32 years ago and the red  bag for which I felt a sort of love at first sight. If you like it you can also find it here. I wanted since forever a red bag having a classic design, simple, without buckles, folds, outer pockets and other decorations also I wanted that red be red. And here it is! It's perfect!
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Azi, insufletita de soarele de afara am renuntat la palton alegand aceasta eleganta vesta midi. Tinuta in sine este mai mult una casual de birou, de altfel pentru cei care ma cunosc este mai mult decat evident ca fotografiile au fost facute in pauza de masa. Elementele de culoare sunt date de esarfa de la gat, care in realitate este un cordon de la rochia mamei de la cununia civila de acum 32 de ani si geanta rosie fata de care am simtit un soi de dragoste la prima vedere si pe care o puteti gasi aici. Imi doream demult o geanta rosie cu design classic, simpla, fara catarame, incretituri, buzunare exterioare si alte decoratiuni totodata imi doream ca rosul sa fie rosu. Si iat-o! E perfecta!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by IULIA VEICA

Esarfa florala

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