Showing posts with label Boots Musette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boots Musette. Show all posts

Monday, 14 March 2016

#IasiFashionBloggers - Flare and ruffles

Zambet larg

After a long weekend filled up with all sort of things I started the week enforced and having a positive state of mind. 
How did you start your week?
First let me tell you a bit about the event that marked the end of the week, the meeting with fashion bloggers from Iasi (Romania). I was pleasantly surprised that we are so many passionate by beauty and  aesthetics. I met some great girls, creative, having different styles, girls with full time jobs or students, passionate by arts and culture and who manage to divide between personal and professional life and blogging. Stay tune we will be back with more surprises!

P.S. If you want to follow them click the last photo so you can find them on Instagram!

Due to some of your requests I promise I will recreate the outfit worn yesterday at a future date, for now I have prepared this outfit whose defining elements are flared jeans and ruffles shirt. I see this outfit as a studied one focused on bold accessories and splashes of color, starting with the shade of lipstick, continuing with the bag and ending with the raw green of the environment.
Yet the idea from which I started in associating the ruffles with massive brooches was based on one of the 2016 trends, the Victorian style .. royal. Characterized by ruffles, English embroidery, high collar, wide sleeves, bowknot; creating an imposing and sumptuous look.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Dupa un weekend plin cu de toate am inceput saptamana in forta si cu o stare pozitiva. 
Voi cum va-ti inceput saptamana?
Dar, sa va povestesc  un pic despre evenimentul care a marcat sfarsitul de saptamana si anume despre intalnirea cu bloggeritele din Iasi. Am fost placut surprinsa ca suntem atat de multe pasionate de frumos si de estetica. Am cunoscut niste fete extraordinare, creative, cu stiluri diferite, fete cu joburi full time sau studente, pasionate de arta si cultura; si care reusesc sa se imparta intre viata personala, profesionala si blog. Stati aproape pentru ca va vom pregati multe surprize!

P.S. Daca vreti sa le urmariti pe fete dati click pe ultima fotografie astfel le veti putea gasi pe Instagram!

La cererea unora dintre voi promit ca voi recrea tinuta purtata ieri la o data viitoare, pentru astazi am pregatit aceasta tinuta care are ca elemente definitorii jeansi evazati si camasa cu volane. Asta in linii mari, in realitate am construit o tinuta studiata cu accent pe accesorii bold si pete de culoare, incepand cu nuanta de ruj aleasa, continuand cu genta si sfarsind cu decorul.
Totusi ideea de la care am plecat in asocierea volanelor cu brosele masive a fost unul dintre trendurile anului 2016, stilul Victorian, regal. Caracterizat de volane, broderii de inspiratie englezeasca, gulere inalte, maneci cu volum, fondite; creand astfel un stil impunator si somptuos.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Photography by  IULIA VEICA

Stil victorian

Friday, 15 January 2016

Silk & fur

Palarie boruri mari

I strongly believe in things done on a Friday over those done on a Monday. So this year I started working today, on a Friday. So, here's my first post in which I present a simple but well studied outfit inspired from 70's.  About my passion for hats I've been talking, every time I find a model that I like I buy it on both versions for summer and winter. Cold season is by definition flavorless, I strongly recommend investments in hats, they give an extra touch to any outfit and give the impression that you really tried though the effort is minimal. If you have the courage to try bright colors then Go for it! Another key item is the fur vest, you can never say you have enough. It can be worn over a shirt, over a sweater, over a leather jacket even over a dresses.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"If you want
 to get ahead
                                                 - Unknown 

Cred cu tarie in lucrurile facute vinerea in detrimentul celor de luni. Asa ca anul asta m-am apucat de treaba azi, vineri. Cu pasi timizi dar siguri revin cu aceasta prima postare in care va prezint o tinuta simpla si studiata in acelasi timp de inspiratie anii ‘70. Despre pasiunea mea pentru palarii am tot vorbit, de fiecare data cand imi place cate un model imi cumpar atat versiunea pentru vara cat si versiunea pentru iarna. Anotimpul rece fiind prin definitie unul anost recomand investitiile in palarii, acestea confera savoare oricarei tinute si chiar pare ca va-ti straduit desi in realitate efortul este minimal. Si daca mai aveti si curajul de a incerca culori puternice Go for it! O alta piesa de rezistenta este vesta de blana, despre care pot spune ca niciodata nu avem suficiente. Aceasta poate fi purtata peste camasa, peste pulover, peste geaca de piele chiar si peste rochii.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Palarie neagra

Monday, 23 February 2015

Asymmetric cardigan

Let's welcome the end of February! Moving with small but sure steps towards long-awaited spring. I can not wait any longer for the long days of summer pampered by the sunshine. Today is even a more special day because I reviewed a dear friend who I haven't seen him in while. I am also very excited knowing that next week I will travel to a well deserved vacation in a place with lots of sun (and love), but I will tell you more at the right moment.
Now, let's go back to the outfit chosen for today. It all started with the hat, which is a slightly atypical, it rather look more like a "clop" from Maramures area (a Romanian area) but, I just love it. I chose to keep it simple so I adapted the hat in my own interpretation of urban style. I look forward to your opinions and comments regarding the outfit. Also stay tuned for the next post whose main focus will be the lace stockings.
Hug you all with love!

Bun venit sfarsit de luna Februarie! Ne indreptam cu pasi mici dar siguri catre mult asteptata primavara. Eu una abia astept zilele lungi de vara alintate de soare. Ziua de astazi este cu atat mai speciala pentru ca am revazut un prieten drag pe care nu-l mai vazusem de ceva vreme. Totodata sunt foarte incantata deoarece saptamana viitoare voi merge intr-o bine meritata vacanta intr-un loc cu mult soare, dar mai multe va voi povesti la momentul respectiv. 
Acum sa revenim la tinuta aleasa pentru azi. Totul a pornit de la palarie, care este una usor atipica duce mai degraba cu un clop maramuresean insa mie imi place foarte tare. Am ales sa "keep it simple" asa ca am adaptat palaria intr-o interpretare a "urban style". Astept cu nerabdare parerile si comantariile voastre legate de tinuta. Deasemenea stati aproape pentru urmatoarea postare a carui focus pricipal vor fi ciorapii de dantela :). 
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 16 February 2015

Wet look

Hello my dears and I wish you a fashion week as possible!
Today I woke up in a very good mood that because I slept for 12 hours, finally, after a long and tiring weekend. Last weekend was not the most romantic weekend nor the most fun one. There were three days of intense training hours, about 9 hours per day, and long nights of study and a final exam, I felt like in college during the session exams. Therefore all my plans I had with my girls were postponed. But today I had a quiet day and full with good news.
Now let's go back to the look I chose for today. I finally tried the wet look which I very much like it for so long but I did not have the courage to wear it. So today was the day ;). I received lots of compliments and I can say for fact that is an eye-catcher look.
Until next time I hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele si o saptamana cat mai fashion va doresc!
Azi m-am trezit cu o foarte buna dispozitie asta si datorita faptului ca am dormit 12 ore, in sfarsit, dupa un lung si obositor weekend. Weekendul trecut nu a fost printre cele mai romantice weekenduri si nici cel mai distractiv. Au fost 3 zile cu ore de training, cam vreo 9 pe zi, si cu nopti lungi de studiu si cu un examen la final, m-am simtit ca in facultate in perioada de sesiune. Drept urmare toate planurile mele pe care le aveam cu fetele au fost amanate. Insa azi am avut o zi linistita si plina de vesti bune.
Acum sa revenim la look-ul aleas pentru azi. In sfarsit mi-am luat inima in dinti si am incercat the wet look care imi place foarte tare doar ca nu aveam curajul de al purta. Am primit o gramada de complimente si va spun sigur ca atrage toate privirile.

Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Thursday, 18 December 2014

The plaid shirt

As you have noticed already the plaid are back in trends and because I'm a big fan  of this fabric more and more clothing items of this type makes their way into my wardrobe. And as you already know I don't buy clothes that I wear only once today I'm starting a series of several "episodes" in which the "celebrities" will be the plaid pieces. In today's post I chose an urban approach, I associate an oversized red plaid shirt with a pair of ragged jeans, a grey hat, finger-less leather gloves and a waterproof vest so useful in winter time. I also tried an alternative approach without the vest and replacing the finger-less  gloves with a normal pair as I'd like to start showing you two ways of wearing an outfit but, without major differences between the two options.
For today’s song I chose another Romanian singer on his name Alex Velea. Enjoy!
Hug you all with love!

Dupa cum cred ca ati observat deja piesele in carouri au revenit in tendinte si cum ma numar printre fanii carourilor din ce in ce mai multe piese vestimentare de acest gen isi fac loc in garderoba mea. Si cum stiti deja ca nu cumpar haine pe care sa le port doar o data astazi incep o serie de mai multe “episoade” in care vedetele vor fi piesele in carouri. In postarea de astazi am ales o abordare urban, am asociat astfel camasa rosie oversize in carouri cu o pereche de jeans rupti, caciula gri, manusi de piele fara degete si o vesta de fas atat de utila in sezonul rece. Deasemenea am incercat o varianta de abordare fara vesta inlocuind manusile fara degete cu o pereche de manusi normale pentru ca as vrea sa incep, ca in cadrul aceleiasi tinute sa va arat doua  variante de a purta tinuta respectiva insa, fara mari diferente intre cele doua obtiuni.
Pentru postarea de astazi am ales un alt cantaret roman si anume, Alex Velea. Vizionare placuta!
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN


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